How long does it take for the police to search for a stolen phone and how can they help them in investigating the crime?

Mobile phones are stolen at every turn. But not many of the victims go to the police. People think that the phone will not be found, and the attacker, accordingly, will not be held accountable.

In most cases, police officers refuse to search for phones because it is considered a petty crime. But, if the police did accept a statement about the theft of the phone, they will most likely find it.

In this article we will tell you what methods the police use to search for a phone.

What do the police use to find a stolen phone?

The police will work in two ways - informational or technical.

First, police officers will conduct operational activities, talk with informants in the criminal environment, and based on the information received, form a further action plan.

IMPORTANT! The police will not waste time and resources searching for lost and forgotten phones, and for a fictitious story about “robbed - stolen” they may also be fined.

Sometimes the police use a trick - they call a stolen phone and arrange a meeting with the robber. Sometimes information from other investigative cases can help, then police officers will develop separate operational-search measures and during them look for the phone.

Technical methods involve searching for a mobile phone by IMEI (device identifier) ​​or using special GPS programs.

So what to do?! Block your smartphone and SIM card

The most important step after your phone is stolen or lost is to remotely lock it as soon as possible. This action will save you from leaking important information. In addition, your second contact number will be displayed on the smartphone screen. If you're lucky, a pickpocket will contact you and offer a ransom for your stolen device. You shouldn't refuse the ransom - perhaps this will be your only chance to get the phone back, and for a small fee. But coming to a meeting with the police is pointless: the attacker can say that he simply found the phone on the street or in a taxi, and no one will prove otherwise.

There are several ways to lock your iPhone. The most convenient of them is to go to the iCloud website from any other device, log in to the system using your Apple ID and click the “Find iPhone” button. After a short search, the service will show a map on which all enabled Apple devices are marked. Find your iPhone among them and activate “Lost Mode”. If you are worried about the safety of your data, you can also delete all information from it - to do this, click the “Erase iPhone” button.

By the way, you can do the same operation not only through the website, but also through the Find iPhone application on other Apple devices: for example, on an iPad. The scheme is the same there.

You can do the same trick with Android smartphones. You need to log into your Google account through a browser, and then go to the search site. There you will see all the phones that are connected to your account. Select the lost one and click “Lock device” or “Wipe device” if you want to delete all data from it at the same time.

If at the time of the search the thief managed to turn off your smartphone, it will still be blocked the first time you turn it on.

Another important topic is to block the SIM card, which is especially important if both your smartphone and wallet are stolen. Moreover, there is no password on your device. Attackers can debit money from your card simply by making a transfer. Even by moving the SIM card to another phone, you can withdraw money from the account through checking the balance and the linked online banking application.

Search process

The search process begins with drawing up an application. It must indicate the circumstances of the theft, and the owner will also need to provide his owner, phone information, IMEI and documents confirming ownership of the mobile phone. It would be good if there were witnesses to the theft. Their testimony can greatly help the case.

IMPORTANT! The victim needs to write down the application number and contact details of the police officer who will handle the case. You can contact him in the future for all questions related to the theft.

After which the police submit a request to the mobile operator. Providers will be able to connect to the towers and receive data about the SIM card and the last location of the phone. The information will be sent to the investigator leading the case. Next, they carry out operational activities or use a technical search option.

How to Find a Turned Off Windows Phone

Smartphones from Microsoft also have a utility for finding lost devices. To use it, your phone must be synchronized with your Microsoft account and geolocation must be enabled.

Below are instructions on how to use the Find My Device service:

  1. Using a browser, open the site: and sign in to your account.

  2. Next, click on the “Find my device” tab.
  3. Select the smartphone you want to find, and then click “Find.”

This will open a map that will show the location of your device. If it is disabled, the last coordinates before the phone was turned off will be displayed.

Can you offer your help?

The victim will help the investigation if he talks in detail about the nuances of the theft: time, place, etc. And provides all the documentation on the phone: receipts, instructions. This will allow you to distinguish a specific instance of the phone from all its various “one-series” versions, and will confirm the fact that the device really belongs to the victim.

You can also place advertisements on social networks, forums or in the newspaper. A good way is also to check already published advertisements on the relevant sites; often, immediately after the theft, criminals “upload” their finds to the Internet in order to sell them quickly. This way, you can accidentally discover your stolen phone and report it to the police officer in charge of the case.

IMPORTANT! The victim does not need to use special paid programs from the Internet that can track phones. Only the police and the FSB have such equipment. You can again come across scammers on the Internet.

It happens that pawnshop employees check such advertisements and, in case of theft, return the stolen phone to the owner.

