Criminal liability for group beating of a person
Encroachment on the life and health of a citizen is an act punishable under the Criminal Code. Group
Exceeding the limits of self-defense
Murder in excess of permissible self-defense and liability under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
In an extreme situation, when there is a direct threat to your life, it is very difficult to control yourself.
vandalism article
What is an act of vandalism and how is it different from hooliganism?
Types of vandalism This crime is classified according to objects that are desecrated or destroyed. The division is as follows:
crime committed in a state of passion
State of passion during the commission of a crime and its criminal legal significance
If you think that this does not apply to you, you are wrong! It may be
Severe school: what to do if a child is hit by a teacher
06/11/2017 Crimes against life and health 2 comments Working as a teacher requires a lot of patience, but
Sentencing for a crime committed in complicity - comments from a Federal Judge / MIP Law Group
MIP online legal encyclopedia - » Criminal cases - comments from a Federal Judge / Law Group
Criminal legal characteristics of murder and its types
Criminal legal characteristics of murder and its types Offenses in this group include all types of murders
Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements
Liability for violation of fire safety requirements June 5, 2019 Types of liability. For offenses in
Representation in criminal proceedings
The procedure for bringing charges requires changes in the law
FORMALIZATION OF THE PROCEDURE FOR BRINGING CHARGES Based on the provisions of paragraph 1, part 4, art. 47 Code of Criminal Procedure
fallen marked trees
Article 261. Destruction or damage to forest plantations
ST 261 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Destruction or damage to forest plantations and other plantings in
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