How to write a letter to a beloved man in prison in your own words: sample

They say that you shouldn’t swear off scrip and prison. After all, our life is too unpredictable to be able to predict everything. And if today you are on the crest of a wave, tomorrow you can lose everything. It's like roulette. When the unexpected does happen, you should not immediately panic; on the contrary, it is necessary to morally support the person who is in prison. But how to write a letter to your loved one in prison? Where to begin? And what should we dedicate it to?

Words of love, sorrow and sympathy

If you really miss and sympathize with your loved one, do not keep all your emotions to yourself. According to family psychologists, paper is the best tool for conveying any images and thoughts. For example, in your appeal you can write the following: “My dear and only person! By chance, we had to part with you. It's a shame that we never got to say goodbye. I would say a lot on this day. It’s sad to realize that you are so far away and cannot hug me and press me to your chest. I miss you so much. Every morning I get up thinking about you. We can't live without each other. But I believe that the moment will come when we will meet, hug and, as before, just be silent, looking into each other’s eyes. I love you and I’m really looking forward to it!”

This is the kind of letter you can write to your loved one in prison. It would also be useful to include a photo of you together.

Is it possible to attach something?

Can . Photographs, beautiful pictures, postcards, poems, drawings - in a word, everything that does not contain elements of pornography and other things prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for example, drugs or propaganda of homosexuality.

You must remember that in any case, your relative will not be the first to open this envelope; first, the letter will fall into the hands of the censors . And if something seems suspicious to them, the letter may not reach the addressee.

The list of attached materials must be indicated at the end of the letter!

Emotional distress and longing for my husband

It happens that not just a loved one, but a legal spouse ends up in prison. In this case, his wife is simply obliged to support her other half with warm and gentle words. In writing, this can be reflected as follows: “Hello, dear! Today I woke up with the sad thought that you are not around. You will not warm me or caress me, your strong arms will not embrace me. But I remember our love and endless happiness. I look at our wedding photo. Everything was like yesterday. Not so long ago, your and my love knew no bounds. We thought only about each other and did not notice anything around. Now you are where I would not wish anyone to find themselves. How are you there? I'm very worried about you. Hold on! I mentally with you. There will still be a holiday on our street. You know that I am strong and will endure such a long separation from you. I believe we will meet soon."

You can write another letter to your beloved man (you can either take it to prison in person or send it by mail). As an example, consider a message of the following nature: “Dear and gentle (name)! I imagined our meeting so many times, but I never decided to come to you. That's why I'm writing a letter. Prison is a terrible place where, God forbid, anyone would end up. I hope you don't lose heart. You are strong and patient. I'm just sure that this ordeal was sent from above. I believe that you will withstand and overcome everything, and I will help you with this. Love and miss!"

Two shipping methods

There are two options for sending letters: sending by mail and electronically (using special resources).


A person is more familiar and, one might say, more familiar with paper and pen. Through handwriting, choice of paper and external design, a person can express his inner self , there is a lot of room for individuality. But there are also disadvantages: long delivery by mail, the risk of losing the message, difficulties in obtaining envelopes, stamps, and pens in the end. We talked about how to send a parcel by mail in this article.

Before being sent, the letter is checked by censors and registered in a pre-trial detention center. The last stage deserves special mention: both sent and received letters must be entered into a special journal. It indicates the date of its receipt, the date of dispatch and all contact information. The envelope is given unsealed.

If you choose the paper option, remember that you will definitely need to indicate:

  • Personal data of the addressee: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth - without abbreviations or errors. Nicknames are not allowed.
  • Name of institution, address.
  • Sender details (full name and postal address).

Photo of a signed envelope for sending a letter to the pre-trial detention center:

There is one exception: a prisoner can send a letter without indicating the details of the pre-trial detention center to his child who has not reached 18 years of age. This is permitted upon a written application from the prisoner, in accordance with paragraph 81 of these Rules.

From the moment the letter is received, the administration of the pre-trial detention center is responsible for its safety and ensures the secrecy of correspondence.

Only simple letters can be sent to the pre-trial detention center . Prisoners do not have the right to receive correspondence in person, so there is no point in sending registered messages. You can find out contact information about the pre-trial detention center (zip code, address) in several ways:

  • at a personal meeting with a prisoner;
  • via the Internet - all pre-trial detention centers are included in the catalog of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, just enter its name in a search engine and select the site where is in the address, you will find a page in the catalog and if there is no address there, then at least the contact phone number of the prison at who you can call;
  • by seeking help from a lawyer.

