Abstract on the topic: Telephone terrorism and its consequences

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Date added:21.01.2020
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Very often minors call about bomb threats. Some are interested in how quickly the intelligence services will respond to a call, some are thinking about how to avoid an unfavorable assessment, how to disrupt control, and others just want to “make a joke.” Although it is very difficult to call such actions “jokes.” Not everyone knows that such actions are qualified as a crime: “A false report about an act of terrorism is known” (Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

A person who bears criminal liability for committing a crime under Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is a person who was 14 years of age or older at the time the crime was committed.

How is it regulated by law?

Few people know that a seemingly innocent telephone prank or joke that does not carry any criminal intentions is legally regulated by Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Telephone hooliganism.”
The problem of hooligan callers has become more widespread in the past decade due to the widespread use of cellular communications.

Modern young people and teenagers who “joking” in this way are called prankers. Due to the fact that all calls received by “02” are recorded, you can identify the calling prankster in a few minutes if he is already in a special database.

Calls and messages made by such young people in accordance with Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation can be considered hooliganism in cases where their perpetrators:

  1. They grossly violate public order.
  2. They openly show disrespect for the existing established order and its members of society.
  3. They carry out such actions due to religious, class or any other hatred.
  4. They commit acts using weapons.
  5. They commit such an offense in crowded places.

From the above, we can conclude that Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation implies liability for hooliganism committed over the telephone, if one of the above actions can be proven.

What is telephone terrorism?

Telephone terrorism is a deliberately false report of an act of terrorism, a crime, or the presence of an explosive device in a public place. The term “telephone terrorism” was first used after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States, when police in many countries around the world received anonymous calls in preparation for mass crimes. Of course, at that time all the rapid reaction forces were on high alert, they were on standby, but this often turned out to be wrong. In different countries this was punished differently, in some it was not punished at all, in others it was punished on an equal basis with real crimes.

Telephone terrorism included crimes committed through calls from landlines, mobile phones and faxes. The purpose of such calls can be banal hooliganism, a desire to become famous, disruption of an important object or event, blackmail of a certain person, or simply a fake call to the intelligence services. According to our data, according to a certain scenario, telephone jokes are usually made by children aged 11 to 15 years, mostly boys.

If we look at the texts of “telephone jokes”, we will find that almost all of them have a very clear structure.

The simplest dialogue consists of three parts:

  1. A common joker question.
  2. Expected response from the victim of the prank.
  3. An unexpected remark from the “joker” that shocks the victim.

Sometimes the telephone hooligan waits for a response from his companion to his eccentric statement. If the answer to the joker’s first question is known in advance, then the reaction of the victim of the prank to the last sentence of the dialogue is unpredictable and therefore of some interest. However, in this situation, the telephone bully usually hangs up without waiting for an answer.

For him, the fact of the draw is important, and not its result. Why does a child suffer painfully from “lack of telephone connection”, why is it important for him to call random numbers and play pranks with strangers?

To answer this question, it is necessary to consider in more detail the mechanism of practical jokes.

  • Usually adults become victims of children's pranks.

The phone number that the joker calls is usually chosen at random and is usually answered by an adult. So during the draw, communication between “child” and “adult” takes place.

In this case, the child is in a winning position. He is the initiator of the dialogue, he determines the scenario according to which communication takes place, he can hang up the phone at any time and leave the adult at a loss. The adult, however, is the victim of a prank and is in a very uncomfortable situation. His answer to the first question is fixed in advance, and the last line of the joker always leads him into a dead end.

How to counteract

How to fight? Annoying unpleasant calls cause a lot of inconvenience, both moral and physical. How to get rid of telephone hooligans?

One of the easiest ways to combat telephone bullying is to ignore calls and messages.

Modern cellular devices make it easy to avoid unnecessary contact. To do this, you just need to blacklist unwanted contacts or use a special program that allows you to avoid unwanted connections.

If calls come to a landline telephone, which still remains an indispensable technology in offices and large enterprises, then a special caller ID function will help determine the caller’s number - automatic caller ID.

Knowing the bully's number, you can simply not pick up the phone.

Another way to stop calls is to confront the caller. At the same time, it is not forbidden to threaten in response to threats and maintain the same style of conversation as that of the terrorizing interlocutor.

In some cases, this method of struggle can only aggravate the situation, and in others it can stop calls once and for all. It is also recommended to notify the hooligan that his actions fall under administrative and criminal liability provided for by the Codes of the Russian Federation.

If the number is known, how to punish?

Modern landline and cell phones make it easy to identify the caller's number, so it has now become much easier to counter hooligans.

In the case where the offender calls from a mobile or long-distance number to a landline phone, you should contact the operator and clarify the incoming number.

Having found out the exact number, it is necessary to find out as much information as possible regarding the identity of the hooligan with each call, using careful leading questions - this will help to quickly identify the attacker.

It is imperative to record conversations on any recording device that captures speech.

After the necessary material has been collected, you should submit an application to the relevant law enforcement agencies, which, depending on the material provided, will decide whether to initiate a criminal case.

