Table of large and extra large sizes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

All types of drugs

There are many different types of drugs. They all have different effects on the human mind and body, but all narcotic substances have one thing in common - they cause severe addiction after just 1-2 uses.


The most powerful drugs in the world, such as heroin or morphine, belong to the group of opiates. These substances cause euphoria and relaxation, addiction occurs after the first use. Opiates can be either synthetic or herbal; these drugs were extremely popular in Russia in the 90s, at the same time, according to statistics, death from overdose was in first place among the rest. These include:

  • methadone;
  • tramadol;
  • promedol;
  • codeine;
  • morphine;
  • heroin;
  • hydromorphine;
  • Dihydroxycodeine.

Some of these drugs are synthetic, some are of plant origin. One of the main dangers of opiates is intravenous use. Since drug addicts rarely comply with sanitary standards and often inject with one syringe, almost 85% of addicts have AIDS, HIV, and hepatitis. Another feature of this group of drugs is severe withdrawal or withdrawal symptoms. In this state, a person is capable of committing any crime in order to get the next dose.

Fig.: Photo of opiates


The name of the group speaks for itself - such substances cause changes in consciousness, vision, and hallucinations. The effect of use is quite severe - there are frequent cases of suicides or crimes under the influence of the hallucinogen. Such drugs also have an extremely bad effect on the body. Some of the most popular representatives are LSD and mescaline.

Smoking rooms

This group of drugs is not limited to marijuana or hashish. They smoke cocaine, heroin, amphetamines and various mixtures and salts. Let's look separately at the first two drugs:

  • Smoking cocaine uses the crystalline form or "crack". Dependence with this method of use occurs many times faster, in addition, the risk of overdose increases significantly.
  • heroin for this method of use should be in fractions from 1 to 5 mm. The effect of the drug on the body is equally destructive no matter how it is used, although there is still a popular myth that heroin is not so harmful if it is smoked rather than injected intravenously.

Marijuana or “weed” is often not considered a drug among young people. Indeed, such smoking does not have such a destructive effect on the body as using heroin or LSD. Getting used to it is also noticeably slower. However, weed causes destruction of brain cells, aggression and irritability, and memory loss. It is not uncommon for a person to try harder drugs while under the influence of marijuana.


It is worth noting that almost all drugs can be smoked, snorted, injected into a vein, or even injected rectally. Some drug addicts at the beginning of their journey cannot overcome their fear of an intravenous injection, so they may snort heroin or smoke cocaine.

Conventionally, snorting drugs include cocaine, amphetamine and various “salts”. The latter need to be heated, so bottles, straws, etc. are used for inhalation. The effect of salt is extraordinary vigor; there are cases when a person does not sleep or eat for more than a week.

Figure: Photo of marijuana

Narcotic grass

Not only marijuana can be classified as a narcotic herb:

  • poppy straw;
  • opium (milky juice of unripe poppy);
  • mushrooms;
  • mescaline (found in cacti found in southern America)

The use of herbal drugs is no less addictive than synthetic ones. The harm to the body is slightly less, but ultimately there is no difference in side effects.

Narcotic drugs with a soporific effect

The most popular substance with a soporific effect is barbiturate. It was included in many pharmaceutical sedatives and sleeping pills. Today it has been replaced by phenobarbital, which has a milder effect.

More serious substances are contained in medications for the treatment of mental disorders, epilepsy, etc. It is almost impossible to purchase them in pharmacies without a prescription, but drug addicts falsify doctor’s certificates in order to obtain a relatively inexpensive substitute for heroin or amphetamine. All drugs with a similar effect, if the dosage is exceeded, can cause damage to the central nervous system, hallucinations, nightmares and inability to sleep.

Psychotropic substances

All drugs can be called psychotropics because they change consciousness. If we single out a narrower group, then here we can include drugs that are intended for the treatment of severe mental disorders and other diseases - Haloperidol, Carbidine, Fluphenazine, etc. These drugs have a pronounced sedative effect, and if the dosage is exceeded, they cause euphoria in the drug addict. It is impossible to purchase them without a prescription, but as practice shows, drug addicts find ways.

Fig.: Photo of Phenazepam


One of the most popular drugs is Phenazepam. It belongs to the class of tranquilizers and has a powerful sedative effect. There are a lot of such drugs, they are sold relatively freely, so purchasing them is not difficult. In large dosages, they can cause hallucinations.