The victim himself can go to pawn shops, acquisitions or radio markets. This option is for those whose phone was stolen in a small city; it is clear that in Moscow it will be unrealistic to visit all pawn shops.

Camera performance

Cameras on your smartphone should not be scratched or foggy. This will greatly interfere with filming. Be sure to open the camera application and check all shooting modes to check the functionality of each module. Keep in mind that if the device is budget, then even fully functional cameras will not help you take high-quality pictures.

How to find a device by imei?

A mobile operator can only track the movement of a phone using IMEI upon a request from the police. This identification number is indicated on the phone itself, on the box and in the documents.

According to statistics, this is one of the most effective ways to find a phone, but also the most expensive.

IMPORTANT! Any technical search methods only work if the phone is turned on. If the robber immediately turned off the phone and removed the battery from it, it will simply be impossible to find the location of the device.

Police officers usually use it when investigating particularly serious crimes against the state. But some victims are lucky.

Is it possible to help

Often the victim himself provokes the criminal: he leaves things unattended, displays an expensive phone in public, does not install special security programs to search for the device, and does not use passwords. The best help is to treat your property carefully and with care.

If a theft occurs, the victim, in order to help the police officer, can go to the nearest pawnshops and service centers where they accept phones, since no one else will visually recognize the cell phone. The applicant can promptly provide the necessary documentation, important information, and also leave a telephone number for contact.

Application consideration period

Police officers, according to Article 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the Instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 736 of 2014, are required to immediately accept the application. The information from the application will be verified within three days. If necessary, the review period can be extended to 10 days.

Afterwards, a criminal case is initiated and the victim is notified about it. The person who steals a mobile phone will be held liable in accordance with Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

If a case is not opened, the victim can appeal the police decision to refuse, in accordance with Articles 124 - 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

IMPORTANT! The sooner the victim contacts the police to report the theft, the higher the likelihood that the phone will be found.




The phone was stolen. what to do? How to track a phone


Many of us have experienced a situation in which either ours or someone we know had their mobile phone stolen. Unfortunately, this happens - little thieves and scammers continue to hunt for devices in public places. There are several explanations for this.

Why do they steal?

Surely, phones are stolen for the purpose of selling them. And from this we know that, firstly, prices for modern mobile phones are quite high (approximately the device costs 10-15 thousand rubles, if it is not an iPhone, but at the same time not an ancient “push-button” model). In this case, if the expensive one is stolen


(the same iPhone), the cost for a previously used device can reach up to 20-25 thousand.

Moreover, now the mobile phone has become so common in the home of each of us that almost every passerby has one phone with him at the cinema level. In the capital and big cities, especially in the center, there are people who carry two mobile phones. Imagine the temptation for thieves.

Protect yourself

Wherever you are and no matter how many phones you have, try to protect yourself very much from similar cases. Agree, when a mobile phone that is not of great value is stolen, the very fact of disappearance and loss of individual data is unpleasant. You, someone stored valuable photos or correspondence on their own phone, as they also call it, something else that should not get to other people. The feeling of how correctly you can choose a studio, that such information you will like better is available to someone else, is very disgusting.

Therefore, when you are in public places, try to feel your own mastery of the device. For example, put it in an inner pocket or in a better depth of the bag, cover it with something. In the latter case, if you have nowhere to put your mobile phone. carry it in your hand - the chances that it will be taken away from you are less than the possibility that it will be pulled out “quietly”.

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But we understand that it’s nonsense to give well-known advice, and it’s quite another thing to get into a difficult current situation when your phone

. What to do here, read on.

Blocking the device

First of all, you need to lock your device. Do it

should be done faster, better – immediately after the loss is discovered. However, for this purpose you will need a hidden 15-digit code, also recognized as IMEI. This number represents the identifier for which your device is marked. Every cell phone without exception has it, and it’s painfully easy to find. Look in the box that you received with the device, you can also dial the combination 06#. Advice for the future - put your cell phone number in a place where it won't be difficult to find it when you need to find it. For example, in a wallet. If you are afraid that it will be pulled out along with your mobile phone, store the IMEI somewhere on your mailbox, to which you always have access.

Next, you need to contact the operator with the intention that your phone was stolen. What to do more specifically, we have already clarified above - you should block the device,


its worthless to the offender. The IMEI code is useful for this purpose. Your mobile provider can send a lock signal even to a switched off phone.

What to do if you find it


? (Phone, iPhone, tablet) What to do

you found the phone
? Throw it away for yourself, sell it, sell it for spare parts, what else is it called, return it in practice to the owner?!

How to change IMEI on Android

Some Android devices are used as phones, which is why every phone or tablet has one.

