Amphetamine: signs and consequences of drug use

Amphetamine drug

Amphetamine is a stimulant type drug. Taking it, a person practically stops feeling tired. The substance is especially popular among clubbers and representatives of creative professions.

What is amphetamine?

Amphetamine is a powerful nervous system stimulant derived from phenylethylamine. It is addictive from the first use, while a person receives a dose of energy and euphoria only the first few times. Subsequently, the body begins to get used to the drug and require more and more doses.

Composition of the substance

Amphetamine is made from drugs containing ephidrine. This substance is present in the ephedra plant. In 1887, the drug was developed in Germany, and since 1932 it has been used in the treatment of mental disorders (phenamine). Hence its modern slang name - hair dryer.

The effect of amphetamine

When this substance enters the body, it causes it to intensively release norepinephrine and dopamine into the blood. The result is a lack of fatigue, unprecedented energy, and increased sexual desire. A person on amphetamine is able to dance or walk for almost a day without a break.

Such a surge of energy is replaced by a sharp loss of strength and a state of mild panic, which gradually increases. In 99 percent of cases, the person goes and administers another dose to relieve the state of fear and panic. A month or two after the start of use, the drug already takes full control of the body.


Figure: Amphetamine

Properties of the drug

Since this drug has a strong stimulating effect, the internal organs wear out quite quickly. The hormonal system also stops functioning normally.

Amphetamine is most often administered intravenously or snorted. With the first method, the veins can practically rot. Inhalation of the powder causes burns to the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

Getting used to the drug happens quite quickly. However, during the first time of use, a person can still be saved; it is enough to simply pay attention to some characteristic symptoms.

Methods of using amphetamine

Amphetamine can be consumed in all ways - snorting, smoking, injecting or swallowing. It is believed that the most powerful effect is achieved with an injection. In fact, there is practically no difference - the drug destroys the body equally in any way.

Time of action

The effect of a surge of strength lasts from 15 to 24 hours. Moreover, further withdrawal directly depends on the duration of the drug’s action - the longer it is, the harder it will be for the person.

Where is it contained?

Amphetamine is contained in some pharmaceutical preparations:

  • Vyvanse;
  • Dexedrine;
  • Adderall.

They are mainly used to treat mental disorders.


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Signs of overdose

If a person feels nauseous from amphetamine, vomits, or has loose stools, these may be signs of an overdose. An increased dose of the drug provokes headaches and dry mouth. A person’s temperature rises and active sweating begins. Rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and gastrointestinal disorders are also often observed.

The lethal dose in adults is 20 – 25 mg/kg, in children – 5 mg/kg.

It is best to entrust assistance in case of overdose to specialists of specialized medical care. Professionals will not only provide first aid, but also help convince a person to go for treatment.

Amphetamine withdrawal

A person under amphetamine feels confident, experiences a surge of strength and mental activity. Withdrawal, in the absence of hair dryer entering the body, provokes the appearance of completely opposite sensations. Physical pain is also added to psychological suffering. It is the painful withdrawal that becomes the reason why a person begins to take the next dose.

Types of amphetamine

Amphetamine is sold by drug dealers under many names. Its shape also varies.


Figure: Amphetamine Powder
White or grayish powder is primarily for smoking, snorting, or injecting.

In tablets

Fig.: Amphetamine in tablets
Tablets are taken orally; this form of release is common in clubs.

Green, blue, brown, blue

Amphetamine crystals are tinted in different colors. This is not only a visual effect - the substance can be sold as bath salts.

Fen grass

A relatively inexpensive drug in tablets, distributed in clubs and other hangouts. Mistakenly considered a trifling stimulant.

Liquid amphetamine

Figure: Liquid Amphetamine
Used for injection or crystal preparation.

Signs of amphetamine

It only takes one glance to recognize an amphetamine addict. Those who use recently will give themselves away by their behavior, and heavy drug addicts will give themselves away by their appearance.

Amphetamine pupils

Under the influence of the drug, the pupils dilate, and the gaze becomes “glassy.” Eyeballs are most often red.

Amphetamine teeth

This substance causes a huge loss of calcium, so the teeth of an amphetamine addict begin to crumble and rot. This happens quickly - 2-5 pieces can collapse in 1 day.


Ingestion of the substance nasally or through smoking causes damage to the mucous membrane, bronchi and lung tissue. Cough is the initial stage of numerous diseases of the respiratory system that occur as a result of drug use.

Changes in behavior

The action of amphetamine is a powerful stimulation of the nervous system and certain areas of the brain. Therefore, a person becomes overly active and emotional. The drug also causes mental stimulation, which is why it is popular among young people during exam periods. Libido also rises, and you can have sex for hours without reaching a logical conclusion.

A person can obsessively do something for several hours. For example, women file their nails until they bleed or chew them, men begin to take apart phones and computers. Moreover, as soon as the effect of the drug ends, the unfinished work will be immediately forgotten. Another characteristic sign is that a drug addict avoids communication with family under the pretext of constant, urgent matters. It is extremely important to pay attention to sudden changes in the behavior of a son, daughter, husband, wife, etc.

As soon as the drug stops its effect, the person becomes indifferent to everything, panic attacks and hallucinations are possible.