Medical drugs, when used in excess, cause the same condition as after heroin. Narcotic substances with soporific, sedative and psychotropic effects can also be called legal, since they are sold in pharmacies. Here is a list of medications that are used by drug addicts:

  • cough medicines with codeine, exceeding the dosage causes a feeling of high. Used to make the drug "krokodil".
  • analgesics - Promedol, Tramadol;
  • Lyrica tablets for the treatment of epilepsy and withdrawal symptoms are used by drug addicts as an opportunity to withstand the time before purchasing heroin or methadone. It greatly enhances the effect of the drug; the drug itself is also addictive;
  • Some eye or nose drops;
  • Muscle relaxants.

Soft drugs or medications? Such pharmaceutical preparations may not differ in their effects from a strong narcotic substance.

Criminal liability under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability, first of all, for the illegal acquisition and storage of narcotic drugs without the purpose of sale.

When a person is accused of purchasing and storing drugs, it is understood that the seized drug was with him for his own consumption, and not for the purpose of sale, that is, transfer to another person.

The severity of the punishment depends on the size (quantity) of the drug.

A significant amount, as provided for in Part 1 of Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, implies punishment from a fine of up to 40 thousand rubles to imprisonment for up to three years.

For a large size, responsibility already arises under Part 2 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to ten years with or without a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles, etc.

For the acquisition, storage, production of narcotic drugs without the purpose of saleDeprivation of libertyAdditional measures
To a significant extentup to 3 years*fine up to 40 thousand rubles, compulsory / corrective labor, restriction of freedom up to 3 years
Large sizefrom 3 to 10 yearsfine up to 500 thousand rubles, restriction of freedom up to 1 year
In a particularly large sizefrom 10 to 15 yearsfine up to 500 thousand rubles, restriction of freedom up to 1.5 years

*imprisonment is not a mandatory punishment

If the amount is particularly large, the person is charged under Part 3 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the term of actual imprisonment can range from 10 to 15 years with or without a fine of 500 thousand rubles, etc.

Classification by strength

Narcotic substances can be divided according to their strength. Each drug has a different effect on the human body and psyche, in addition, the withdrawal syndrome will also be different.

Light drugs

It’s worth pointing out right away that there are no soft drugs. Conventionally, marijuana, spice, nasvay and LSD can be included in this group. Addiction occurs slowly; stopping use (before severe dependence develops) is quite possible. The main danger of such substances is their relative availability and the possibility of self-production. However, even “light” drugs can cause serious consequences - intoxication of the liver and kidneys, brain damage.


There are no safe drugs! The myth about the benefits of smoking weed (after all, it is natural) is nothing more than a trick to attract people.

The most powerful drugs

The most powerful are opiates. Dependence occurs immediately after the first use; withdrawal symptoms are almost impossible to withstand without the intervention of a drug treatment clinic.

The most dangerous drugs

In terms of their effects on the body, the most harmful ones are the same opiates. In general, all narcotic substances are dangerous to the psyche and health of a person. Smoking hashish from time to time will not cause serious damage to the body, but more often than not it gradually drags on and more serious drugs are used.

Criminal liability under 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

In turn, Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, first of all, provides for liability for the illegal sale of narcotic drugs.

Sales refers to the transfer of a narcotic drug to another person by any means. This can be a sale, donation, exchange, lending, etc.

Illegal sale of narcotic drugs is a much more socially dangerous act than their acquisition and storage, which is emphasized by the severity of the punishment provided for in this article, which, according to Part 5 of Art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation reaches life imprisonment.

Illegal production and sale of drugs (Article 228.1) is punishable by imprisonment for up to 20 years. In some cases, the court may impose a sentence of life imprisonment.

Time limit under Art. 228.1 Deprivation of liberty
Without aggravating circumstancesfrom 4 to 8 years
Sales in pre-trial detention centers, administrative buildings, sports, educational and transport facilities, through the media and the Internetfrom 5 to 12 years
By a group of persons by prior conspiracy, in a significant amountfrom 8 to 15 years
By an organized group, on a large scale, using official position, to a minorfrom 10 to 20 years
In a particularly large sizefrom 15 to 20 years, for life

Unlike the possession of narcotic drugs during their sale, the law does not establish a minimum amount of the substance , therefore, for the sale of even a small amount of a drug you can receive up to eight years of actual imprisonment.

