Is it possible to file a police report online: basic rules

To file a police report, you do not need to go there in person. A huge number of various services are provided by the State Services portal. Online requests require minimal time investment. There is one more advantage: applications received online are always a priority for the relevant authorities, in this case the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, the citizen gets rid of the need to stand in queues. You can submit an application at any time of the day. When working through State Services, a citizen can submit a statement to the police and at the same time select not only the desired department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but even a specific employee.

Algorithm for submitting an application

Every citizen of the Russian Federation will find a lot of advantages on the State Services portal. The only condition is registration on the portal. The absence of registration also makes it possible to use certain services, but their list will be smaller.

The registration procedure is simple, anyone can complete it without much difficulty. To make further work simple and quick, the portal recommends adding your documents to your personal profile.

In order to file a police report, you must:

  1. Go to the official website of the State Service by entering your username and password. This can be done through any browser.
  2. Among the proposed sections, you should select “Security and Law Enforcement.” If you click on the active line labeled with this name, the “Acceptance of applications” tab opens. The document is accepted from both individuals and legal entities.
  3. Next, all you have to do is download the required application form, print it out and fill it out according to all the rules, outlining your problem. The crime must be described as accurately as possible, especially the time it was committed and the amount of money, if it appears in the statement. Without these clarifications, the document will most likely not be accepted. The application is considered valid and can only be accepted if it bears the personal signature of the applicant.
  4. The final stage is sending the application. There is no need to take it to the police yourself; you can send the document by email. But to do this, you need to scan it first; this makes it possible to send the application in digital format. An electronic digital signature also has legal force.
  5. After the citizen sends the document, a line is automatically generated at the bottom of the page. There is a note indicating at what time the application was filled out on the portal and a note indicating that it was accepted for work. There is no need to call somewhere and find out about the work on the document. The citizen will be able to track all the necessary information in his personal account. It is important to remember that applications require reliable and truthful information - this is a prerequisite.

Pros and cons of using the Internet

The main advantage of using the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for submitting applications is high speed . There is no need to look for the nearest police station, write a statement there by hand, or wait in line. The message can be conveyed quickly and conveniently without leaving your home. All you need is Internet access; you don’t even need to register on the Ministry of Internal Affairs website. Another plus is anonymity . Although we are not talking about complete anonymity, submitting an application via the Internet is much safer for the applicant than going to the police.

A problem can only arise if the applicant is poorly versed in Internet technologies and is not experienced in working with electronic resources of various departments and organizations. Although now there are fewer and fewer such people, they do exist. And not everyone knows how to work in Word in order to use it to correctly and accurately write an appeal (sometimes it takes 2-3 pages).

A separate disadvantage is the lack of necessary guarantees that an application sent online will be accepted and processed. At the police department, when submitting an application, a coupon is issued, which indicates the date of receipt and other information about the accepted document. When submitting an application via the Internet, there are no such measures, which can scare away and force you to write an application in a proven way, at the nearest police station. However, the service notifies that absolutely all messages are processed and recorded.

Difficulties when applying

In fact, there are no difficulties in filing an online police report. But there are a number of mandatory conditions, subject to which the application will have legal force:

  1. A citizen filing a police report must be registered on the portal.
  2. Verification of information and accuracy of filling out the application takes about 1-3 business days. The duration of this period depends not least on the incident indicated in the application.
  3. If there are errors in the specified document, a police officer contacts the citizen and tells him what needs to be corrected.

Rules for filing a police report

The application acceptance system itself is designed in such a way that the likelihood of making a mistake is minimized. Errors may be made in the description of an incident or crime. To prevent them, it is recommended to follow some recommendations:

  1. All information provided in the application must be truthful and reliable.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to grammatical errors; there should not be many of them.
  3. Profanity, emotions, insults - all this is unacceptable. All facts are presented in a business style, dryly and to the point.
  4. Any information must be entered in those fields that are specially created for this.
  5. Do not rush when filling out; it is better to double-check everything several times before sending.

Important! If necessary, you can attach a file or document to the application, but its size should not exceed 30 MB. The text of the application must not exceed 2000 characters.

Portal rules

When submitting a document, you need to remember the following rules of the State Services portal:

  1. Reception and consideration of applications is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 59 and Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 707.
  2. The citizen also receives a response to the application in his personal account or, if desired, he can indicate his email address and receive a response to it. But the address must be specified correctly.
  3. You should not count on a response if the letter contains profanity, insults, threats and other prohibited speech.
  4. Also, you should not wait for an answer if the issue raised in the application is beyond the competence of the internal affairs bodies. But there is an advantage here: such letters are usually not deleted, but are redirected to the appropriate authorities. Shipping takes about 7 days, the applicant is notified about this.
  5. If the author of the application has provided deliberately false information, then if this is discovered, he may be charged all costs associated with the verification and consideration.