Contact the police

Let's imagine that we managed to disable the device. Of course, that's the 2nd problem. How

track phone

; find out where it is and who has it. Only law enforcement agencies can cope with this problem. This is where you need to go as soon as possible. The officer on duty at the local police station should accept your missing report, to which you need to attach a receipt for paying for the phone in the store and a box with various documents. Here is an additional argument for you in the interests of storing such things.

READ How to Find a Lost Lg Phone

After receiving a report of theft, the police must transfer information to the special department “K”, which deals with such cases. Specialists from there make requests to the mobile operator and record where the phone is located. The task force goes wherever needed.

Search for criminals

To the question of what to do if your phone is stolen, how can you find it, we answered. You need to immediately contact the operator and the police. On a theoretical level, of course, it is possible to find; however, they will do it differently, no – it depends on the mass of events.

It’s clear that thieves are not fools and will probably think of pulling out the card right away so that the operator cannot track them. Moreover, if the attackers have some experience, they know how to track the phone

. Accordingly, they will do what remains for our client to prevent this. Whether the police will be able to overtake them depends on how well you can choose the studio and how quickly you will act.

Tracking software

The prices for some mobile phones are quite high (for example, new flagship models like the Samsung Galaxy S6, or Apple iPhone 6, cost 40 thousand each). That's why people use other methods to protect their phones. An option would be to install special tracking programs.

The point of their work is that an application is installed on the device, which is protected by a password from removal. It communicates with an online server, from which it, of course, receives commands. For example, if a user’s phone

, it can activate the front camera and get the picture from the device. The thief's face will be visible. There are a lot of such stories on the Internet, when a person who stole a phone continues to use it, unaware that the entire spectrum is being watched by the previous owner through the black front camera. For attackers, such stories, of course, do not end in a positive way.

The same functions are available with geolocation (for example, determining the location of an accessory), displaying an information message in a movie (something like “Return my phone for a reward”), and so on.

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Apple's iCloud solution

Along with these applications, of course, we should also mention the iCloud service, available on iOS devices. Its meaning is that each iPhone and iPad user will have their own account weight characteristics in the system. You can log in using your Apple ID (login) and password. Among the functions of iCloud, you can block your mobile phone or tablet, and also enable its geopositioning on the map (“ Find

my iPhone").

Experienced thieves, of course, know how to bypass this function and how to easily hide from any service. Still, if the new ones stole the phone. what to do, you understand. Finding them using the mentioned technologies is not at all difficult.

If all else fails

Of course, there are many ways to find a stolen mobile accessory. It all depends on your situation - how quickly you reacted to the loss, how experienced and cunning the thieves were for you.

Even if nothing helped, and


Couldn't find it - there's no reason to be upset. Even though the police will not be able to tell who stole the phone.

What should the owner do under these circumstances? Show off your resourcefulness! A common practice is to search for mobile phones, tablets, computers and other equipment on services. Fantasy, Internet technologies are now quite developed. How will the villain sell your device? Most likely - on large portals, like Avito or From Hand to Hand. Register there and look for ones that are identical to your model. If certain signs coincide (scratches, dents on the case, etc.) - make an appointment and inspect the same IMEI numbers, demand a box from the item, etc. Take action - and, believe me, luck can smile on you.


The period established by law for the search

The investigation period under Article 162 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation cannot exceed two months. If during the search the police received new information, the investigation is resumed.

The chief may, at the request of the investigator, extend the investigation period for another 3 months. According to Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, it is also permissible to suspend the investigation.

IMPORTANT! If a person found a phone, reported it to the police, but they did not identify the owner or notify him, then six months later this person becomes the legal owner of the gadget.

This happens if a search for a suspect is required. Usually the investigation is suspended after the deadlines under Article 162 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation have expired.

The statute of limitations must also be taken into account. If 2 years have passed (for a regular theft) or 6 years (for a pocket theft), then, according to Article 24 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and Article 78 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the case can be closed, even if the thief was not found.


It is problematic to check the performance of a battery in a short period of time, but it is still possible to understand that it is in poor condition. When you pick up your smartphone, pay attention to how much charge is left. If after 10-15 minutes the number of percents has decreased by 5 or more, then the battery will have to be changed in the near future. There are no bumps on the back of the case that indicate swelling of the battery, and the case itself should not heat up quickly, which can also indicate a battery malfunction.

Also, various utilities may be suitable for checking the battery, since Android is an open operating system that even gives third-party applications access to a large amount of data. Download and install, for example, AccuBattery. It will show the wear of the battery and its current condition. If the Battery Health column shows an indicator below 80 percent, then the battery condition leaves much to be desired.

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