Application to the district police officer against neighbors: application procedure, sample

My neighbors are very noisy. Like Friday, it begins like this - dancing, screaming, loud music. This whole thing is often distributed from above, and the “fun” party continues until four to five o’clock in the morning.

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Agree, hardly anyone will like this situation. Several times I tried to calm down the neighbors on my own, rang the doorbell and talked to the owners. To such requests I heard only boorish responses.

When I got tired of enduring it, I decided to contact the law enforcement agencies, and when I called the duty station with this question, they gave me the number of the local police officer. In general, the result of my actions was the need to draw up a statement against the neighbors and hand over the document to the district police officer.

On the one hand, the paper is drawn up in any form, and there is no formal form, and on the other hand, the statement to the police must contain all the necessary information so that the inspector can begin the investigation in the future. In the end, I understood one thing: if you don’t know how to write a statement to a district police officer, you should use a standard sample and accurately indicate all the necessary data. In my article I will outline all the important points regarding how such a document is drawn up and what should be in it.

Methods for submitting an application to a district police officer

You can complain about noisy neighbors to the local police during a patrol. In this case, the oral form of address is used. If citizens have broken the law for the first time, it is often enough for the local police officer to have a conversation with them.

If the violations are systematic, then an appeal must be made in writing.

The document is submitted:

  1. police officer on duty. When a citizen complains about beatings or damage to property, the statement must be registered in a special journal. After this, the document is submitted to the district police officer for permission;
  2. to the district police officer during a personal reception. You can find out the schedule when contacting a support point or on the official portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a specific region;
  3. when using a special box. It is most often located on the doors of the stronghold;
  4. sending via mail;
  5. applying through State Services.

You can complain about threats by calling the district police officer on the phone, calling him and reporting the essence of what happened. However, this option is best used when the district police officer has already started working on the application. Otherwise, if the police officer fails to act, it will not be possible to confirm the fact of the complaint.

Review and response time

Depending on where the application is submitted, the response time can vary from 3 days to 2 months. When submitted to the district inspector, he is obliged to respond within three days; the law allows the authorities to extend this period to 10 days, if investigations are necessary. The government regulations require that authorities respond to the applicant within 10 days or two weeks, excluding weekends. The prosecutor's response period is set at 30 days. When filing an application with the court, this period increases to 60 days.

The response to an appeal is always provided in writing, even if communication with law enforcement agencies occurs in person. This is dictated by the fact that the measures taken do not satisfy the citizen, and he will decide to appeal the decision.

What to complain about to the local police officer

You can contact the police in situations where there is a violation of law and order.

Most often, complaints are filed about:

  • drinking alcohol in the courtyard of a house, which is what youth or adult groups do, preventing citizens from relaxing. The district police officer is given the opportunity to draw up an administrative protocol under Article 20.20 of the Code of Administrative Offences;
  • presence of smoking neighbors. These citizens violate the provisions of Federal Law No. 15 of 2013 “On the Protection of Citizens’ Health...”;
  • the emergence of domestic conflicts caused by family relationships or alcohol abuse.

If there is a threat to life, the district police officer is authorized to call an investigative and operational group to record the fact of violation of the law. In other situations, the offense is registered by the district police officer.

In addition, the grounds for calling an investigative team include causing harm to health or theft of property. When noise cannot be considered a violation of public order, the police officer takes explanations from citizens living in the apartment and conducts a preventive conversation.

Note! In the future, the completed material can be used in court to confirm the fact of renting out residential premises to citizens of a foreign state.

If such residents disturb the quiet life of other citizens living in the house, you should contact the district police officer to solve the problem . If such persons do not have temporary registration, penalties are applied to them; in addition, it is permissible to use punishment in the form of deportation.

Other situations of filing a complaint with a local police officer

Before submitting an application to the district police officer, you need to make sure that there is a violation of the law . For example, if an apartment is for rent, then a police officer, after receiving a message about this, transmits the information to the tax authority.

When it is determined that the owner does not pay taxes, appropriate sanctions . If it is necessary to initiate a case under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation classified as grave, the district police officer is authorized to collect evidence for the case.

It is also necessary to call a local police officer to record a certain fact:

  • natural death of a citizen;
  • damage to the car in order to receive an insurance payment in the future.

Important! A collective or individual appeal cannot be submitted to a district police officer if there are disputes of a civil or land nature. The reason is that the police officer lacks the authority to resolve such issues.

Document structure

The application to the district police officer must contain:

  1. "Hat"
  • The name of the stronghold where the letter is sent, the details of the district police officer, indicating the full name are displayed here. and ranks.
  • If a complaint is written by 1 person, his details are displayed, showing his full name, address and contacts.
  • When making a collective application, the details of each victim are filled in.

Note. Consideration of anonymous complaints is carried out in exceptional circumstances, only if the conversation is about a serious criminal offense.

  1. The name of the document, which is written using .
  2. Descriptive part. This part sets out the essence of the letter, showing the place where the unlawful action was carried out and the persons who committed the offense. You can post a link to the legislative norm of the Russian Federation that served as a prerequisite for sending a complaint.
  3. Requirements for the offender, listing the measures that must be applied to the person who has violated public rules. The requirements must comply with the legislative norms of the Russian Federation.
  4. Application.

