prison concepts and laws book
Road in prison jargon: what it means, what it looks like and other details
“Road” in thieves’ slang means prison mail. Despite the fact that internal regulations
Article 266 of the Criminal Code in the legislation of the Russian Federation
Article 266. Poor quality repairs of vehicles and their release into service with technical defects
To ensure safe traffic on the roads of the Russian Federation, the system of Russian legislation provides for various regulatory
justified risk criteria
Justified risk in criminal law. Article 41 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
In criminal law, justified risk as an institution appeared relatively recently. In pre-revolutionary legislation he
The corpus delicti and responsibility for vandalism in Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with comments
The corpus delicti and responsibility for vandalism in Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with comments
Hooliganism and vandalism Many people consider these terms to be synonymous. Meanwhile, each of them
Negligence of doctors
Medical negligence: its consequences for the patient and the health worker
Common sense dictates that when any health problem arises, the correct solution is not
The concept and signs of murder. Types of murders. Criminal legal analysis of the corpus delicti of murder under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The concept of murder Murder is the taking of the life of another person, that is, the intentional infliction of death (Art.
sample report of assault to the police
How to correctly write a statement about beatings and submit it to the police?
Isaac Asimov once called violence “the last refuge of incompetence.” It's hard to argue with a famous author, but
Sanctions for non-payment of taxes: tax and criminal liability
When will a fine be imposed for non-payment of taxes? For the convenience of taxpayers, a separate chapter is devoted to each fee
Test purchase of drugs. Drug sales
Sale of drugs or assistance in their acquisition?
Reclassification of a case is a change from one crime to another, involving either a milder,
What is kidnapping? Composition and qualified types of this crime
Last updated - March 2021 Almost every day, law enforcement agencies register reports of missing people.
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