Call for the creation of a Commission to study the effects of cannabis and its derivatives on humans

Marijuana (Cannabis) is a type of narcotic substance that is produced from Hemp. Weed users have come up with many names: Dope, Plan, etc. It is known that Marijuana has medicinal properties, but currently the use of weed comes first due to its psychoactive effect on humans.

Researchers say that cannabis contains two active chemicals. They can be used in medicine. These are the cannabinoids CBD and THC: the first substance is valuable for doctors and patients, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to relax and sleep, fights nausea, stimulates appetite, and improves mood. Accordingly, it is used for medicinal purposes. THC is a substance with anesthetic properties and is the psychoactive component of cannabis.

Currently, marijuana is legalized in three countries. These are the USA, Canada and Uruguay. Some states have officially allowed the use of marijuana for medical purposes. And this is justified when it comes to the use of weed in medicine. Cannabis is useful for achieving medicinal effects. But weed is chosen by drug addicts who do not seek treatment.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 2021 Grass

Acquisition is any action (except for theft and extortion) as a result of which a person became the actual owner of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues (their purchase, receipt as a means of mutual settlement for work done, service rendered or in payment of a debt, in exchange for other goods and things, appropriation of what was found, collection of wild plants or their parts containing narcotic drugs (including on land plots of agricultural and other enterprises, as well as on land plots of citizens, if these plants were not sown), residues of
12.20 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 6.9. Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 20.20, Article 20.22 of this Code, or failure to comply with the legal requirement of an authorized official to undergo a medical examination to determine if a citizen is intoxicated, in respect of whom there are sufficient grounds to believe that he has consumed narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription, or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, -

What is the punishment for using weed in Russia 2021

Let's try to figure out whether the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for an article for drug use, and what punishment is provided for drug use in 2021. There are often situations when people believe that smoking marijuana or using narcotic drugs prescribed by a doctor, but in excess of the prescribed norms is not a crime.

» Administrative punishment is a penalty that applies to people who illegally purchased, stored or transported marijuana in small quantities. In accordance with Article 6.8. Code of Administrative Offences, administrative punishment for the illegal acquisition, storage, transportation of marijuana without the purpose of its sale involves the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

Punishment for possession of marijuana

The legislator defines possession of marijuana as the fact of the presence or presence of a narcotic substance containing tetrahydrocannabinol in the possession of a certain person.

The location and duration of storage do not matter. Weed is confiscated from the suspect’s property - home, vehicle interior, personal belongings, bags, pockets, clothes.

Upon discovery of a prohibited drug, a medical examination of the person detained for drug possession is ordered. The presence of tetrahydrocannabinol residues in the blood is automatically equated to the fact of marijuana use.

This event entails administrative punishment. Subsequently, an entry is made in the registration and registration log of the person brought to administrative responsibility at the drug treatment clinic at the place of residence.

If marijuana is detected in a total mass exceeding 6 grams, there is a basis for initiating a criminal case under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal storage, use and transfer of psychotropic and narcotic drugs without the purpose of sale.”

If it is established that the perpetrator is involved in the distribution of marijuana by any means, we will be talking about opening a criminal case under Article 228 part 1.

Inducing other persons to use drugs in any form is subject to criminal prosecution under Article 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Growing and cultivating hemp or cannabis are also considered crimes. There is administrative responsibility for planting a small amount of plants.

If more than 20 bushes of “grass” were found on a personal plot, the case will be considered criminally.

Liability for possession of marijuana is regulated by a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code). The penalty depends on the specific situation and the combination of aggravating and mitigating circumstances.

Voluntary surrender of narcotic drugs, a positive reference from a permanent place of work, or certificates of health problems can mitigate the punishment.

Marijuana has the only advantage - the active component in its composition, tetrahydrocannabinol, has a powerful analgesic effect.

During the criminal investigation, mitigating circumstances may also be identified. This includes having dependent young children, caring for a disabled person, and other issues.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in 2021: what has changed? New measures, tougher penalties

According to the law, criminal proceedings are terminated not only in the case of full compensation for damage, but also in the case of a fine in the amount of twice the profit from the criminal act being paid to the federal budget.

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Federal Law No. 540-FZ dated December 27, 2021, adopted by the State Duma on December 18, 2021, supplemented Articles 80 and 53.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the adopted amendments, the penalty of imprisonment can be replaced by forced labor.