Electronic FSIN.Letter

How to send an email to a prisoner in a colony online via the Internet? “FSIN-Letter” is an electronic service that allows prisoners and convicted persons in prison to conduct secure correspondence under the control of the supervisory authorities of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation.

The service allows you not only to control the correspondence of prisoners, but also to obtain additional data that can help in operational work.

The processing of such letters occurs in an accelerated manner, as well as sending - the letter will be delivered within 2-3 days from the moment payment is received. To send a message, use the website .

Action plan:

  1. Go to the “Write” section.
  2. Select the region in which the institution is located and the name of the pre-trial detention center from the drop-down list. When correct data is entered, the windows will be highlighted in green.

  3. Enter information about the recipient of the letter (last name, first name, patronymic, date and year of birth) in the “To” block.
  4. Enter your own information as the sender (first name, last name, patronymic, contact phone number and email address) in the “From” block. Here you can save your data if you plan to send more letters in the future. Just check the “Remember my personal data” box.

  5. The “Text” block is provided for the message itself. The cost of a page (up to 2500 characters) is 55 rubles.
  6. The last step is to send the message to the recipient.

You can send a simple text message over the Internet, but you can also add a photo to it. 1 piece costs 30-40 rubles. Many pre-trial detention centers now have a photo printer . To receive an answer you will also have to pay from 55 rubles. Read about which Internet services you can use to send a transfer here.

Payment: through a special payment card (“FSIN-letter” of different denominations: from 330 to 5500 rubles) or using a cell phone. The cost of services varies in different regions. If payment is not received, the text and photo will be stored in the database for 30 days, after which they will be erased. A scanned copy of the payment receipt should be sent by email.

An e-mail, like a paper letter, should not violate the norms of Russian legislation. The decision to send or refuse to send is made by the administration of the institution.

The message is assigned a certain status:

  • “the letter was not censored”;
  • “the addressee is not registered with the institution”;
  • “the addressee has departed”;
  • “delivery delayed”;
  • “the addressee is released”;
  • “the recipient received the message.”

All these statuses are an indication that the service has been completed and payment is not refundable.

Only Russian language is allowed.

In addition, it is prohibited:

  • Send copies of literary and artistic works.
  • Periodicals (this is regulated by the Federal Law “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes” dated July 15, 1995).
  • You cannot insert emoticons or other signs into the text (even if they do not contain any subtext).

The letter delivered to the prisoner is printed along with a photograph. To respond, the prisoner just needs to write his message on paper, which he hands over to the censor, who, in turn, scans it and sends it to the specified address.

A message with a touch of humor

When writing your message, rely on the taste preferences and character traits of your loved one. So, if he loves humor, you should take advantage of this when writing a letter to your loved one in prison. It looks something like this: “Hello, sunshine! So, how are you feeling on vacation? After all, it’s long and unpaid. And here I am, basking on the sea sand, drinking cocktails and remembering you. I can’t say that I miss you very much. And I have no time: you understand - clubs, parties, the sea. Although no. Of course I miss you. I would cry from sadness, but I’m afraid to smudge my mascara. I love. Smack."

What form of writing should I choose?

If you are just going to write a letter to your loved one in prison, jot down a few lines on paper in your own words and re-read them carefully. This does not necessarily have to be a poem or a text created strictly according to the standard. Choose any shape.

Ideally: sit in a comfortable place, relax, collect your thoughts (you can even play a neutral melody) and write what your heart desires. But remember that your text must come from the heart, and only then will your lover be able to grasp the very message of the text.

“Red” and “black” zones - differences in writing letters

There is a conditional division of correctional institutions into two types - “black” and “red”.

In the former, thieves and authorities rule the roost, so letters are almost 100% likely not to be censored. You can write anything in them. The administration knows very well that there is a “back door” through which everything passes, from mobile phones to hard drugs. People in uniform cannot influence this in any way, so if your loved one is sitting in such a zone, you don’t have to think about censorship.

In the “red” zones the opposite is true. The administration rules here and censorship is rampant. Filter the text of your messages for calls to extremism, suicide, aggression or violence. They absolutely should not exist. At best, such a letter simply will not reach the addressee, and at worst, it will lead you to the dock.

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