Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2012 N 1002 Moscow “On approval of significant, large and especially large amounts of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and


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Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm to your health!

Drugs negatively affect all processes of the body, the mental state, and also cause severe dependence. Not only addicts, but also everyone around them suffer from the consequences of using dangerous drugs.

  • Types of the strongest drugs
  • Most addictive drug
  • The hardest type of drug
  • The most powerful psychotropic drug
  • The most dangerous pills in the world
  • The most dangerous smoking drugs
  • The most powerful drug in the world
  • TOP 5 deadly drugs
  • Desomorphine
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Synthetic opioids
  • Salts
  • TOP substance addictions
  • Lethal doses of drugs
  • Table of harmful substances
  • Types of overdoses
  • Average life expectancy of a drug addict

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Types of the strongest drugs

Drug and substance abuse has long been a real problem throughout the world. People not only use illegal drugs, but also become dependent on completely legal products. Alcohol and smoking have become a real scourge of society. Bad habits significantly worsen the quality of life and shorten it.

Most addictive drug

Heroin tops the list of the most addictive drugs. Strong addiction occurs after three to four doses of the drug. A great desire to repeat arises after receiving a feeling of high. The treatment and recovery period for a heroin addict takes quite a long time, and there is always a risk of relapse.


The hardest type of drug

Many people believe that if you try to use a soft drug, addiction will not develop. This is the main mistake. With each use, lighter drugs cease to bring the desired pleasure to the addict, and he moves on to harder drugs. Desomorphine (crocodile) is considered one of the hardest drugs; it contributes to the destruction of personality, disrupts the functioning of all internal organs and can be fatal in a matter of months. The consequences of its use are irreversible.

The most powerful psychotropic drug

Common and potent drugs, barbiurates include a number of dangerous medical drugs. Barbital, pentabarbital or phenobarbital can cause severe addiction, which is impossible to quit on your own. When using psychotropic substances, a feeling of euphoria, relaxation and tranquility occurs. During the period of drug withdrawal, anxiety, physical and mental fatigue and exhaustion occur.

The most dangerous pills in the world

The most dangerous drugs in tablet form include ecstasy. Small multi-colored tablets contain a psychoactive substance from the amphetamine group. Taking pills allows you to feel joy, a surge of strength and an increase in physical and mental activity. The danger is that long-term use of ecstasy provokes a decrease in brain activity, aggression and mental instability appear.


The most dangerous smoking drugs

Smoking mixtures with a narcotic effect are a mixture of various herbs with the addition of cannabinoid solutions. The name of this group of drugs is spice. In a state of drug intoxication, people experience panic, thoughts of suicide, and a desire to injure themselves. Regular smoking of spice often leads to terrible tragedies.

New table of drug sizes, effective January 1, 2013

The Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal Law 18-FZ dated March 1, 2012.
Resolution No. 1002 of October 1, 2012 was adopted “On approval of significant, large and especially large sizes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as significant, large and especially large sizes for plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, or their parts containing narcotic drugs drugs or psychotropic substances, for the purposes of Articles 228, 2281, 229 and 2291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.” This resolution approved new sizes of narcotic drugs for their use in accordance with the new edition of Articles 228, 228.1, 229, 229.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which will come into effect from 01/01/2013. With the entry into force of Resolution No. 1002 (also from 01/01/2013), the new sizes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances will be divided into three categories: significant, large and especially large size. I would like to note right away: after the introduction of new sizes (or, as they say, scales), previously passed sentences will not be reviewed. New editions of the “drug” articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and new sizes of drugs significantly tighten punishment for committing crimes. Take, for example, cannabis oil (“Khimka”). Currently, the large size is 0.4 grams, and the extra large size is 5 grams. The current version of Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following sanctions: - under Part 1 for the sale of any weight up to 0.4 grams: from 4 to 8 years in prison; - under Part 2 for sale on a large scale, that is, from 0.4 to 5 grams: from 5 to 12 years in prison; - under Part 3 for sale on an especially large scale, that is, from 5 grams to infinity: from 8 to 20 years in prison. The version of Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which comes into force on January 1, 2013, will provide for other sanctions: - under Part 1, the sanctions and amounts of narcotic substances have not changed; — under Part 2, liability was introduced for sales in public places and using the Internet: from 5 to 12 years in prison; - under Part 3 for sale in a significant amount, that is, from 0.4 to 5 grams: from 8 to 15 years of imprisonment (now liability for the same weight is established by Part 2 and ranges from 5 to 12 years); - under Part 4 for sale on a large scale, that is, from 5 grams to 1 kg: from 10 to 20 years in prison; - under Part 5 for sale on an especially large scale, that is, over 1 kg: from 15 to 20 years in prison. Thus, the replacement from the beginning of 2013, for example, of a large amount of a narcotic drug with a significant amount will not in any way affect the sanction for this weight, therefore there are no grounds for revising already passed sentences. But the punishment for those who commit a crime related to drug trafficking is significantly increased, starting from 01/01/2013. The lower sanctions for all parts of Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (except for the first) have increased by 2-3 years. It is also worth noting that due to the tougher penalties, Law 18-FZ will not have retroactive effect. That is, all persons who committed crimes related to drug trafficking before 01/01/2013. will be judged according to the currently valid version of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, even if the trial takes place after the beginning of 2013. The only relaxation that is available in Resolution No. 1002 concerns aqueous solutions of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances from List I. Since 2013, for all liquids and solutions containing at least one narcotic drug or psychotropic substance listed in List I, their quantity is determined by the dry weight residue after drying to constant weight at a temperature of + 70 ... + 110 degrees Celsius. In the Resolution in force until 2013, there was no such note, so the weight was determined by the weight of the entire mixture. On this basis, it is theoretically possible to review sentences after 01/01/2013. The new table of sizes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances can be found below.