Classification of drugs by composition

As mentioned above, drugs can be synthetic or herbal. Both natural substances and man-made chemicals can be powerful.


This includes the entire group of opiates and pharmaceutical drugs - heroin, Tramadol, Promedol, Morphine. Amphetamine. LSD, various salts and spices, Mephedrone are also produced from chemicals.


Herbal drugs include marijuana, cocaine, mescaline, psilocybin, codeine. Previously, some of them were used to treat diseases, today almost all of them are classified as prohibited substances.

Types of drugs by method of use

As mentioned above, drug addicts are inventive, so almost any drug can be smoked, injected, snorted, or used in liquid form.

Tablets, capsules

All pharmaceutical drugs most often come in the form of capsules or tablets. For ease of sale and use, LSD and mephedrone are also tablets.


The most popular powder drugs are cocaine and heroin. The first, due to its color and consistency, received slang names such as “coke”, “flour”, “snow”.

Heroin is a white or brown powder. The main danger is that dealers mix it with sugar at best, and analgin or paracetamol at worst. What outcome such a mixture may lead to is never known. Another dangerous mixture is desamorphine. These drugs are red or brown in powder form. This includes gasoline, thinner, iodine and sulfur from matches. Drug use destroys the body with lightning speed; it is impossible to cure such a person in 99 percent of cases. Desamorphine is a cheap substitute for other drugs.

Spice and various smelling salts are also sold in powder form. You can mix anything into this substance.

Liquid drugs

Liquid drugs include solutions for injection of strong pharmaceutical drugs. But regular heroin or mephedrone can also be diluted with water for intravenous administration.

Figure: Liquid drugs

Preparation and attempted sale of narcotic drugs

Separately, it should be said about the preparation and attempted sale of narcotic drugs.

One of the most common situations is the detention of a person with a large volume of packaged drugs, as a result of which he is charged with preparation for sale.

If a person is detained after he has made a bookmark and this has been documented, then he is charged with attempted trafficking.

The most common narcotic substances in the Moscow region, as well as their significant, large and especially large sizes, can be seen in the table:

Practice shows that these drugs are most often found in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Significant, large and especially large amounts of narcotic drugs are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The sizes of other narcotic substances can be found in the Resolution:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2012 N 1002 (as amended on July 29, 2020)

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The weight of the drug and, accordingly, its assignment to a certain size is calculated based on the total mass of the detected substance, and not the mass of the pure drug.

If the amount of a narcotic drug does not reach a significant amount, then in the event of its illegal acquisition and storage without the purpose of sale (Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), instead of criminal liability, administrative liability occurs under Art. 6.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which will entail an administrative fine.

If we are talking about the sale of drugs, then this rule will not work. As mentioned above, in this case the law does not establish a minimum amount of a narcotic substance, therefore the sale of even a small amount of the drug will entail criminal liability.

List of the most popular drugs

Marijuana takes first place. Millions of people smoke it around the world. The low cost, myth of safety and relative availability have led to the legalization of weed in some countries.

Next come spices and salts. These substances are especially popular among clubbers. While the next composition is added to the list of prohibited substances, dealers are already changing the components, so the number of people using and selling such mixtures is still growing inexorably. The harm they cause is almost the same as the harmful effects of heroin or amphetamine - toxic shock, crime and suicide, and dehydration are possible. In severe cases, a person is saved from death, but he remains forever with a damaged brain or other organs.

Ecstasy was at the peak of its popularity in clubs in the late 90s and early 2000s. Multi-colored pills caused a sharp surge of energy, a feeling of joy and euphoria, and sexual desire increased many times over. Next comes severe dehydration, nausea, vomiting and all the delights of a “departure”. Since even rat poison was mixed into such tablets, it is almost impossible to predict the outcome. Alas, today interest in ecstasy, although it has dropped significantly, remains noticeably high.

List of prohibited substances

The official list of prohibited substances in Russia is quite impressive.

This includes:

  • mescaline
  • psilocybin
  • poppy straw
  • milky sap of the plant
  • coca bushes
  • cannabis
  • various types of synthetic acids.

As for spices and salts, they are included in the list if they contain at least one psychotropic component, regardless of the quantity.

A separate list includes substances whose circulation is restricted. These are codeine, aminorex and other components that are included in some medications.

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