What awaits the drug addict?

It all depends on the specific situation. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides not only punitive, but also “excusable” measures.

You can read about this in the note to article 6.9. It talks about the possibility of being released from administrative liability.

  • To do this, you need to go to a medical facility and undergo drug addiction treatment.
  • Another option is to agree to treatment instead of punishment.

It is important to understand that there is no compulsory hospitalization as such. Unless the drug addict commits some dangerous actions for himself/others. But even in this case, consent to addiction treatment is required.

Only in rare cases are people “planted” by force. Almost every current drug addict once decided on his own that he would take a drug. Most of these people will live no more than ten years, and every minute this period can be reduced to several months and even days. In fact, the decision not to use drugs can be called one of the most important in the life of every person.

The video below will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of introducing criminal liability for drug use:

A law has been adopted on liability for the cultivation of narcotic plants for medical purposes.

“The bill is aimed at suppressing abuses in the selection and cultivation of narcotic plants for medical purposes, in order to prevent such plants from entering into illegal circulation,” explained the Chairman of the relevant Committee on State Construction and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov

If such an act is committed for mercenary reasons or causes harm to human health or other grave consequences through negligence, the person faces imprisonment for up to three years with deprivation of the right to a profession.

Liability for marijuana

Yes they can. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, only seeds of hemp varieties approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2021 No. 460 can be publicly sold. These varieties are characterized by a low content of cannabinoids. Secondly, such seeds can be legally sold only for industrial purposes. Thirdly, every seller of hemp seeds is required to have documents confirming their varietal variety.

But this does not mean that there is no risk for using marijuana. Sanctions under the Code of Administrative Offenses cannot be avoided. But be careful - even if you purchased marijuana for personal use, you may be charged with a criminal offense for possession of narcotic substances if their amount is more than significant.

Punishment for using weed in Russia 2021

Here we also consider a case where a person is only suspected of drug intoxication, but he refuses to confirm/refute the suspicion in a medical institution. Unreasonably ordering an examination for the presence of drugs in the blood is illegal and can be regarded as a violation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation. What is the article for drug use? If a person has been recognized as a drug addict, then with his consent he can be sent for medical treatment. The second part of Article 20.20 establishes the prohibition of any narcotic drugs from public and other places.

Simple smoking can result in addiction to drugs, and, as a result, illness, participation in drug trafficking, and imprisonment. A person who is dependent on narcotic substances and psychotropic drugs may receive not only a fine, but also a real sentence in prison.

Signs of admission and its reasons

Why does a person turn to drugs? Usually the reason for this is the inability to cope with difficulties and properly organize leisure time. Plus low intelligence, general unsettled life. Teenagers often “try” drugs under the influence of a sense of herd behavior, out of a desire to keep up with their peers or older friends. There are more serious and terrible situations: dealers involve minors in the drug world in order to expand their own sales market.

The body reacts differently to taking a particular drug. In some cases the signs are extremely clear, in others they are not always recognized.

  • For example, if a person is under the influence of “spice” (other names are “legal”, “salt”, “speed”), it seems to him that he is extremely collected, doing something important, and very easily and quickly. But in fact, he suffers from hallucinations, makes absurd, unnecessary movements with his limbs and whole body.
  • Under the influence of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (this is the main narcotic component of marijuana or hashish), a person relaxes, begins to see sounds and hear colors, and supposedly expands the boundaries of the world. At the moment of “high,” he literally chokes on pseudo-philosophical thoughts.

Unprecedented travel, amazing ability to work, power over the world - under the influence of dope, a person can imagine very, very many things. However, this is only at the beginning. When addiction comes, drug use is just a chance not to fall into drug withdrawal, a terrible condition that can sometimes be extremely difficult to survive.

Read on to learn more about the social and medical consequences of drug use.

The following video will show you how to determine if your child is taking drugs:

Legalization of marijuana in Russia 2021

Due to the fact that hemp is illegal and systematically exterminated, thousands of people are forced to use extremely harmful smoking chemical mixtures instead of an environmentally friendly product, the use of which gives an effect similar to the effect that smoking hemp gives. As a result, hundreds of people are poisoned and even die. This is despite the fact that perhaps hemp is generally harmless and if people used it, and not chemical smoking mixtures, they would remain healthy and alive.

