Bringing to criminal liability under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

This text contains an overwhelming amount of HATE. We strongly recommend that you keep people, mentally weak animals, nursing women and children away from monitors.
Beware, politics!
Attention! This is an article about something related to politics. She is, without a doubt, biased in someone's favor. Nobody cares.
«Inciting hatred towards the social group “thieves and murderers.”»
— Navalny
« The Russian nation is the most talented nation in the world.»
— Stalin I.V.

Well, you get it...
Article 282

“Russian article”
) - a type of anal punishment using the fencing method. Not to be confused with Article 228.

But this is in theory. In practice, one can be brought under it not only for incitement against national and religious groups, but also social ones. The punitive apparatus is successfully developing practice on this topic. All this clearly shows that in this country everything is going on as usual. The paradox is that the article was pushed through not by the KGB or the USSR, but by human rights activists, who, in theory, should advocate for the expansion of personal freedoms, whatever they may be, and not the other way around.

[edit] The point is this

« Nationalism, for me, is so natural that it will never fade away under any order desired by the “internationalists”...»
— Mendeleev D.I., chemist
« Oh, if you only had an idea about the disgustingness of living abroad locally, if only you had an idea about the dishonesty, baseness, incredible stupidity and underdevelopment of the Swiss. Of course, the Germans are worse, but even these are worth something! »
— Dostoevsky F. M., peysatel
« The owner of the Russian land is only one Russian (Great Russian, Little Russian, Belarusian - this is all one) - and it will be so forever.»
- aka
« Russia - for Russians and in Russian»
— Alexander III, Emperor-Anperator
« Constitution? So that the Russian Tsar would swear allegiance to some brutes? »
— Alexander III, Emperor-Anperator
« I am ready to write on my banner - Russia for Russians and in Russian, and raise this banner as high as possible»
— General Skobelev M.D., hero of the Russian-Turkish War
« We are called to create our own and in our own way, Russian in Russian»
— Ilyin I. A., Felosov
« Those who say “Russia is for Russians” are simply idiots or provocateurs.»
— V.V. Putin
« The tips of the horns caused excitement and ignition.»
— /197705

[edit] History

Actually, the article was adopted in 2002 and was updated many, many times. As Toraditsiyo reports, the source was the hellish rant of the Deputy Prosecutor General of ZOG M. B. Katyshev dated June 29, 1999 No. 27-19-99 entitled “METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS On the use of special knowledge on cases and materials on inciting national, racial or religious hatred "

Various versions have been put forward as motives for the adoption of such a disgusting normative sexual act, namely from conspiracy theories to banal political ambitions of you-know-who for this country’s accession to the WTO. However, this does not change the essence of the matter.

Since then, he has been the object of hatred among the religious people, but the hatred is somewhat strange - as part of the fight against Article 282, they are constantly trying to imprison some YERZh for it. How this will help in canceling this article is not clear.

In July 2008, the Volgodonsk City Court of the Rostov Region gave a one-year suspended sentence to 282 twenty-year-old member of the local branch of DPNI Anton Shurubara for sending 437 SMS with the text “Death to Russian pigs and to you, scum.” This did not help the cancellation of the article.

