Let's figure out how to send a parcel by Russian post to a pre-trial detention center

Advantages and disadvantages of mailing

Clause 16, part 1, art. 17 of the Federal Law “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes” states that those in pre-trial detention centers have the right to receive both regular parcels and parcels.

Therefore, their loved ones who want to support the person in custody have the right to send them some things and products not only through the collection points in the pre-trial detention center, but also with the help of Russian Post. Advantages of the postal method :

  • There is no need to find out when the pre-trial detention center accepts parcels, go somewhere, or stand in line. All you have to do is go to the nearest post office and send your parcel.
  • It is often not possible to go through the entire procedure (from arrival at the pre-trial detention center to checking the contents of the transfer and accepting the permitted content) in one day.
    This means extra costs for a repeat trip or overnight stay. This problem is especially relevant when a relative or friend of a prisoner lives in one city, and the detention center is located in another. When sending a parcel, this problem will not arise: the sender does not have to appear in person at the pre-trial detention center at all - the postmen and employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service will do everything for him.
  • There is no need to take time off from work and waste a day on a trip to a pre-trial detention center. In most cases, you can go to a post office after business hours - or you can find one that is open when the sender has a day off.
  • This method is convenient for those who do not want anyone outside to know about their connection with the accused or suspect. When sending by mail, only postal workers know about the addressee and recipient - and they are usually not inclined to be interested in the identity of those they serve.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Any transfers and parcels are still subject to inspection and verification. But if, upon personal appearance, prohibited items are simply returned to the person who is trying to give them to the prisoner, then when sent by mail, they can almost always be considered irretrievably lost. The administration of the pre-trial detention center is not inclined to waste time and money on sending things back that did not pass inspection: prohibited items and products will be disposed of.
  • Delivery time is extremely long.
    The parcel will be delivered within the time limits stipulated by the Russian Post standards (despite jokes about its slowness, a parcel from, say, Belgorod to St. Petersburg is delivered in just 5 days). However, you will still need to wait until the pre-trial detention center officers pick it up (and they usually arrive on their own schedule), then wait until the contents pass inspection. All together usually means that the citizen under investigation will not receive it in his hands before a month later. Accordingly, it is strictly not recommended to send perishable products this way.
  • Parcels are not always handled carefully - therefore, it is strictly not recommended to send canned food in glass containers or food in fragile plastic containers.
  • Sending a parcel means additional postage costs.
  • The package may be lost at any stage of delivery. At the same time, there is a pattern: the more expensive the contents, the more likely it is that the recipient will not receive it: the parcel will either disappear in the depths of the postal system - or its contents will turn out to be “unusable” and disposed of.

Now there is an intermediate way to transfer things and products to a pre-trial detention center - purchasing them in a specialized online store and delivering them directly to the prisoner.

The advantage of this method is that you don’t need to worry about prohibited goods: such stores enter into agreements with the FSIN institutions, take into account the rules - and there are simply no prohibited goods there.

The only downsides will be an additional (and quite significant) markup on goods and delivery services - and a non-zero chance of running into scammers.

Prohibited and permitted food products

Food products PROHIBITED for sale in special stores and for receipt by suspects, accused and convicted persons in parcels and transfers.

In accordance with the order of the chief state sanitary doctor-chief of the TsGSEN FKUZ MSCh-78 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Industrially produced food products are allowed for transfer, in the packaging of the manufacturer (supplier) indicating the expiration date and subject to storage at temperatures above 6°C and having a certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity.