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There is a lack of understanding in society why people who consume a product less harmful than alcohol and tobacco are subject to various persecutions by the state and society. Some are sure that the so-called “alcohol lobby” is to blame; others believe that it is all due to ordinary ignorance.

Effect of Marijuana on the human body

When smoked, THC (delta-9 THC) is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream. First, the substance reaches the brain, then to other organs. The main effect occurs 5-10 minutes after inhaling the smoke.

When THC is taken orally, for example in the form of cakes, the substance enters the bloodstream from the stomach and is metabolized in the liver. Absorption of THC into the blood through the stomach: this is a long process, the expected effect occurs 90 minutes after administration. With this method of use, the drug acts for a long time, from 4 to 6 hours.

Weed has a complex effect on the human body. Physiology, psyche, behavior and the central nervous system suffer. Common symptoms include the following:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • skin redness;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • dizziness;
  • constant desire to eat;
  • fast speech;
  • state of euphoria;
  • increased charm;
  • decreased pain sensitivity;
  • hallucinations;
  • psychosis.

It cannot be said that Marijuana has the same effect on people. Some feel relaxation, drowsiness, relaxation, joy. Others suffer from excessive arousal and a feeling of anxiety.

With regular use of weed, a person gets used to the sensations that Marijuana gives him. Psychological stress is relieved, a person relaxes and relaxes. Some people experience vigor and activity - not only on a physical, but also on a mental level. Proponents of smoking weed mistakenly believe that they achieve euphoria in a harmless way. In this case, a comparison is made with alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs. Smokers sincerely believe that the above are serious harm to the body, and weed does not bring negative effects.

From a professional point of view, weed has the following effects on the human body:

  1. The chemical system that is responsible for the emotional background of a person is activated. There is both a feeling of euphoria and fear.
  2. Effects on the human hippocampus. The addict thinks for a long time, he is absent-minded and slightly inhibited. A person’s actions may seem inappropriate to others.
  3. Impact on the prefrontal cortex leads to increased visual and tactile perception. Dopamine is released under the influence of a psychostimulant, which leads to a feeling of joy.

The dangerous effect of weed on a person is that, first of all, the human psyche suffers. Under the influence of a drug, people commit inappropriate actions. They entail death, both for the drug addict himself and for strangers. For example, road accidents often occur under the influence of drugs.

Weed cannot but have a negative impact on a person. Addicts have chosen the drug for the psychoactive effect that smoking Hemp gives them. Its regular use causes psychological and physical dependence. When quitting drug use, drug addicts with serious experience develop withdrawal syndrome. If a person does not smoke weed, he experiences a complex of severe psychological symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • fear;
  • apathy;
  • depression.

Methods of using the drug depend on the type of weed. Often, drug addicts smoke a joint or take the drug orally. For example, hemp “milk”.

Is it possible to smoke hashish in Russia

The same cannot be said about such a phenomenon as drug use - the article is quite mild and involves a short arrest and a relatively small fine. Taking substances without medical prescription is an administrative violation and can be classified according to several articles:

Here we also consider a case where a person is only suspected of drug intoxication, but he refuses to confirm/refute the suspicion in a medical institution. Unreasonably ordering an examination for the presence of drugs in the blood is illegal and can be regarded as a violation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Article 231

Note : Large and especially large cultivation of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, for the purposes of this article, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The same acts committed: a) by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group; b) has become invalid; c) on an especially large scale - is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to eight years, with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years.

Deadlines for articles for possession of marijuana

Article 228, part 1. Possession of marijuana in a significant amount (i.e. over 6 grams) provides for the following types of liability:

  • a fine of up to 40 thousand rubles (in 2021) or in the amount of the offender’s income for a period of up to 3 months;
  • correctional labor for up to 2 years;
  • up to 3 years of imprisonment, including up to 480 hours of compulsory labor.

Article 228, part 2. If marijuana is detected in large quantities, the following sanctions may be applied:

  • a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles (in 2021) or the income of the convicted person for a period of up to 3 years or without it;
  • imprisonment from 3 to 10 years with restriction of freedom for up to 1 year or without it.

Article 228, part 3. Punishment for possession of marijuana on an especially large scale entails the following consequences:

  • restriction of freedom for up to 1.5 years or without it;
  • imprisonment for 10 to 15 years and a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles (in 2021) or without it.

