Registration of minors is a legal requirement: concept, rules and grounds


The law enforcement system is structured in such a way that certain of its representatives, as part of their official duties and responsibilities, work with disadvantaged teenagers.

They are registered not at the whim of an individual, no, all actions of employees are prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 569-2000.

The disadvantaged minors who are registered are surrounded by close attention , conversations are held with them, and they are monitored more carefully.

What is CVINP?

A temporary detention center for juvenile offenders should not be confused with a temporary detention center for adult offenders. This is a closed institution, which is an educational institution. Offenders who have committed:

  1. Unlawful administrative violations.
  2. Those violations that provide for criminal liability upon reaching the age of 18 years.
  3. Escape from educational institutions, shelters, special schools.

In addition, teenagers are sent there:

  • without identifying the minor;
  • if there is no information about place of residence and parents;
  • who are awaiting a verdict in their case.

At the center, teenagers are given educational talks, sent to community service, and psychologists and narcologists conduct sessions. There are also situations in which the head of the internal affairs department carries out the referral of a teenager to the Center for Internal Affairs, after notifying the prosecutor’s office. But only on the condition that the teenager’s stay does not exceed two days.

Registration for preventive registration

All actions regarding minors who come to the attention of police officers are carried out in full accordance with Order No. 569 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2000.

At the same time, it should be understood that the efforts of special services workers and the actions and actions of parents should be directed in one direction - to bring the teenager to adulthood without serious consequences for him .

People in uniform are not required to report their every step to their parents, they simply do their job professionally , knowing it well and sometimes seeing it much deeper than mom and dad blinded by love, so there is no need to pit youngsters against juvenile affairs officers.

The final conclusion on whether to register a teenager can only be made collegiately at a meeting of the commission on juvenile affairs. Parents will be notified .

Where do they register?

Registration of youths found to have committed misdeeds is maintained by a special unit for juvenile affairs (PDN), which is a structural unit of local police commissioners (UPP).

The system works like this: an offense committed by a child (theft, drinking alcohol, fighting, etc.) is recorded by the police , all protocols must be processed within three days after their registration by the KDN, whose proposals are submitted to the head of the police department or his deputy , and only these persons issue a final summary of registration.

Further accounting is carried out using special cards.

Why is the department needed?

The main goal is the prevention of juvenile crime and supervision of minors. The following offenses are monitored:

  1. Petty theft, assisting adult criminals.
  2. Vandalism, fights, malicious hooliganism.
  3. Participation and conduct of gambling, uncoordinated political actions
  4. Violations of public order (swearing, drinking alcohol in public places, other types of behavior offensive to society).
  5. Wandering, begging.
  6. Fraud, extortion.
  7. Prostitution, participation in pornography.
  8. Insulting citizens on the Internet are clear signs of extremism.

The main criterion for selecting employees for the department is experience working with children in child welfare agencies, schools and boarding schools; specialists with higher pedagogical education are welcome.

The main task is by no means punitive - department employees conduct educational conversations, try to prevent violations of the law and adjust the teenager’s lifestyle.

Instilling morality, ethics, law-abiding behavior from childhood, assistance in finding a job and vocational training - it is necessary to influence a young person in every way and take him out of a harmful environment, give him the right life guidelines.


Thus, employees of the units for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (PPPD) of the city regional internal affairs agencies register certain categories of minors:

  • those who have already committed offenses, but the punishment for them is administrative;
  • systematically using alcohol and drugs;
  • received a suspended sentence;
  • those who are under investigation, but the preventive measure is subscription;
  • constantly running away from institutions such as boarding schools, orphanages;
  • released after serving their sentence;
  • those who have already broken the law, but are not of age to apply adequate punishment;
  • under investigation;
  • amnestied, etc.

PDN assistants

Of course, the effective work of the PDN is impossible without close relationships with schools, preschool institutions and various public structures. Concerned citizens, especially those of retirement age, provide great assistance to the PDN authorities. They willy-nilly witness the lives of dysfunctional families and can provide informational assistance.

Before reaching adulthood, difficult teenagers receive assistance from the PDN in every possible way. If necessary, they can be sent to orphanages and other government institutions, and they can also assist in finding a job if the child has stopped studying.

Rules and grounds

there must be good reasons
for issuing a registration card , if the child’s offense is isolated, one-time, and, moreover, not particularly significant, and the provided certificates characterize the student positively, the family is normal, then the scales when assessing the severity of the situation and registration may tip in favor of the family .

The rules are as follows: as soon as the resolution on the committed administrative violation has gained legal force or the head of the internal affairs department has signed an affirmative signature, the minor will immediately be registered.

The basis for the statement is the commission of an act falling under one of the articles, the punishment for which provides for an administrative penalty , for example, a fine or other ( Order 569 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Article 34.1.2. ).

This paragraph explains that minors who have committed an offense resulting in the application of an administrative penalty are subject to registration with the police.

Responsibility for lack of registration

Current legislation provides for liability for persons who decide to evade the registration procedure. The offense involves administrative liability and is punishable by fines, the amount of which ranges from 2 to 7 thousand rubles, depending on the region of Russia.