1. Products that require heat treatment (cooking or boiling), incl. packaged soups, cereals, cereals, raw meat, poultry, raw fish, semi-finished products (in accordance with paragraph 8 of Appendix No. 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2016 No. 295 “On approval of the internal regulations of correctional institutions” and Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2005 No. 189 “On approval of the internal regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system”). 2. Home canned products (in accordance with paragraph 8 of Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Justice dated December 16, 2016 No. 295 and Appendix No. 2 of Order of the Ministry of Justice dated October 14, 2005 No. 189). 3. Food products with limited shelf life (less than 72 hours) and products subject to storage at temperatures below 6°C (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.5-1.b, 3.3., 3.4. SanPiN “Hygienic requirements to the expiration dates and storage conditions of food products,” as well as on the basis of the instructions of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia dated 03/09/11 NQ 22-411 on limiting assortment lists based on the epidemiological situation, food storage conditions, climatic conditions, etc. ). 4. Pig products, incl. homemade pork lard, non-industrial production without packaging from the manufacturer and established expiration dates, delivered without sales receipts or accompanying documents (order of the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service dated 02/07/12 No. 24-r). 5. Canned meat and fish and preserves, herring, meat and fish products in vacuum packaging, requiring storage conditions at a temperature of (4 +1-2) degrees. B (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.5-1.6, 3.3., 3.4. SanPiN 2.3.2,1324-03). 6. Boiled, semi-smoked and liver sausages, cold dishes based on meat by-products (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.5-1.b, 3.3., 3.4. San11iN 7. Milk and dairy products in consumer containers with a shelf life of less than 36 hours, requiring compliance with storage conditions at a temperature of (4+1-2) degrees. C, except for powdered milk-containing product (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.5-1.b, 3.3., 3.4. SanPiN 8. All types of alcoholic products, beer, yeast (in accordance with paragraph 8 of Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Justice dated December 16, 2016 No. 295, Appendix No. 2 of Order of the Ministry of Justice dated October 14, 2005 M. 189). 9. Eggs (in accordance with paragraph 8 of Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Justice dated December 16, 2016 No. 295 and Appendix No. 2 of Order of the Ministry of Justice dated October 14, 2005 No. 189). 10. Mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based sauces related to perishable products and subject to storage at low temperatures (less than + 6 ° C) (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.5-1.b, 3.3., 3.4. SanPiN . 11. Berries, watermelons, melons, pineapples, mushrooms (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.5-1.b, 3.3., 3.4. SanPiN 12. Vegetables requiring heat treatment (in accordance with paragraph 8 of Appendix N4 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Justice dated December 16, 2016 No. 295, Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Justice dated October 14, 2005 No. 189). 13. Confectionery products with cream (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.5-1.6, 3.3., 3.4. SanPiN 14. Food products with expired expiration dates and signs of poor quality (damage to production packaging, the presence of traces of mold, signs of rot, vegetables with signs of damage, cereals, dried fruits infected with barn pests) (in accordance with clause 7.8. SP 2.3.b.1079- 01 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products in them”). 15. Food products packaged in iron or glass containers in pre-trial detention centers and PFRSI (in accordance with Appendix N9_ 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Justice dated October 14, 2005 X 189). 16. Cooked-smoked sausages from May to September (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.5-1.6, 3.3., 3.4. SanPiN, paragraph b of the note of Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Justice dated December 16, 2016 No. 295 and Appendix No. 2 Order of the Ministry of Justice dated October 14, 2005 189).

A range of food products ALLOWED for sale in special stores and for receipt by suspects, accused and convicted persons in parcels and transfers.

