Appeal and cassation in a new way. New plenums of the RF Armed Forces.
Cassation appeal: deadlines for filing, procedure for filing and consideration of cassation
Cassation appeal: what is it and what is its purpose The cassation procedure provides for the preparation of a complaint.
Sample forms and applications for pre-trial detention centers and correctional colonies: how to fill out and where to download the form
Transfer of things A document is drawn up if the convicted person needs to transfer things that are not food (items
Compensation for damage caused by a tax crime.
The right of the victim to compensation for property damage
Civil liability for compensation for material damage is regulated by the Civil, Civil Procedure and Labor Codes. Miscellaneous articles
Convicted under Article 58
Article 280. Public calls for extremist activities
ST 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Public calls for extremist activities are punishable by a fine.
The concept and liability for significant damage in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
The concept and liability for significant damage in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
What is damage, the concept of significant damage First, let's look at the concept of “damage” itself. These are the ones
Competition of criminal law norms in the classification of crimes
Competition of criminal law norms in the classification of crimes
On what principle does competition of legal norms work? The very concept of competition has the designation of a kind of competition
Article 117 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
The concept and procedure for applying a monetary penalty in criminal proceedings according to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, Article 117
Art. 117 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation states that failure by subjects of legal proceedings to comply with established norms that
Testimony in civil proceedings. Rights and obligations of a witness. Witness immunity.
How can a witness become familiar with a criminal case? The procedural status of a witness in a criminal case is reflected in
Subjects, objects and subjects of environmental crime
Criminal liability for environmental crimes
Subjects, objects and subjects of environmental crime There is a close connection between criminal liability and execution
What is the difference between theft and theft? Crimes and liability
Important! If you are handling your own theft case, you should remember:
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