The statement to the police must contain a description of the hooligan's antics in full detail, his number, as well as records of telephone conversations.

In this case, it would be best if the victim identifies the attacker’s number on their own - this will help speed up the process of identifying the attacker.

If law enforcement agencies are inactive, it is recommended to write a statement to higher authorities, for example, the prosecutor's office, which will oblige the police to take appropriate measures to catch the criminal.

You can contact the courts directly if you can determine the identity of the hooligan calling. In this case, it will be possible to initiate a case of an administrative offense.

How are intruders found?

The time when it was almost impossible to find and punish a telephone terrorist is long gone.

Modern methods, specially trained people, high-quality devices make it possible to effectively “figure out” not only a child who is playing around, but also a real criminal.

On the basis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs throughout Russia, about 62 phonoscopic laboratories have been created, containing a huge amount of systematized information about criminals, voice recordings, fingerprints, which make it possible to compare the database with newly received information in a short time.

In some cases, if a telephone terrorist cannot be identified from the database, then experts are brought in for identification.

Such specialists can identify a person, even if the telephone criminal has carefully “disguised” his voice. This is because each person's voice is unique.

A team of several people carefully studies the voice for timbre, intonation, characteristic features of speech, and word patterns. Based on these characteristics, the identity of the caller is determined with 100% accuracy.

Why do children do this?

The number of telephone calls of a hooligan and clearly terrorist nature is still very high.

Approximately half of these calls come from students at educational institutions. institutions. What is this? Is this a child's prank or childish stupidity?

Why do children do this? The most common answer, “I wanted to joke,” does not reveal the real reason.

And there may be more than one:

  1. The first is sadistic tendencies in the child’s character; the suffering of others is joy. creating panic, raising the police and teachers and sitting somewhere nearby, watching and laughing at everything that was happening. Of course, this is not normal, and such a child cannot be considered mentally healthy.
  2. The second is “ self-affirmation ”. For boys, there are different, so to speak, ordinary ways of “self-affirmation,” such as peer recognition. There are times when the fragile psyche of a child, absorbing all the negativity coming from news about terrorist attacks on radio and television, offers completely absurd ways of self-affirmation.
  3. Third, sometimes a child simply does not have enough intelligence to assess the possible consequences.
  4. Fourthly, the reasons for such behavior may be purely mercantile: The child may get involved in an argument with someone (ice cream or new roller skates), which will create a real mess at school. He did it, the bet was won.


The version that mass calls about mining throughout the country is banal hooliganism was expressed by the head of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship Sergei Zhigarev (formerly deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Defense).

“Most likely this is telephone hooliganism. Not very normal people create problems for others, cause economic damage and create nervousness and a state of panic. This can be called a hacker attack, but the basis of the act is hooliganism. We must use technical capabilities to detect them more quickly,” he is confident.

What is the danger of telephone terrorism?

  • Special services are distracted from real work. This is often accompanied by high maintenance costs for special mine clearance equipment and fuel costs for special transportation.
  • The work of such an important company as an airport, railway station or power plant is disrupted, leading to significant losses.
  • Rapid panic in a public place with large crowds of people can lead to loss of life.
  • It happens that the special services do not respond to another call that is true, which leads to the so-called negative effect - “the tale of the lying shepherd.”
  • 4. What is the penalty for making a false call?

The telephone is the main channel for transmitting messages about the placement of explosives. Such telephone calls are usually anonymous, i.e. the attacker does not give his name and does not say why and for what purpose he wants to make the call.

Such actions are qualified as a criminal offense under Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - knowingly false reporting of a terrorist act. Let us recall that criminal liability for knowingly false reporting of a terrorist act exists in relation to a person who has reached the age of 14 at the time of the commission of the act. These responsibilities do not apply to students who have not yet reached the age of 14.

However, regardless of the student’s age, his parents are responsible (for the lack of their own property and income) for material damage in connection with the organization and conduct of special events to verify the threats received. False reports of a terrorist act also lead to disorganization of the educational process, as a result of which a student who has reached the age of 15 may be expelled from an educational institution for this reason, if the charter of the educational institution classifies such actions of students as gross violations.

Preventive educational work in educational institutions to prevent false calls:

  • organizing leisure time, working with parents and public associations of children to provide students with opportunities for extracurricular activities;
  • organization during the academic year of a cycle of information and educational classes in order to prevent deviant and criminal behavior, including telephone terrorism, with the participation of representatives of internal affairs bodies and the Federal Security Service
  • To familiarize parents of students with the procedural part of the legislation on criminal and other unlawful behavior, as well as with modern methods of identifying and bringing to justice a person who made a false report about an impending terrorist act (especially in educational institutions).