(developed in accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 1995 No. 103-FZ “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes”, Appendix No. 1 of the Internal Regulations of Correctional Institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated December 16 .2016 No. 295, Appendix No. 2 of the internal regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2005 No. 189) 1. Bakery products: rye and wheat bread, small-piece baked goods without fillers (in factory plastic packaging ). 2. Rusks, crackers, gingerbreads, cookies, waffles, bagels, muffins (in factory packaging). 3. Confectionery: waffle cake, chocolate candies, caramel (except with cognac, vodka, liqueur filling), chocolate, marmalade, kozinaki, sherbet, halva (factory-made in containers). 4. Black tea (leaf, granulated, bagged), coffee, cocoa, chicory, powdered milk (all listed in factory packaging without metal elements). 5. Sugar, sugar substitute, honey (all in original packaging). 6. Raw smoked and smoked sausages (factory-produced, indicating storage conditions, production date and expiration dates), cooked smoked sausages (subject to conditions for maintaining the temperature regime during storage, according to the information on the label). 7. Raw smoked and cooked-smoked meat products in vacuum packaging from the manufacturer, indicating storage conditions, production date and expiration dates. 8. Salted fish, cold smoked, fish products in oil (in vacuum plastic polyethylene factory packaging). 9. Bouillon cubes, soups, cereals, noodles, instant mashed potatoes (do not require boiling, in manufacturer's packaging), 10. Hard cheese (in factory packaging). 11. Sunflower oil (in transparent factory packaging). 12. Sterilized drinking milk as prescribed by a doctor, butter (margarine, spread) packaged in packs with a shelf life of at least 10 days at the time of delivery of the product. 13. Yoghurts with milk fat substitute as prescribed by a doctor (in plastic cups), purchased from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Promservice” of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, which are stored at temperatures up to +25 C (according to the information on the packaging), with simultaneous storage of no more than 5 pieces per person person. 14. Condensed milk (in plastic, factory packaging). 15. Fruits (clean, dry, uncut, without signs of brocade, in packaging indicating the packaging date and expiration date). 16. Dried fruits (without seeds, in transparent packaging from the manufacturer, without signs of damage to the integrity of the packaging), various peeled nuts, seeds (in factory containers). 17. Vegetables that do not require heat treatment (clean, dry, uncut, without signs of spoilage, in packaging indicating the packaging date and expiration date). 18. Canned vegetable, fruit and berry products in vacuum plastic packaging, industrial production; green peas, corn, jam, marmalade. 19. Canned meat and fish products, packaged in iron containers (except for pre-trial detention centers and PFRSI). 20. Bottled water (mineral, carbonated, fruit). 21. Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, horseradish, adjika (in plastic, factory packaging). 22. Table salt (in manufacturer's packaging). 23. Also, with the individual permission of the administration of the institution, based on the availability and capacity of refrigeration equipment located in the premises for the detention of convicts, in limited quantities it is allowed to accept other products for receipt in parcels, transfers, parcels, provided there are conditions for compliance with the temperature regime during storage required for specific type of product according to the information on the label.

Food products with signs of spoilage, expired shelf life or shelf life, the date of manufacture or expiration date of which cannot be determined, are subject to return or destruction in accordance with the established procedure. Note: *the list of products allowed for transfer to patients undergoing treatment in medical units or medical institutions must be agreed upon with the attending physician. *food products must be industrially produced. in factory packaging, indicating expiration date and storage conditions. *Products packaged in iron or glass containers are prohibited from being transferred to the Pension Fund and Pre-trial Detention Centers. *the list of food products that convicts can carry, store, receive in parcels, transfers, parcels or purchase may be limited by order of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the branch “TsGSEN No. 1” FKUZ MSCh-78 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

Range of food products ALLOWED for use in long-term visiting rooms by suspects, accused and convicted persons

For long dates, you are allowed to skip any food products except alcohol-containing products, beer, energy drinks, and kvass. Food products with signs of spoilage, expired shelf life or expiration dates, the date of manufacture and/or expiration date of which cannot be determined, are subject to return or destruction in accordance with the established procedure. Also, by order of the administration of the institution, based on the availability and capacity of refrigeration equipment located in the premises of long-term visiting rooms, the acceptance of products imported into long-term visiting rooms in limited quantities may be prohibited in the temporary absence of conditions for observing the temperature conditions during storage required for a specific type of product according to the information on the label

Transfer and acceptance rules

  • The number of parcels per month is not limited, but the rule applies: the total weight of products that are allowed to be received “from the outside” should not exceed 30 kg per month. An exception is for patients who have a doctor’s report from a pre-trial detention center, minors, and pregnant women.
  • If the parcel includes non-food items (for example, clothing or shoes permitted by regulations), the total permissible weight of the parcels per month can reach 40-50 kg. More precisely, you need to find out directly in the pre-trial detention center itself (at least by phone or from information on the official website).
  • The maximum weight of one parcel, according to Russian Post standards, is 20 kg.
  • The parcel itself should not be larger in size than 190 × 130 × 350 cm.
  • In addition to things prohibited by the rules of the pre-trial detention center, it is clearly unacceptable to send perishable, breakable and other items that could spoil the contents of other parcels at the post office or at the sorting point.