In order to fully use all the services of the State Services portal, you need to go through the identification procedure. To do this, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. When an unregistered user first arrives at the main page of the State Services portal, he must immediately follow the “Register” link.
  2. Next, a form pops up that you need to fill out. All required fields are marked with an asterisk. In such a questionnaire, the citizen must indicate all information about himself: full name, date of birth, residential address, SNILS and TIN numbers, email, current telephone number (so that employees can contact the citizen if necessary).
  3. Next, the user comes up with a password to log in; it should be quite complex. In order to be able to quickly recover your password in case of loss, you need to select a security question from those offered and write down the answer to it. Using this data, the password will be restored if the citizen forgets it. The system also prompts you to enter a verification code - this is necessary to protect against robots.
  4. After this, the system sends an active link to the citizen’s email. The user must go to his email, find a letter from the State Services portal and follow the active link that is attached to it. Using this procedure, an account is activated on the State Services portal.
  5. Finally, all that remains is to log in, that is, log into the portal using your username and password.

How to check the status of an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by number

Not all requests to the Ministry of Internal Affairs are related to reports of crimes. Sometimes people turn to law enforcement agencies with various proposals, questions, etc. These letters and messages are necessarily registered in the manner prescribed by law, and if provided for, they are answered.

Reference! You can send an appeal not related to reporting a crime through the Ministry of Internal Affairs website in the “Online Services” section, as well as directly to territorial departments and specific departments. If an immediate response is required, you need to report a crime or an administrative offense, etc., then you need to call 102 (02 - from landlines) or contact the duty station.

All applications submitted through the Ministry of Internal Affairs website receive a special registration code by which you can find out their status.

Checking the status of an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurs in 4 steps:

  • Open the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  • In the “Online Services” menu, select the “Receiving requests” link.

  • On the page that opens, select the “Check status” button in the right menu.

  • Enter the request code you received earlier and click the “Check” button.

Typically, responses to all requests are also received electronically within 30 days. If this period increases, for example, due to the need to obtain additional data, then the citizen must be notified about this. In some cases, the response may also be sent by regular mail.

Actions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

After the application arrives as intended, authorized employees accept it, register it, check it and then accept it for work. The citizen is notified of this in a separate message. Then there may be the following results of work on citizens’ statements:

  1. Based on the fact described in the statement, a decision is made to initiate a criminal case.
  2. Based on the fact described in the application, a decision is made to refuse to initiate a case. In this scenario, the district police officer sends a notification to the citizen.
  3. The application is transferred according to jurisdiction, that is, it is redirected to the body that is authorized to deal with such matters.

Important! All applications must be reviewed within three days from the date of their submission. But in particularly complex cases, the consideration period may take up to 30 days. In such situations, the citizen is notified of the delay.

What is the review time frame?

As for the date of verification, an electronic application and a regular application are no different in terms of verification time - the police have three days to consider the application, either initiate a case or reject the applicant’s request. However, after three days the police may not be able to cope with this (especially for complex crimes such as theft or fraud). Therefore, the normal period for full consideration of an application is ten days. In exceptional cases, the application will take longer to process, but the applicant must be advised of the delay.

Refusal to accept an application

Every citizen whose application was refused to initiate a case has the right to appeal to a higher authority. This can be either the head of this body, or the prosecutor’s office and the court. In order to do this, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Carefully read the decision made and all the materials of this case that were collected during the audit.
  2. Receive a copy of the decision to refuse to initiate a case.
  3. Read the decision to refuse to initiate a case and all attached inspection materials. There must be arguments that guided the investigator and which forced him to make a decision to refuse. That is, it must contain a justification for his actions, citing the relevant articles of the law. A citizen has the right to know what the local police officer did as part of the verification of his application.
  4. If a citizen does not agree with the negative decision to initiate a case, he can file a complaint. It must be compiled competently and succinctly. It is especially important to pay attention to the argumentation of the groundlessness or prematureness of the refusal to initiate a case.

Complaints are considered by the relevant authorities and a decision is made based on the results of the consideration. This can be either recognition of the citizen’s claims as legitimate, or confirmation of the legality of the refusal to initiate a case. After a complaint, if the result does not satisfy the citizen, he can defend his rights in court.

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