Discussion of the consequences of telephone terrorism as part of training events on the topic “Basic principles of life safety”:

  • Explanation of the possibility of identifying a violator of the law;
  • Forming in young people a sense of the inevitability of punishment;
  • Increasing the sense of social responsibility (the activity of checking for false calls takes a lot of time and material resources: the place of a suspected terrorist attack is visited by the police, rescue services, film magazines, firefighters, investigators, specialists from other services, whose presence in other places can be vital )

Memo for class teachers and teachers of educational institutions

It should not be forgotten that the responsibility for classifying security threats as false or real rests with security and internal affairs officials. Facts of probable and planned threats of telephone terrorism must be determined “in real time” and immediately brought to the attention of representatives of law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Young people - “telephone terrorists” - should be reminded: “Think before you joke!” After all, responsibility for such acts is strictly regulated, and a criminal past and other negative biographical “markers” and reputation will not embellish and life will be thoroughly ruined.

After reporting information of a terrorist nature, the administration of an educational institution must act in accordance with the instructions of security forces and law enforcement officials, as well as in accordance with instructions for ensuring anti-terrorism security of the educational institution.

Regardless of the student’s age, parents (due to the lack of their own property and income) are responsible for material damage associated with the organization and implementation of special measures to verify received threats (Articles 1073 and 1074 of the Civil Code).

A false report of an act of terrorism also leads to disorganization of the educational process, and if in the charter of an educational institution such actions of students are classified as gross violations, then a student who has reached the age of 15 may be subject to material damage.

The difficult terrorist situation in the country forces law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies to immediately respond to all calls received by the officer on duty, even if he hears the voice of a child on the phone and understands that the message is obviously false.

Telephone terrorism is a deliberately false message about an impending terrorist act or crime. This has a lot to do with the false call of the rapid reaction force. Typically, the term “telephone terrorism” refers to a deliberately false report of an explosive device in a public place. Danger:

  • *Providing special services from real work. * This is often associated with high costs for maintaining the functionality of special mine action equipment and fuel costs for special vehicles.
  • *Disruption of the normal operation of such an important company as an airport, railway station or power plant, which also leads to significant losses.
  • *Provoked panic in a public place with a large crowd of people can lead to loss of life.
  • *The effect of the so-called “fairy tale about the lying shepherd,” i.e. the secret services may not respond to another call that is true.

How to write an application correctly

To contact the police station, a statement is drawn up. It contains the following information:

  • name of the police department, last name, first name and patronymic of its head, information about the applicant (full name, address, telephone);
  • description of the problem: frequency of phone calls, nature of threats, obscene language, time of calls, other information that will help identify the offender;
  • please find the offender and bring him to justice;
  • date and signature are added.

You can give a statement to the police in person or through a proxy. The period for consideration of the application is thirty days. If the complaint does not yield results, you can complain to higher management.


Where to file a complaint

There are several government agencies where you can contact. If there is no information about who the troublemaker is, you should contact the police

When going to court, it is important to provide evidence:

  • make a printout of phone calls;
  • obtain extracts from telephone company databases;

The police do not really like to deal with cases of hooliganism over the phone, because, in addition to minor violations, more serious cases are pending. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare yourself and attach as much evidence as possible. If government officials are inactive, complaints should be made to the prosecutor and law enforcement agencies.

Essence of the question

First, we need to figure out what “telephone terrorism” actually is? The article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides a completely comprehensive explanation on this matter. This term refers to the actions of citizens who deliberately report false information regarding an impending act of terrorism.

According to the applicants, this could be arson, explosion or other situations that pose a certain threat to human life or serious material (property damage), or other consequences dangerous to society. As a rule, such calls come from payphones. This is very convenient and safe, since this method has two main positive aspects:

  • secrecy (calls from public telephones are extremely difficult to track);
  • material benefit (you can contact emergency services for free).

These days, there are many different types of devices used by offenders accused of “telephone terrorism.” The article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a list of them. However, in practice, criminals often use:

  • special devices for changing voices;
  • prepaid phones;
  • dummy SIM cards.

In addition, information can be sent from a computer (email), regular letter or SMS message. This makes it even more difficult to find the offender.

While there were prints...

“Classic” telephone terrorism of the 20th century was usually based on the use of a network of public pay phones, which do not require identification of callers and use anonymous means of payment - disposable calling cards or cash coins. A large number of cases of telephone terrorism from that era remained unsolved due to the then underdevelopment of communication technologies and the network of surveillance cameras. In a number of cases, criminals managed to make a consistent series of calls from payphones without being detected by surveillance cameras or caught by police patrols on duty.

The era of terrorist calls from pay phones ended in the mid-2000s. The case of false mining of the transport network of the Australian city of Brisbane, discovered without delay in November 2005, became a kind of “Rubicon”.

On November 14-15, 2005, Brisbane police received several consecutive calls from payphones in which an unknown person alleged bombing of buses and the city's central station. The calls led to a complete paralysis of public transport in the city for two days, and thousands of passengers spent several hours waiting for delayed trains and buses.

Already on the evening of November 15, the police arrested 46-year-old truck driver Rodney Watson , who was caught on the recording of one of the surveillance cameras near the pay phone he used shortly before the threatening call. Further evidence of Watson's guilt was his fingerprints on the receivers of three of the four payphones that were used to make calls.

Watson was subsequently declared insane, which allowed him to escape with a slight fright: he was sentenced to three years in prison followed by three years of supervision, but was released in November 2006.


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