Transfer Bureau reception schedule

Dear citizens, starting from 03/01/2019, an electronic queue for the transfer of food and clothing parcels to suspects, accused and convicts will begin to operate at the Federal Penitentiary Center No. 6 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

Reception of transmissions by electronic queue is organized in window No. 2 from 09-00 to 16-00, subject to the presence of registered visitors.

Registration (registration) is made on the website https://fsin-okno.ru/

The electronic queue will work from Monday to Friday; on other days, registration does not work.


Dear citizens, please note that on holidays the operating hours of the delivery office and order desk may change, read the information in the NEWS section!

Lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45.

Issuance of parcels and parcels to accused and convicted persons - from 18:30 to 20:30.

The first Monday of the month is a sanitary day (no parcels are accepted)

When inspecting transfers, parcels and things:

- bakery products are cut into pieces; - liquid products are poured into replacement containers; - canned food is opened and transferred to another container (plastic containers); - fish is cut into pieces; - cheeses, lard, sausages and meat products are cut into pieces; - bulk products are spilled over; - packs of cigarettes and cigarettes are opened, cigarettes and cigarettes are broken (by the administration); - sweets are accepted without wrappers, cut into pieces

Recommended assortment list of food products permitted for transfer to pre-trial detention centers and correctional institutions.

1. Bakery products: rye and wheat bread, small-piece baked goods without fillers (in factory-made plastic packaging). 2. Rusks, crackers, gingerbreads, cookies, waffles, bagels, muffins (in factory packaging). 3. Confectionery: waffle cake, chocolate candies, caramel (except with cognac, vodka, liqueur filling), chocolate, marmalade, kozinaki, sherbet, halva (factory-made in containers). 4. Black tea (leaf, granulated, bagged), coffee, cocoa, chicory, powdered milk (all listed in factory packaging without metal elements). 5. Sugar, sugar substitute, honey (all in original packaging). 6. Raw smoked and smoked sausages (factory-produced, indicating storage conditions, production date and expiration dates), cooked smoked sausages (subject to conditions for maintaining the temperature regime during storage, according to the information on the label). 7. Raw smoked and cooked-smoked meat products in vacuum packaging from the manufacturer, indicating storage conditions, production date and expiration dates. 8. Salted fish, cold smoked, fish products in oil (in vacuum plastic polyethylene factory packaging). 9. Bouillon cubes, soups, cereals, noodles, instant mashed potatoes (do not require boiling, in manufacturer's packaging), 10. Hard cheese (in factory packaging). 11. Sunflower oil (in transparent factory packaging). 12. Sterilized drinking milk as prescribed by a doctor, butter (margarine, spread) packaged in packs with a shelf life of at least 10 days at the time of delivery of the product. 13. Yoghurts with milk fat substitute as prescribed by a doctor (in plastic cups), purchased from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Promservice” of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, which are stored at temperatures up to +25 C (according to the information on the packaging), with simultaneous storage of no more than 5 pieces per person person. 14. Condensed milk (in plastic, factory packaging). 15. Fruits (clean, dry, uncut, without signs of brocade, in packaging indicating the packaging date and expiration date). 16. Dried fruits (without seeds, in transparent packaging from the manufacturer, without signs of damage to the integrity of the packaging), various peeled nuts, seeds (in factory containers). 17. Vegetables that do not require heat treatment (clean, dry, uncut, without signs of spoilage, in packaging indicating the packaging date and expiration date). 18. Canned vegetable, fruit and berry products in vacuum plastic packaging, industrial production; green peas, corn, jam, marmalade. 19. Canned meat and fish products, packaged in iron containers (except for pre-trial detention centers and PFRSI). 20. Bottled water (mineral, carbonated, fruit). 21. Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, horseradish, adjika (in plastic, factory packaging). 22. Table salt (in manufacturer's packaging). 23. Also, with the individual permission of the administration of the institution, based on the availability and capacity of refrigeration equipment located in the premises for the detention of convicts, in limited quantities it is allowed to accept other products for receipt in parcels, transfers, parcels, provided there are conditions for compliance with the temperature regime during storage required for specific type of product according to the information on the label.

