Assignment of punishment and sentence for a set of crimes in Article 69 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Assignment of punishment for the totality of crimes and the totality of sentences
Addition of punishments for a set of crimes is a fairly common judicial practice operating in the territory of
Photo: Semyon Likhodeev / TASS
Instructions: dismissal of an employee for disclosing a trade secret
In practice, the following types of trade secrets are distinguished: information about the financial situation of the company; information about
The concept and essence of extreme necessity, difference from necessary defense
Extreme necessity is a socially useful action of a person who knowingly causes harm in order to prevent
What is the criminal liability for riots?
Mass riots in criminal law mean actions committed by numerous groups of people that encroach on
Zonov tattoos - meaning, symbolism and interpretation, places of application (on fingers, arms, shoulder, back), interesting sketches
Did you know that each finger has its own meaning and also belongs to a certain
procedural coercion
Coercion is... Description, types and measures of coercion
Labor law in the Russian Federation, as in other countries, is largely protected
Statistics on economic crimes
Criminal offenses in the field of economic activity
Reasons for initiating cases of economic crimes What applies to economic crimes? From the experience of lawyers
Punishment period for attempted murder, Article 30, 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Any unfinished crime constitutes an attempt. Tried to steal and was detained - attempted theft, tried
Correctional colony No. 2 in the village of Ulyanovka (Leningrad region)
“I forgot - and it turned out to be a robbery” A prisoner of a women’s colony about lesbian love, stabbed children and lawlessness
33-year-old Galina Vorobyova doesn’t know what’s going on behind the high walls of women’s colonies in Russia.
A gram of grass: how much is it? Visual assessment of the amount of marijuana
Detained with 700 grams of cannabis Call now and get a preliminary consultation: 8-912-351-26-428 Essentially
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