The helpless state of the victim as an aggravating circumstance
Helpless state of the victim in criminal law, concept, cases from judicial practice
A crime that was committed with aggravating circumstances will be punished more severely - often to the maximum
Walls of the Vladimir Central
Every second prisoner is a psychopath: what is happening today in the Vladimir Central
The walls of the Vladimir Central keep no less secrets than Butyrka and “Crosses”. In the cells of this
Certificate of damage to the police: drawn up according to the rules
Property Damage Report – a document that records damage caused to inventory items belonging to
Damage to common property - picture
Should I be held responsible for damage to common property?
It’s always nice to walk into a well-groomed, clean entrance of an apartment building, where the walls are not covered in writing,
Rules of conduct when taking hostages
Algorithm of behavior and actions during hostage taking
Assessing the physical and emotional state of the terrorist Depending on the situation, the degree of assessment of behavior and
Why is online privacy so important?
How to act when you are threatened on the Internet and social networks? 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
The spread of threats of physical violence on social networks is far from a rare occurrence. While away
administrative legal liability for land offenses
Kalinin rural settlement of the OMSK MUNICIPAL DISTRICT of the OMSK REGION
Kalinin rural settlement of OMSK MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF OMSK REGION Legal responsibility is a system of forced
Responsibility for illegal sand mining
Mining in the context of invalidity
All mineral resources in our country belong to the state. The use of certain subsoil on owned
Composition of the court - Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (as amended on December 27, 2019, as amended on January 30, 2020)
The composition of the court when considering materials from legal cases varies. For each trial, a
Ivan Safronov
Article 283 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Disclosure of state secrets (new edition with comments)
Why the arrest of a famous journalist caused protest among leading Russian media Today is one year since Ivan
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