Food products with signs of spoilage, expired shelf life or shelf life, the date of manufacture or expiration date of which cannot be determined, are subject to return or destruction in accordance with the established procedure. Note: *the list of products allowed for transfer to patients undergoing treatment in medical units or medical institutions must be agreed upon with the attending physician. *food products must be industrially produced. in factory packaging, indicating expiration date and storage conditions. *Products packaged in iron or glass containers are prohibited from being transferred to the Pension Fund and Pre-trial Detention Centers. *the list of food products that convicts can carry, store, receive in parcels, transfers, parcels or purchase may be limited by order of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the branch “TsGSEN No. 1” FKUZ MSCh-78 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

Food products must be industrially produced, in the packaging of the manufacturer or supplier, with an expiration date indicated.

How to properly collect a parcel?

Sending a parcel to a pre-trial detention center consists of the following steps::

  1. Food and things that the prisoner needs are purchased.
  2. The contents of the parcel are packed.
  3. The parcel is delivered to a Russian Post collection point (in a regular office or a specialized one), where its acceptance is formalized, postage is paid for and a receipt with a track number is issued.

However, each stage has its own nuances that must be kept in mind.

What products can you eat?

You can transfer to the pre-trial detention center products that:

  1. They do not require heat treatment for cooking. There are no microwaves or electric stoves in the cells. The maximum that is available is a low-power household boiler or electric kettle. Therefore, for example, instant noodles are acceptable, but dumplings, raw potatoes or meat are no longer acceptable.
  2. Does not require a refrigerator. He's not in the cells either. The maximum that is available is to put perishable foods on the windowsill in winter. That is why the list of permitted products in pre-trial detention centers often differs depending on whether the parcel is sent in winter or summer.
  3. They are packaged in such a way that the packaging cannot be used as a weapon (therefore, canned food in glass jars will never pass inspection: a piece of glass in skillful hands is a good cutting blade. The same rule applies to tin: canned food in tin cans will be opened and given to the prisoner only if he has somewhere to put them).

In general, you can focus on the following list of permitted products:

  • Coffee, instant or finely ground natural. It makes no sense to hand over grain: coffee grinders are not on the list of things allowed in the cells.
  • Tea, preferably small or medium leaf. The admissibility of tea bags must be clarified in each individual pre-trial detention center. Sometimes the bags turn out to be prohibited items.
  • Bouillon cubes and powders, salt, pepper.
  • Condensed milk - but only pre-poured into a plastic container.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Instant porridges and soups.
  • Dry-cured sausage (however, it is better to clarify the admissibility of it in advance).
  • Honey in plastic packaging.
  • Candies (preferably caramel ones - they don’t spoil longer and are easier to check).
  • Salted lard. Regarding smoked food, you also need to clarify in advance: in some places it is not allowed, in others it is allowed, but only in the cold season.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Rusks, dry cookies.
  • Onions, garlic (but only well dried).

Cigarettes are acceptable, but you need to be prepared for the fact that they will be broken during inspection: the pre-trial detention center staff checks whether they actually contain tobacco and not hemp or other narcotic substances.

Therefore, here it is better to use an online purchase in a departmental online store - or transfer money to the prisoner’s personal account so that he can purchase it himself at a kiosk (see the list of current services for transferring to a pre-trial detention center via the Internet, and also find out how to place an order for delivery through the online store, here). As a last resort, it is better to unpack the packs and tie the cigarettes with string or rubber bands to make checking easier.

What things are allowed?