Photo of an amphetamine addict

Figure: Amphetamine addict

How long does amphetamine leave the body?

Amphetamine is one of those drugs that is not eliminated from the body for a long time. Another distinctive feature is the accumulation effect with long-term use.

How long does it stay in the blood?

With a single use, the drug will not be detected in the blood after a day. With regular use, traces can last up to 20 days.

How long does it stay in urine?

2 weeks after taking the drug, a urine test will show its presence. If a drug addict uses the drug systematically, traces will be detected even after a couple of months.

Basic rehabilitation program

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  • School for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”.

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The clinic “Narcologist-24” employs highly qualified specialists - narcologists, psychologists, therapists and psychotherapists. An individual approach is provided to each patient. Only a carefully developed program for getting rid of amphetamine addiction helps to get a positive result in a short time.

Consequences of amphetamine

Amphetamine quickly wears out almost all organs.

Amphetamine and the heart

The drug has an extremely bad effect on the heart muscle - the risk of heart attack and coronary disease increases. There are known cases of cardiac arrest following an overdose. The danger increases if the person already has problems in this area.

Amphetamine and the liver

The liver, as one of the filtering organs, suffers greatly. This happens especially quickly when using cheap street drugs, where the amphetamine itself is mixed with soda, washing powder or analgin.

Amphetamine and the stomach

The stomach suffers greatly when taking the drug orally. Aggressive substances quickly corrode the mucous membrane, causing ulcers of varying severity. The situation is worsened by the complete lack of normal food, since the addict has no appetite.

Amphetamine and the psyche

The psyche suffers quite greatly from constant emotional swings. The risk of developing psychiatric disorders increases significantly. At the same time, crimes and suicides are committed under the influence of drugs.

How does it affect women?

Amphetamine completely destroys the body's hormonal system, which is extremely dangerous for the weaker sex. The drug affects women much more harmfully than men. Frequent changes of sexual partners lead to the development of sexually transmitted diseases, including extremely serious ones (HIV, AIDS, syphilis).

Amphetamine withdrawal

Euphoria is replaced by a sharp loss of strength and depression. The more a person uses amphetamine, the more severe the withdrawal symptoms. Then, along with the depressive state, comes physical discomfort - nausea, vomiting, chills, diarrhea, hand tremors.

Long-term perspective of an amphetamine addict

Any health problem must be addressed. Timely consultation with a doctor guarantees the effectiveness of treatment for any form of addiction. Drug addiction is a complex disease that requires concentrated efforts of the patient, his family, friends, and doctors. Ignoring the disease and using Fen for several years inevitably leads to consequences that are most often irreversible. People who take Amphetamine for a long time experience:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • mental impairment;
  • psychoses;
  • schizophrenia: with regular use, the likelihood of acquiring the disease increases;
  • hallucinations: characterized by acute disturbances of perception; the addict hears voices and sees images that instill fear.

Most often, a person hears sounds and sees images during the period of sobriety between doses of the drug. He is haunted by delirium, a state of inadequate perception of reality expressed in verbal form. It is impossible to convince a drug addict; he clearly stands by his beliefs, which have nothing similar to the real state of affairs.

A terrible consequence of long-term drug use is a person’s disability or death. Treatment of addiction to Fen is vital: doctors at the Svoboda RC are ready to refuse full assistance in this matter.

Amphetamine addiction

Fig.: Mef
Drug addiction develops very quickly.

Stages of amphetamine addiction

At the first stage, a person only feels high spirits, a surge of strength, attraction intensifies, and the sensations of intimacy become brighter. Students pass exams with ease, working people show extraordinary performance. Withdrawal from the drug passes without any special consequences.

At the second stage, the addict begins to notice that the effect of the drug is weakening, and after the effect of the drug wears off, the condition becomes serious. This is absolute indifference to everything around, nausea and panic.

The third stage - the person practically does not experience a high from taking amphetamine. At the same time, it is no longer possible to live without it - the body requires the drug more and more often. The risk of overdose increases.


Too large a dose entails the following consequences:

  • convulsions, sudden surges in blood pressure;
  • persistent vomiting and diarrhea;
  • confusion or loss of consciousness;
  • sudden pallor of the skin;
  • rolled eyeballs;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees.

It is impossible to cope with an overdose at home; you must urgently call an ambulance. Before the team arrives, it is necessary to provide the patient with a comfortable position (turn over on his side when vomiting) and air flow.

Amphetamine withdrawal

Withdrawal can range from mild symptoms such as nausea and headaches to severe symptoms such as fever, muscle pain and hallucinations.


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Stages of amphetamine addiction

There are 3 stages of development of amphetamine addiction:

  • First

    . There is a desire to take the dose again, you lose interest in what is happening around you, insomnia develops, and weight loss occurs even without a decrease in appetite.

  • Second

    . The euphoria from taking the drug weakens, aggression, irritability, and sweating appear. Withdrawal syndrome is painful, and there are often cramps and chills.

  • Third

    . Sustained addiction to the stimulant increases, use is systematic, and the frequency of use increases. Memory problems begin and speech functions are impaired.

At the last stage, a person experiences exhaustion of the body and mental disorder.

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