Large and especially large sizes of marijuana are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Code of Administrative Offenses on Marijuana

The Code of Administrative Offenses reflects the specifics of administrative liability for possession of marijuana.

In the latest edition (Article 6.8 of the Administrative Code), the punishment for illegal possession of marijuana without the purpose of sale is a fine of 4 to 5 thousand rubles (in 2019).

Depending on the consequences of the crime, administrative arrest for up to 15 days may be imposed. Persons who have citizenship of another country can be punished in the same way.

The law provides for exemption from administrative liability under this article if the drugs were handed over voluntarily.

Prohibited weight

The legislator established three gradations of the volume of marijuana - significant, large and especially large. The mass of narcotic drugs is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1002.

The table shows quantitative characteristics for each item:

Drug nameSignificant sizeLarge sizeExtra large size
Marijuana6 grams100 grams1000 grams

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2021

Changes have been made to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, criminal liability arises for the illegal cultivation of plants containing not only narcotic drugs, but also psychotropic substances or their precursors. Moreover, the act must be committed on a large or especially large scale. In other cases, administrative liability is provided.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2021 N 1002 approved significant, large and especially large sizes for plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, or their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances for the purposes of Articles 228, 228.1, 229 and 229.1 of the Criminal Code Code of the Russian Federation

Drug storage and distribution

In the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, everything related to the circulation of narcotic substances, namely their storage, production and sale, is regulated by Article No. 228 of the Criminal Code of Russia. And if in other countries there is a certain minimum limit of these funds, for which there is no punishment, then in the Russian Federation there is no such limit and any amount of drugs in your pocket can lead to being put on trial (unlike in cases with tax debt, when criminal prosecution occurs not immediately).

So how much do they pay for storing and distributing drugs in Russia? According to Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishment is determined by the degree of guilt and aggravating circumstances, but the minimum prison term is 4 years of imprisonment. The maximum limit under paragraph 4 of the same article is set at 15 years in prison (if the sale of narcotic substances was carried out in large quantities by criminal groups).

In addition, the following punishment is provided for this type of crime:

  • restriction of freedom of movement for a period of up to 3 years - a measure in which the convicted person does not have the right to travel outside a certain territorial area, and is also obliged to regularly report to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • penalties in the amount of 40 to 500 thousand rubles, depending on the degree of guilt of the offender;
  • compulsory labor for the benefit of society and the state for two years.

Possession of drugs on a large scale

Under Russian law, illegal possession of narcotic drugs on a large scale is punished most severely - according to paragraph 4 of Article 288 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (you can download the code from the link above), the convicted person will face imprisonment for a period of seven to fifteen years with confiscation of all property or part of it.

The fine for setting fire to grass in Russia will increase significantly in 2021

The size of the fine for setting fire to dry grass will increase significantly in 2021, since the problem, which authorities in different cities and regions of Russia have been struggling with for many years, still remains one of the most pressing. Despite the bans, both public utilities and private individuals continue to break the law by setting fire to dried vegetation in fields and private areas. As a result, such arbitrariness often leads to large-scale fires.

In 2021, legislation will come into force that will regulate types of fires. Simply put, they will be divided into “landscape fires”, as well as “fires recorded on agricultural lands”. In this regard, the punishment for offenders will be significantly adjusted.

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Legalization of marijuana in Russia 2021

This text calls for the creation of an independent and competent commission that would comprehensively examine the impact of cannabis use on humans and would once and for all make a verdict: is cannabis so harmful that it is rightly prohibited, or is there little harm from it and it is quite possible, at least , decriminalize, or, as a maximum, legalize it like alcohol or tobacco and tax it!

An important factor here is that most countries where cannabis is legalized or partially legalized have highly developed societies, excellent medicine and high scientific potential. Accordingly, we can assume that they were not mistaken, and hemp is really not as scary as it is made out to be.

What do you get for using weed?

The article provides for several alternative punishments: a large fine, imprisonment for up to three years, or correctional labor. The offender may be released from criminal liability if he voluntarily releases the drug. If during the investigation it is established that the drug addict himself used drugs and shared them with other people, liability arises under a combination of Articles 228 and 228.1. The legal assessment of events depends on the weight of the detected drug.

2. Significant, large and especially large sizes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as significant, large and especially large sizes for plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, or their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, for the purposes of this article, Articles 228.1, 229 and 229.1 of this Code are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.3. Significant, large and especially large sizes of analogues of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances correspond to significant, large and especially large sizes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances of which they are analogues.