The regulations for the pre-trial detention center stipulate that prisoners must be provided with basic necessities. However, their quality almost always leaves much to be desired - therefore, it is better to send the prisoner, based on Appendix No. 2 to the Internal Regulations of Pre-trial Detention Facilities (approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 189 of 2005):

  1. Underwear – no more than 4 sets. Color – preferably discreet, black, gray or blue. Any items of green or khaki clothing are expressly prohibited - this is the color of the guards.
  2. 2-3 T-shirts (without patterns, pockets or emblems).
  3. Slippers - rubber or plastic, so that they can be used not only in the cell, but also in the bathhouse.
  4. Sports suit . It is believed that red suits cannot be transferred. There is no such ban officially anywhere, but it’s better not to risk it.
  5. Shorts in the summer.
  6. Pants that can be worn without a belt (belts and laces are prohibited in cells).
  7. Jacket (preferably a regular bologna jacket). If there is a strap or cord for tightening to fit the figure, it is better to remove it immediately.
  8. Boots - without laces, horseshoes and metal instep supports (they will be torn out during inspection). Sneakers are acceptable. It is recommended that the shoes be black: if they are transferred from the pre-trial detention center after the trial to a colony, they will be allowed to take them with them.
  9. Sweaters or jackets made of thick, warm fabric . It is forbidden to transfer knitted items: prisoners often unravel them into ropes.
  10. White sheets and duvet covers
  11. Towels (two or three).
  12. Dishes – plastic or aluminum.
    Please remember: only spoons (table and tea spoons) are allowed as cutlery, forks are prohibited.

Hygiene items are also acceptable for donation.:

  • soap;
  • shampoo;
  • toothpaste;
  • for women - pads or just cotton wool.

A useful thing in a pre-trial detention center would be a nylon sponge or a plastic comb . Passing metal combs, nail scissors with sharp edges, or files is prohibited. Only disposable razors are allowed. Finally, the scarce thing in pre-trial detention centers is always paper. Therefore, it is useful to send both writing and toilet items in the parcel. Writing utensils are allowed, but only with black or blue lead or ink.

What is strictly prohibited?

Regardless of the rules of a particular pre-trial detention center, the following things are absolutely prohibited:

  1. Communication means (mobile phones, tablets, smartphones, etc.).
  2. Weapons and items that can be used as them.
  3. Alcohol and alcohol-containing substances (even perfumes). Also unacceptable are means for making homemade alcohol - yeast or sugar.
  4. Drugs, potent substances and psychotropics.
  5. Images and texts of erotic or pornographic content, as well as extremist content.
  6. Optics (except glasses).
  7. Cameras, sound recording or computer equipment.
  8. Watch.

How to unpack correctly?

When sending parcels to a pre-trial detention center, all products must be freed from factory packaging and prepared for inspection. In particular, any kind of vermicelli or instant noodles should be opened, the seasoning packets taken out and poured into a common bag. Candies should also be freed from boxes and wrappers. All plastic bags should be tied, but not tightly so that they can be easily untied.

Unpacking should be done in such a way as to facilitate the inspection by the pre-trial detention center staff and not give reasons for suspicion. It should be remembered: if there is the slightest doubt about the contents, the parcel will be disposed of, and the prisoner will not receive it.

How to pack?

You can use it to pack the parcel.:

  1. Branded corrugated cardboard packaging of Russian Post (sold at any post office).
  2. Any cardboard boxes of suitable size , but not larger than the maximum established by Russian Post. The box should not have stickers or inscriptions, so if, for example, packaging for shoes, household appliances or some goods is used, it is better to carefully unfasten it, turn it inside out and fasten it again.
  3. Cardboard or fabric packaging is acceptable . You can use homemade boxes or bags, but there should not be any stickers or inscriptions on their outside. Fabric packaging must be made of homogeneous pieces of light-colored fabric, sewn with an internal seam. It is unacceptable to use foil or metallized fabric for packaging.