[edit] Notes

  1. Article 282. Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity
  2. Article 280. Public calls for extremist activities
  3. Lawyers and human rights activists about Article 282
  8. Bill No. 558345-7 :: System for supporting legislative activities
  9. “Humanization of criminal legislation”: Putin proposed to partially decriminalize Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - RT in Russian. (2018-10-03). Retrieved October 18, 2021.
  10. Bill No. 558351-7 :: System for supporting legislative activities
  11. Russian officers are up in arms against the trash film “The Green Elephant.” Reedus (2012-03-30). Retrieved October 18, 2021.
  12. Cases continue to be brought against bloggers under Article 282. Reedus. Retrieved October 18, 2021.
  13. Time limit for blogging: how bloggers in Russia receive criminal records
  17. A Muscovite was sent to a penal colony for a picture with Tesak and Pushkin. Medusa (2016-11-03). Retrieved October 18, 2021.
  18. The Chechen prosecutor's office announced a criminal case against blogger Ilya Maddison. And then she deleted the message. Medusa (2017-02-13). Retrieved October 18, 2021.
  21. Anastasia Kurilova
    Judicial statistics have entered into extremist growth. Kommersant (2018-04-19). Retrieved October 17, 2021.
Article 282 relates to the topics:
Internet regulationJurisprudence and law
CensureBlock • ICRA3 • Autocensor • Error 451 • SORM-2
Laws and billsAnti-piracy law • Anti-terrorism bill • Law on a unified register of prohibited sites and domains • Law on prosecutorial blocking • Law on bloggers (list) • Law against the rehabilitation of Nazism • Ban on Nazi and extremist symbols in Russia • SOPA • Article 282 • Register of prohibited sites in Russia • Federal list of extremist materials (typos) • Ban on anonymous Wi-Fi (in Russia, in St. Petersburg) • Law on the right to be forgotten • Law on harmful digital communications • Yarovaya Law
Prohibitions of certain sites, pages and materialsGithub • RedTube • Materials about bribes (in the Ulyanovsk region) • Censorship of Wikipedia • Wikipedia in Russia (non-blocking phenomenon, congratulations on the 15th anniversary of Roskomnadzor), in Turkey • Porn sites (by decision of the Apastovsky District Court) • Rutreker • • YouTube in Russia • VKontakte • Facebook in Pakistan • Lurkomorye in Russia • Absurdopedia page • Attempt to block Google Plus • Attempt to block Librusek • Opposition sites (in March 2014) • Pussy Riot icon • Dura Lex blog on Habrahabr • Disconnection of Runet from the global network • Rumors about ban on “Well, wait a minute” • Hitler’s page on Kinopoisk • Removal of an article about Navalny from the site • Flagpole-kun • Patriarch’s watch • Zello in Russia • LinkedIn in Russia
By countryBanning Bitcoins (in China, Russia) • Disconnecting RuNet from the global network • Proposing a ban on anonymity on the Russian Internet • Restricting access to the Internet in Estonia
Russian organizationsProsecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation • Safe Internet League • Roskomnadzor • Rospotrebnadzor • FSB • FSKN • Management K
Manifestations of censorshipAnticenter • Reformatting • Censorship in wikiprojects • Censorship on the Internet • Banning EPS • Blocking (Tajikistan, July 2014) • Stop list of the .рф domain zone • Fighting VKontakte with hashtags of “death groups” • Blocking the site by lawlessness • Prosecution of bloggers
OppositionAnonymox‎ • Lapsiporno • Russian Wikipedia strike • Snowden revelations • RosKomSvoboda • William Binney
Memes and conceptsGroups of Death • Deplatforming • Gilmore's Law • Forbidden Number • Information Sovereignty • LSDU3 and YFYAU9 • Pron • River Crab • Streisand Effect
PeopleVitaly Milonov • Elena Mizulina • Irina Yarovaya • Lesya Ryabtseva • Mikhail Mamtsev • Moralfagi • Dontsova and Ustinova
Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?[1] [edit]
Bills and lawsAnti-terrorism bill • Laws: on bloggers, on extrajudicial blocking, on a unified register, on prosecutorial blocking, against the promotion of homosexuality, against the rehabilitation of Nazism • Ban on symbols • Yarovaya Law
PeopleAndrey Andreev • Mark Feigin
Criminal, adm. and citizen law, cases and persons involved Article 282 • Pussy riot • Igor Novoselov (to whom are you honking) • Sechin's lawsuits • Tesak • Philip Lis • Khabarovsk knackers
Memes and miscellaneous228 • Lawyer! • Explosion of a nuclear power plant via Wi-Fi • Legalization of polygamy in Russia • Federal list of extremist materials
Information sites, social networks and • • • • • •
Legal services and • • • • • • • • • kord-group. ru • • • • • • • (omsk) • • • sbk • • • • My arbitrator • OVD-Info
  1. Copyright is placed in a separate template

[edit] Parse object

Cooler than 228. Passans are guaranteed by
Article 282. Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity

1. Actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliating the dignity of a person or group of persons on the basis of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as membership in any social group, committed in any way, including publicly or using the media, cellular communications or means of communication, including the Internet, by a person after he has been brought to administrative responsibility for a similar act within one year - is punishable by a fine in the amount of three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to three years, or forced labor for a period of one to four years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years, or imprisonment for period from two to five years. 2. The same acts committed:

a) with the use of violence or the threat of its use; b) by a person using his official position; c) by an organized group, shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of three hundred to six hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to three years, or by forced labor for a period of two to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or imprisonment for a term of three to six years.

The whole point here is that under the definition of a “social group”, if you wish, you can stretch anything at all. From the group “deputies” or “infidel cops”, up to “a social group of residents of a communal apartment at the address...”. It all depends on how much the expert was paid for analyzing your nonsense.

From 2021, criminal liability under Article 282 occurs only if a person has been brought to administrative charges

responsibility for inciting ethnic hatred
over the past year
. The article has been softened, and if you, anon, accidentally say a careless word against black people or the Tsar himself, then the first time you will get off with only a fine, and a repeated insult may send you to the bunk.

