How to spot someone who has been neglected: tattoos in Russian prisons
Why are they put down in prisons and zones? How do the lowlifes live and who are they, why are gays called roosters?
Hierarchy of prison castes In penitentiary institutions of the countries of the former USSR, there are 4 main categories (“suits”)
Fraudsters are actively using modern technologies to defraud citizens of funds
How to write a statement regarding fraud to the police, the actions of the victim during the commission of a crime under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation + example of filling out an application from an individual
There are thousands of fraud schemes in different areas of life in the world. Meanwhile, such actions
Responsibility of individual entrepreneurs for cash withdrawal
Money laundering is the legalization of illegally obtained money in order to be able to freely use the funds.
Stages of committing a crime. Author24 —
The concept of completed and unfinished crime. Types of stages of committing a crime. Determining the end point of certain types of crimes
An intentional crime, as a type of behavior of an individual, goes through certain stages in its development: from
The Plenum of the Supreme Court corrects some decisions in criminal cases
The Plenum of the Supreme Court corrects some decisions in criminal cases
The Plenum of the Supreme Court published a draft Resolution on amendments to certain decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court
types of telephone fraud
Telephone fraud: tricks of attackers and ways to avoid being scammed
14K 1 7 min. Mobile phones have become an integral part of life for everyone: to them
The mechanism for applying any type of sanctions is prescribed in laws
The concepts of disposition and sanctions of a criminal law norm. Types of dispositions and sanctions of criminal law
What does the term “sanctions” mean? The literal translation from Latin sounds like the strictest decree (sanctio). Sanction
Cybercrime - what types of acts exist and what punishments apply
Today we will talk about the concept of cybercrime, and also consider the types of cybercrimes and methods
What to do if you fall for blackmail on Skype
“Hello dear. let’s have a little fun on Skype”: how men are scammed and blackmailed
Skype is an amazingly convenient thing. Just a couple of clicks, and now you are chatting calmly
Lyuba is about love. Skype groom, or how to recognize a scammer. Personal experience
Online fraud is commonplace and can affect any service. Typically the goal
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