TOP 5 deadly drugs

There is no concept of weak or soft drugs. All psychotropic substances can cause irreparable harm to human health and brain function. The most deadly drugs include the following:


The substance has a psychostimulating and analgesic effect. It is a chemical modification of the substance morphine. The drug is easy to make at home, so it is the most common type of illicit drug. A list of components and instructions for making desomorphine (“crocodile”) is available on the Internet.


The herbal preparation is a white powder with a bitter aftertaste. It has a powerful stimulating effect on the central nervous system of the body. An addicted person feels a surge of strength, euphoria and increased brain activity. Regular use of cocaine provokes shortness of breath, tachycardia and increased body temperature. Addiction develops very quickly.



The semi-synthetic substance is considered one of the most powerful and deadly drugs. Heroin addiction most often leads to premature death due to frequent overdoses. The most powerful drug in the world is a white to brownish powdery mixture. Provokes the appearance of convulsions, loss of orientation in time. The addiction develops quite quickly.


Synthetic opioids

In medicine, these drugs are prescribed to people suffering from severe pain. The drugs have narcotic and analgesic properties, which attract drug addicts. OxyContin, hydrocodone, or carfentanil are considered drugs that are stronger than heroin.

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The synthetic drug is distributed among addicts in the form of injection solutions, tablets or powder. Salt consumption leads to aggressive behavior, panic attacks and psychosis. Negatively affects the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system. Death usually occurs after failure of one of the internal organs.


A powerful drug called gamma hydroxybulator is also one of the deadliest. In combination with alcohol-containing drinks, the drug causes death.

It is impossible to cure a drug addict from drug addiction at home. The only way out is to seek professional help at a specialized clinic. At the institution, patients are provided with comprehensive services, which include withdrawal symptoms, removal of waste and toxins from the body, and psychological support.

TOP substance addictions

You can easily determine whether a person is taking drugs or not based on certain signs. Changes in mental state, external manifestations and behavior in society differ, for example, between substance abusers and heroin addicts. There are a number of signs that indicate drug addiction:

  • The skin on the face turns red and peels;
  • The pupils of the eyes are either too narrowed or too dilated;
  • Hands are shaking;
  • There is an unhealthy shine in the eyes;
  • Too active fussy behavior or, on the contrary, lethargy.

In experienced drug addicts, ulcers can be found on the skin of the body and hands, and the appearance of premature wrinkles on the face.

Lethal doses of drugs

A drug overdose requires immediate medical attention. Poisoning with the strongest substances can cause failure of internal organs, causing coma and death. An overdose can occur when taking any drug. This often occurs with the simultaneous use of substances belonging to the same group. Serious consequences can occur if taking the drug is combined with drinking alcohol or in combination with smoking.

An addict gets used to one specific dose gradually. If you use heroin, cocaine or amphetamine in an increased dose, poisoning and, as a result, death can occur.