Racism: concept and features

What does racism mean? Racism is the doctrine of the physical or intellectual inequality of races and the influence of racial differences on history and culture.

If we consider racism as a criminal offense, then this term should be understood as agitation of racial superiority or humiliation of representatives of other races. Racial conflict in no way refers to a person's territorial affiliation.

In science, it is customary to distinguish the following types of races:

  • Caucasian race – light or slightly dark skin, hair, eyes of various colors, soft hair, wide eye size;
  • Negroid race - dark skin, dark eyes, coarse dark hair, large lips;
  • The Ethiopian race is a transitional type of race between Negroid and Caucasoid;
  • Americanoid race – medium or large nose, wide lower jaw;
  • Mongoloid race - dark skin color, narrow eyes, wide cheekbones;
  • Veddo-Australian race - large teeth, strong growth of beard and mustache, wide lips.

That is, race is a sign that is expressed in a person’s appearance and is visible to others.

However, not all types of races are so clearly visible. Sometimes it is impossible to guess at first glance exactly what race a person belongs to.

Why racism is bad does not need to be explained. It is obvious that any actions that are accompanied by a pronounced superiority of one person over another, one way or another, can lead to serious types of crimes.

One person can beat another or even kill another simply because they are of a different race.

How is racism different from Nazism?

Racism is, first of all, a broader concept than Nazism . It includes attempts to demonstrate the superiority of any race.

Nazism is the official political ideology in Nazi Germany. Nazism is a shortened name for National Socialism.

This phenomenon applies only to Germany, which, during the reign of Adolf Hitler, had a form of government of fascism with elements of racism and anti-Semitism.

Nazism is a racism in which it is the “Aryan race” that has superiority, which was recognized as the chosen and unique one.

In Germany, the idea of ​​pure racism was promoted, in which only those who, according to external parameters, met the strict criteria of the “Aryan race” should live on the territory of the country.

How is racism different from chauvinism?

Racism occurs in two contexts: racial exclusivity and contempt for other races. Chauvinism is a concept similar to racism, but mostly presupposes the second form of racism.

Chauvinism is the insignificance of others compared to any race or specific person.

It's not just blacks or Asians who can fall victim to chauvinism. People of a different gender, a different sexual orientation, or even people with disabilities may be targeted.

There is an opinion that chauvinism is everyday racism. The most common types of chauvinism are:

  • Religious;
  • Male;
  • Female;
  • Racial;
  • National;
  • Sexual;
  • Worldview.

Chauvinism is a lack of tolerance towards certain categories of citizens, groups or individuals.

Racism and nationalism: differences

Nationalism is a manifestation of intolerance towards other nations, not races. In this case, ethnicity does not matter.

That is, an Asian, Russian, or Ethiopian, while being a US citizen, can make statements that Americans are the chosen people. This will be considered nationalism.

Nowadays, ideas about national chosenness and identity are widely disseminated in the world in many countries. And in Russia today such a problem also exists.

[edit] In practice

Another case.
Only clinical idiots can be legally prosecuted under this article, since with a normal lawyer, any prosecutorial charge falls apart before our eyes - about any of your speeches, except for the most extreme cases, anon, we can say that they were allegorical or allegorical in nature, and if You’re not an idiot, and you didn’t write a note of appreciation with substantive wording; you can’t prove anything.

And even if you cleaned up the janitor’s face, then if you didn’t sincerely admit that you beat him specifically for his foreign face, you will only be charged with beatings, or something else, but not in any way with a “national context.”

In general, the problem is not in the law itself, but in how it is applied, because it should work in both directions.

At the same time, the one against whom the relevant authorities are incensed - even for an incendiary comment on Tyrnet - will face very interesting problems in unexpected places: all bank accounts and deposits will SUDDENLY be blocked, and the cashiers at Sberbank will shy away in horror just after seeing the poor fellow’s passport. For it is enough to become a suspect in a case under Art. 282, how will you instantly find yourself on the same list with the most frostbitten terrorists from all over the world (lurk 115-FZ of 08/07/2001).

Humiliation of a child's human dignity

Forming a child’s self-esteem is the most important part of upbringing . The sense of self-esteem formed in childhood will have a key influence on what lifestyle the child will choose and maintain in the future.

One of the significant factors influencing the development of self-esteem in a child is the respectful treatment of the people around him. And not only within the family, but also in educational institutions.

The punishment for insulting a child is determined by the court, guided by the composition and provisions of Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Criminal liability is possible if consequences occur that lead to loss of health or life of the injured party.