In case of repeated violation of migration legislation, a procedure for expulsion from the country is provided, followed by a ban on entry for up to 5 years. Liability is also provided for those persons who were recognized as the receiving party and did not notify of the arrival of a foreigner within the time limits established by law.

Such a violation is punishable by a fine of 7 to 10 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - from 400 to 500 thousand.

You can find out about the amount of the fine for late registration of foreign citizens on our website.

What is the threat?

Those who come under the watchful eye of the PDN are constantly checked for involvement in any incident in the area, reported to school, and also given monthly information to the district military registration and enlistment offices, and military service may be in question, and this negatively affects the young person’s capabilities in studies and future .

It would seem that there is nothing terrible - well, they put it on the register, but then they will remove it.

That’s true, but it’s better to prevent getting into the accounting “black list.”

Some universities require police certificates from applicants , and such a certificate will certainly contain information that the child was registered.

One should also take into account the mobility and unpredictability of the unstable psyche of a teenager , who, under the pressure of prevention, may commit some other stupidity, the results of which may be disastrous.

Is there any point in worrying about the consequences?

The situation can be looked at in two ways: preventive accounting itself does not have serious consequences globally. It can be temporary and, subject to exemplary behavior of all family members, lifted by decision of supervisory authorities.

On the other hand, the teenager is provided with constant monitoring by supervisory authorities and is subject to regular checks for complicity in similar crimes.

According to Order No. 845 and Article 91 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, PDN employees will visit their wards every month, conduct preventive conversations and monitor compliance with restrictions, taking away free time from the family.

In the future, such characteristics may affect admission to elite educational institutions, government agencies and law enforcement agencies.

How to avoid?

The main thing is that the family is notified before the KDN meeting. Here parents must give up all their strength and devote all their time to collecting papers:

  • characteristics from school;
  • characteristics from the section or circle where the child is engaged (even a cross-stitching circle);
  • reviews from neighbors (written) about the positive qualities of the teenager, etc.

It is advisable to resolve the issue before the protocol reaches the CDN.

Mom and dad are simply obliged to do everything to prevent registration - promise careful control, spend time together, write receipts that they will sort it out themselves and anything else that will help.

And then, literally from this day on, really do everything that was promised to police officers.

You should know that when the procedure for registering juvenile delinquents is truly legal and it is not possible to avoid such a fate, all the same, all the time, all efforts must be made to control the child as completely as possible, distract him from unwanted communication with slippery types , and also not miss a single meeting of the CDN .

Measures of influence on parents and children Does the Control Committee have the right to decide on punishment, and what?

The commission includes persons and specialists who are allowed to influence children.

These could be school administrators, psychologists, guardianship and trusteeship officials, police officers, local government officials, and even an assistant prosecutor whose responsibilities include overseeing a case involving teenagers.

Measures of influence on children and their parents can be carried out by these persons. Don’t forget that specialists keep documentation and report on the measures taken.

The main methods of influence are:

  1. Oral conversation with a child, family.
  2. Written requests in which the child’s behavior will be recorded. For example, a specialist can send a request to a coach in the section that a teenager attends and find out how he behaves with peers and how he studies.
  3. Raid on the child's place of residence. Workers have the right to come home, see the conditions in which the child lives, communicate with the parents and make a conclusion. This measure is especially often applied to single-parent, low-income families or to those where parents do not fulfill their responsibilities regarding raising children and caring for them.
  4. Identifying important factors and formulating solutions . For example, a KDN specialist can decide whether a family has enough money to provide the child with everything necessary for study, leisure, and life in general.
  5. Sending a child to a closed educational institution for the purpose of receiving vocational education. A specialist can refer a teenager to SUVUZT, where he can receive an education and will also be under adult supervision. This measure can be taken in relation to teenagers who cannot stay in families, with parents deprived of parental rights or simply not fulfilling their responsibilities.
  6. Referral of the child to the Temporary Isolation Center , created specifically to work with difficult teenagers. This is the most stringent measure, but it can be applied from the age of 14. A court decision is required to send a child to this institution.

They can be sent to the Center for Penal Inspection if a minor:

  1. He escaped from the institution to which he had been sent earlier by decision of the Control Committee.
  2. Does not monitor his actions and can harm others.
  3. Wandering around.
  4. Has no parents and no permanent place of residence. Do not confuse this with permanent registration, the child must have a home!
  5. Hides his identity - or the identity of the violator is not established.

For referral to this institution, compelling reasons . KDN specialists, as a rule, transfer documents to PDN inspectors, who in turn collect documentation to the judicial authorities.

That is, KDN workers do not make this decision on punishment, but only recommend what to do in the current situation.

Only a court can decide whether it is right to send a child to such an institution and for how long.

Appeal against registration

If the grounds for registering a child are flimsy , “far-fetched,” then you should try to appeal, in any case, the right to do so is stipulated by Art. 30.1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The decision of the KDN on registration must be appealed 10 days for this.

The complaint should be sent to the district court , in the narrative part you should describe in detail, but clearly your version of what happened.

Often decisions by the commission are actually made formally , based, for example, on a statement from the mother of a classmate who participated in the incident.

The court will examine all the circumstances and make a decision.

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