Table of sizes of popular drugs for 2016-2017 according to 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

NameSignificant size (over grams)Large size (over grams)Extra large size (over grams)
Heroin0,52,51 000
Anasha22510 000
Cocaine20 <*>250 <*>20000 <*>
Spices (JWH, CP)0,050,25500
Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV)0,63600
Marijuana6100100 000
Poppy straw20 <*>500 <*>100000 <*>
Cannabis oil (hashish oil)0,4 <*>5 <*>1000 <*>
Opium - coagulated poppy juice1 <*>25 <*>5000 <*>

For some of the known drugs, the maximum permissible content is 0.0001 g, and sometimes this figure is even reduced. Drug sizes in other categories can vary by up to one gram. If you are found with a smaller amount of the substance, then you will never be arrested because you have not broken the law.

As for the corpus delicti, it is directly related to the concept of large size according to 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is under the name of especially large that the quantity that exceeds the current standards under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation falls; dimensions in grams.

It is worth noting that the large size under Article 228 for drugs such as poppy and marijuana is accepted by more than the following limits:

• Marijuana – up to a tenth of a gram. • Poppy in its pure form, ready-to-use substance – up to a fifth of a gram.

Table of harmful substances

All drugs cause irreparable harm to health and mental state. However, all substances can be divided according to their harmfulness from dangerous to more dangerous. The rating of the harmfulness of common narcotic drugs is as follows:

HeroinIt is considered the most harmful drug in the world, causing rapid addiction.
CocaineThe second popular type of drug, the action of which causes irreparable harm to the body.
BarbituratesA group of medications causes death in overdoses.
MethadoneThe medicine is prohibited in Russia. Getting rid of methadone addiction is much more difficult than heroin addiction.
AlcoholThe legal product is highly addictive if used uncontrolled.
KetamineA psychoactive drug used for anesthesia in medicine. Causes persistent addiction.
AmphetaminesThe drug is used to treat nervous disorders. Abuse can lead to heart problems and mental instability.
TobaccoNicotine addiction is considered one of the most severe in the world. Not everyone can break a habit.

The scale of harmfulness is constantly updated with new types of drugs that give the body a narcotic effect and destroy it.


Types of overdoses

Drug overdose usually manifests itself in the form of disruption of the heart and respiratory system. The types of overdoses differ depending on what drug the person took.

  • In case of desomorphine poisoning, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs and tongue. The addict experiences a loss of control over his own body. In this state, he may become injured, lose consciousness, and then choke on vomit.
  • When a heroin overdose occurs, the drug addict's pupils become very narrow, shortness of breath appears, and blue lips and fingers are also noted.
  • Spice poisoning may cause anxiety, hallucinations, and obsessive thoughts of suicide.
  • With cocaine poisoning, an increase in body temperature is observed, which does not decrease after taking honey or medications. Blood pressure rises and heart rate increases. This condition can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

In most cases, an overdose of opioid drugs results in death.

What punishment does violators face?

For the acquisition, storage, and manufacture of narcotic drugs without the purpose of sale (Article 228), the following punishment is provided (depending on the size of the seized substances):

Deprivation of libertyAdditionally
To a significant extentup to 3 years*fine up to 40 thousand rubles, compulsory / corrective labor, restriction of freedom up to 3 years
Large sizefrom 3 to 10 yearsfine up to 500 thousand rubles, restriction of freedom up to 1 year
In a particularly large sizefrom 10 to 15 yearsfine up to 500 thousand rubles, restriction of freedom up to 1.5 years

*in this case, imprisonment is not mandatory, but only one of the possible punishments

For the illegal production and sale of drugs (Article 228.1), the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for imprisonment for up to 20 years, in exceptional cases up to life imprisonment.

What is the sentence for violators under Art. 228.1 Deprivation of liberty
Without aggravating circumstancesfrom 4 to 8 years
Sales in pre-trial detention centers, administrative buildings, sports, educational and transport facilities, through the media and the Internetfrom 5 to 12 years
By a group of persons by prior conspiracy, in a significant amountfrom 8 to 15 years
By an organized group, on a large scale, using official position, to a minorfrom 10 to 20 years
In a particularly large sizefrom 15 to 20 years, for life

Additionally, it is possible to impose a fine of up to 1 million rubles, restriction of freedom, deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities.

The Criminal Code provides for exemption from criminal liability for the illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture and processing of drugs or precursors for persons who voluntarily surrendered these substances and actively contributed to the disclosure or suppression of crimes related to drug trafficking, the exposure of those who committed them, and the detection property obtained by criminal means. Illegal production and sale of narcotic substances or precursors (Articles 228.1 and 228.4) do not provide for exemption from liability.

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