What is marijuana and its effect on the body

To begin with, let us briefly explain what marijuana is and how it is dangerous, if this substance is one of the top most prohibited drugs in Russia.

Marijuana is a drug that is made from the flowers, stems and leaves of hemp or cannabis.

They contain tetrahydrocannabinol, an active ingredient (from 0.5 to 4%), which causes an intoxicating effect. Marijuana is smoked and consumed with food.

The substance has a negative effect on:

  • on brain activity, the ability to think sensibly and control one’s actions;
  • on the lungs, causing sinusitis, edema, pharyngitis, cancer;
  • on the heart - blood pressure and heart rate increase;
  • on the reproductive system, leading to hormonal imbalances and other disorders.

Children who receive microdoses of marijuana in the womb or through breast milk experience developmental delays and are born with low birth weight and heart defects.

Marijuana causes mental disorders, destroys health and leads to personality degradation. The drug leads to rapid addiction and the need to constantly increase the dosage.

Punishment for using weed in Russia 2021

In addition, we also have a growing number of adults using cannabis to self-medicate for stress and fatigue at work. Such unskillful copying of Anglo-Saxon habits carries with it a serious risk of addiction. • Marijuana and a sense of risk (in a modern “sterile” society, this is a kind of way to break taboos and experience thrills).

If the prosecutor is able to prove their use for the purpose of sale, the offense becomes criminal, regardless of the volume of funds discovered. The pleasure can cost 4-5 thousand rubles or the legendary 15 days. Vasily Losich, deputy head of the department for drug trafficking and combating human trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, announced this at a press conference on June 25, writes Belta.

Article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for possession and distribution of drugs

Article No. 228 of the Criminal Code of Russia (you can download the code from the link above) will determine the degree of punishment for such types of drug-related crimes as:

  • manufacturing;
  • usage;
  • spreading;
  • shipping;
  • storage;
  • forwarding and so on.

At the same time, the period for which a criminal can be sentenced is largely determined by the amount of narcotic drugs that he stores, or the distribution of which he trades in.

Familiarize yourself with the main provisions of Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Next, let's take a closer look at what amount of drugs is considered significant, and what is considered large and extremely large:

  • “Weed” (hemp, poppy and other dried intoxicating plants): a significant amount - 6 grams, a large batch - 100 grams, an especially large batch - 100 kg or more;
  • “Crocodile” (desomorphine drug): 0.05 grams - a sufficient amount, 0.25 grams - large, 10 grams. – especially large;
  • Heroin: sufficient dose - 0.5 grams, large batch - 2.5 g, extremely large - 1 kg.
  • Details about Article 162 in the new edition

Possession of drugs Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

What is the term for drug possession provided by the legislation of our country? If we are talking about storing light intoxicating drugs (hemp and other prohibited dry raw materials) in small quantities and the offender did not plan to sell them, then he may be subject to administrative rather than criminal charges and punished with fines.

Article 6.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation will determine a fine for such persons in the amount of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles or arrest for 15 days. If a foreign citizen commits a crime, in addition to monetary punishment, he will face deportation from the Russian state.

Punishment for illegal drug possession

What is the penalty for possession of narcotic drugs determined by our legislation? Its minimum amount, as mentioned above, is 4–5 thousand rubles (Article 6.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The maximum amount of monetary penalties is already established by the Criminal Code (you can download the code from the link above), namely 500 thousand rubles or, in certain cases, one million in domestic currency.

Read more about the main provisions of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Criminal liability for drug possession

It all depends on the purpose for which the person kept intoxicating drugs:

  1. If for personal use, then he can be sent to prison for a period not exceeding three years (clause 1 of Article 228).
  2. If large quantities of drug-containing drugs are saved for the purpose of selling them, the offender can be sentenced to a term of 3 to 7 years of strict regime with confiscation of his property (clause 2 of Article 228).
  3. If there was a large turnover of intoxicating substances or a group was operating, then the criminals will face prison for a period of 7 to 10 years, all property of convicted persons will be confiscated (clause 3 of Article 228).
  4. When committing possession of narcotic products on a very large scale with the intention of selling them by a group of criminals, it entails a particularly severe punishment - a strict prison regime for a period of 7 to 15 years with confiscation of the property of the convicted person.
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