Things or products are placed inside the box.
They should be placed so that the contents do not rattle or move around inside the package. It is better to place the heaviest things at the bottom or closer to the center of the box, and use soft ones (toilet paper, towels, etc.) as padding for fragile ones. For postal parcels, an application is not required, but it makes sense to put in the box a piece of paper with a list of what and in what quantity (pieces or weight) was sent (read about how to correctly draw up an application for the transfer of food and belongings to a pre-trial detention center). It is also worth including several plastic bags with handles so that the pre-trial detention center staff can hand things and food to the prisoner directly into them.

Filling out documents

The box is delivered to the post office open . Taping it at home is unacceptable, since Russian Post employees have the right (and obligation) to check the contents. If a branded box is used, the address is written on it, if a homemade one, fill in the accompanying address (f. 116) and the address label (f. 7-p).

In addition, it makes sense to attach an inventory of the contents to the parcel (f. 107). In case of a dispute with the post office or the administration of the pre-trial detention center, it will confirm the quantity sent, since the second copy remains with the sender. After the parcel is sent, the citizen receives a receipt with the shipping cost indicated on it - and, most importantly, the tracking number of the parcel. Using it, using the Russian Post online service, you can track where the parcel is located.

You can send not only parcels, but also correspondence to the pre-trial detention center. Read about how to write a simple letter or an email, including through the Zonatelecom operator, so that it passes censorship on our website.

FKU Detention Center No. 6 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Moscow

Address: 109383, Moscow, st. Shosseynaya, 92

Phone(s): 8-495-354-10-62

Chief: Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Kirillova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Attention! This map is for illustrative purposes only. The Yandex service is not yet able to accurately determine the position on the map in all cases. In more or less large populated areas, as a rule, the location is determined correctly, but in rural areas and remote areas errors are possible.

Extended information

FKU SIZO-6 Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Moscow

Federal State Institution "Pretrial Detention Facility No. 6 of the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the City of Moscow"

Postal address: 109383, Moscow, st. Shosseynaya, 92

Contact phone numbers:

Duty department: 8-495-354-10-62

Fax: 8-495-354-10-62

Website: https://sizo6moskva.ru/

Head of the institution: Kirillova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Since 1987, on the site of Pre-trial Detention Center No. 6, women's medical and labor dispensary No. 4 was located. In 1993, it was closed. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to open a women's pre-trial detention center with 810 beds at its base. In the period from January 1994 to July 1996, the reconstruction of the LTP was carried out. On July 20, 2006, SIZO-6 was put into operation. The opening was attended by the Minister of Internal Affairs, General of the Army

A.S. Kulikov, Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov, Head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate, Police Lieutenant General N.V. Kulikov.

In June 1996, convicted women were transferred from SIZO-2 to SIZO-6 to carry out maintenance work for the institution.

Simultaneously with the reception of prisoners and convicts in SIZO-6, the unit was staffed with personnel.

A bakery was built and put into operation, a hangar was built for storing fruit and vegetable products, 2 common cells were converted to accommodate women with children, and a children's playground was equipped.

On a separate floor in 4-bed cells there are residential sections in which convicted women of the economic service detachment are kept. Nearby there are rest rooms and utility rooms. A special feature of the cells in security buildings is the presence of a kitchen and a toilet in each cell.

In 1999, on the territory of pre-trial detention center-6, a temple in honor of St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles, was illuminated. Liturgies are held in the church, the sacraments of communion, baptism, confession, and weddings are performed. Every year on Patronal Feast Day, August 4, a religious procession is held in the pre-trial detention center.

Since April 2000, production activities for sewing garments have been organized. We carry out orders for sewing work suits, clothing covers, summer field uniforms for personnel, life jackets for the navy, tank helmets for the Armed Forces, as well as bed linen for suspects, accused and convicted persons.

The institution has its own printing house, which fulfills orders for the production of printed products.

In the farm yard there is a greenhouse in which vegetables and herbs are grown from early spring.

Reception room opening hours

Day of the week Accepting applications Working hours
Monday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Thursday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Friday 09:00 – 15:00 09:00 – 16:00
Saturday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00

4th Friday of the month – sanitary day


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