Here you can attach materials confirming the offense. As evidence, you can attach a photograph or video, audio recording, witness testimony of the offense, expert findings, etc.

The date the complaint was filled out and the signature of the applicant or several applicants.

When presenting the essence of the offense, you must not use profane expressions or insults. The style of the complaint must be businesslike, with a “dry” presentation of the facts.

Rules for filing a complaint with a district police officer

The law does not say how to write a statement to a district police officer. Due to the fact that there is no form, you only need to comply with the general requirements established for official documentation.

If there is an insult or other violation, when filing a complaint you must reflect:

  • citizen details and place of residence;
  • reflection of the essence of the situation that occurred, while not allowing a conversational style, abuse, or insults;
  • an indication of the measures that must be taken in relation to violators;
  • date of registration;
  • citizen's painting.

If personal information about the applicant is not provided, the police officer has the right not to consider the complaint. To avoid mistakes and take into account all the rules for drawing up the act, you need to use the 2022 sample.

How to write correctly

There is no single application form. It can be compiled in any form, following the following recommendations:

  • Adhere to a business style of presentation of the material.
  • Write in legible, easy-to-read handwriting or use typescript.
  • It is mandatory to provide personal information about the applicant. Anonymous appeals are not subject to consideration, with the exception of those that indicate information about the crime committed.
  • Maintain the chronological order of events: indicate the first cases of violations, their duration, frequency, attempts made to resolve the situation.
  • Avoid expressing personal emotions and value judgments, limiting yourself only to a description of accomplished facts (briefly and to the point).
  • Put your personal signature and date of drawing up the document.

Application to the district police officer

The document will contain the following information:

  • Position, full name of the district police officer.
  • Full name, address (actual), contact telephone number of the applicant.
  • The title of the document is “Application”.
  • Description of the offense: place, time of commission, persons involved (apartment number, full name). The more facts are provided, the higher the chances of a quick police response and prosecution.
  • Additional data. For example, a note stating that the tenant is not the owner of the living space.
  • Evidence of neighbors' guilt. Results of examinations, photo and video materials, testimony of witnesses.
  • The fact of attempts to peacefully resolve the situation with the offender himself, which did not bring a positive result (preferably).
  • Regulatory acts, the provisions of which are violated by the neighbor’s actions.
  • Please take action against the violator and report it to the complainant.
  • Date of compilation, personal signature.

Collective complaint

In general, the document will not differ from the previous version, except that:

  • the header of the document contains information about all initiators of the proceedings;
  • circumstances are presented in the first person plural (“we”, “us”);
  • Each applicant signs.

Nuances of filing a complaint with a district police officer

Speaking about what the right thing to do if a citizen does not know the address of the location, it should be noted that you can contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city . When a district police officer receives an application against drunks or other violators, he is responsible for registering this document. You must use a special magazine.

When neighbors have filed a complaint with the district police officer regarding the same issue, it is permissible to conduct an inspection on several complaints at once.

Thus, several methods of contacting police officers are provided. You can submit a complaint online using the State Services portal or the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How to write

The document is addressed to the local commissioner of the territorial police department, is written in a simple, free form and can be drawn up on behalf of one person or a group of applicants. In case of a collective application, it is necessary to indicate information about each applicant.

The presentation of the essence of the claims must be intelligible, business-like and contain only facts. It is necessary to indicate the place and time of the offense and the participants in the events.

When describing the essence of the problem, avoid speculation and personal assessments of the offender. Profanity is not allowed.

It is important to clarify that if explanatory measures have already been carried out with the violator previously, they did not bring a positive result. Your requirements in the final part of the document must comply with the provisions of the law and not violate the rights of other citizens.

The appeal must be accompanied by evidence of violations: audio-photo-video recordings, witness statements, examination results, etc.

What is the likelihood of the case being solved?

It all depends on the specific situation. The main thing is the availability of information and testimony. Therefore, the victim himself must try to find witnesses to the crime.

But it is important not to do rash actions that can only hinder the investigation. Therefore, the victim should coordinate his actions with the investigator.

To summarize, it is necessary to repeat that it is necessary to submit an application. Without him, there will be no investigation of the case. What to do if the police do not accept a statement? Talk to the police, pointing out that refusing to accept a statement is a violation of the law. Usually this is enough, especially since they do not directly refuse, but invent tricks according to which submitting an application is pointless and difficult. In this case, it is enough not to fall for their tricks, justifying your position with the norms of the law.

When should you contact the police?

When committing a crime, you should contact the police, reporting the known circumstances of the case. It is important to understand that crimes violate the rights not only of specific victims, but also threaten society as a whole.

There is a certain system of jurisdiction, so it is not always clear where exactly a particular application should be submitted. For example, murder cases are handled by the investigative committee, not the police, and the collection of alimony is handled by bailiffs.

But you can always submit an application to the police, and they will forward it to the necessary authorities.

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