Regarding Art. 282, then its use is possible with the same signs accompanying the act that are indicated above in the article, namely:

  • humiliation of a significant group of people, including children;
  • publicity, openness;
  • discrimination based on nationality, race, social status, gender or belief.

[edit] Those who went

  • Aratov is a respectable publisher, a true pagan and anti-It.
  • Yuri Mukhin is a writer, the author of more than thousands of books about the corrupting influence of the Jewish lobby on the structure of power in this country.
  • Konstantin Dushenov is a bruised, unconquered fighter for the Orthodox Faith, Morality and Spirituality™.
  • Vladimir Kvachkov, a victim of Chubais’s cunning plan, allegedly wanted to cut out Ryzhiy. On December 23, 2010 they tied him up again. He is making cunning plans to seize power in Raska by cutting out the local branch of ZOG. Monarcho-Stalinist. Officially imprisoned on charges of organizing an armed rebellion in Russia (with crossbows, yeah) and terrorism.
  • Ivan Mironov is an accomplice of the above-mentioned. Acquitted by the court. Based on the results of the walk, I wrote a memoir.
  • Savva Terentyev is a fighter against “werewolves in uniform” and simply a genius from Syktyvkar.
  • Boris Stomakhin is a terry YERZH. He dreams of covering all of Russia with blood. I would start with myself.
  • Yuri Petukhov is the only one from the party who delivered (if only because it was on his work that Yarovrat based his crazy ideas). Nowadays RIP.
  • Nibaal - due to the lack of trains on the 205th, she followed the locomotive on the 282nd.
  • Tesak - sent to 3.5 years of general regime by Navalny for inciting hatred against the social group “liberals” at the debate in “Bilingva” on February 28, 2007. In mid-2014, he was imprisoned again for 5 years, however, later the term was reduced to 2.8 - for “extremist” video reviews of the films “Okolofootball” and “Stalingrad”.
  • Konstantin Krylov, who called people from the Caucasus “monkeys” and called for “an end to the strange economic model.”
  • Varrax is the former grandfather of Russian Sotonism, who retrained himself as a very virulent National Socialist and Sovkophile at the same time. I went to correctional labor for one of the “inciting” articles from my website. After this, the site was thoroughly cleaned of anything that could lead to a relapse.
  • Spider, for example.
  • Alexander Dodonov is a Chita resident who participated in the “Occupy Pedophile” flash mobs of the notorious Tesak. However, this is not where he got burned. In 2015, I decided to fly to Ukraine in order to fight in the scarecrow of all Russian media - “DUK Right Sector”, for which I signed up with them. However, it didn’t work out, and the cops came to visit. The result is 1.5 years in a penal colony. ICHSH, from a logical point of view, he didn’t go anywhere and didn’t take up arms. However, they imprisoned me.

[edit] For whom he cries

  • Deacon Andrey Kuraev - nuff said.
  • Petrov and his team are the authors of KOB and other non-kosher things. (spoiler:
    You can’t wait, the court has already acquitted them.
  • Nosik - in response to his article “Erase Syria from the face of the earth,” the Russian prosecutor’s office was seriously fired up with the idea of ​​​​revenging the insult to the feelings of the fraternal Syrian people and approximately punishing the fat Jewish troll, who imagines himself smarter and more cunning than everyone else. In the end, Nose got off with a slight fright and a fine of 300k wooden ones. But he did not despair, but planned his terrible revenge in the form of a complaint to the ECHR and a petition on the ROI website to repeal Article 282 itself. But Nosik himself did not live to see the end of this story - on July 9, 2021, he went to heaven.
  • Lena Hadiz.
  • Novodvorskaya - she is now being tried in another place.
  • Enteo.
  • Kinchev (from his texts: “They make us understand that we are dust and tops, And for those who have not caught up, those - 282”).
  • Milonov.
  • Sterligov.
  • And finally, it’s you, Anonymous, when you read this article on Our Utynenky(tm). You can see a thick hint of these subtle circumstances here.
  • And even Dmitry Medvedev can be considered an extremist.

[edit] Humor

New articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: “Desecration of the air by public calls”, “Calls to incite gender hatred”, “Theft on a knowingly small (mocking) scale”, “Knowingly false proposal of marriage”, “Misuse of a bribe”, “Knowingly false distortion of a true fiction”, “Public justification of flatulence”, “Weakening the feelings of believers”, “Insulting the feelings of the ladies present here”, “Illegal participation in legislative activities”.

[edit] Interesting facts

The police are inciting

  • Incredible, but true - Adolf Aloizych has still not been accused of incitement by any court in the Russian Federation. It seems logical: the law does not apply to the dead. But it completely extended to Leo Tolstoy. It’s just that Gitlar didn’t manage to do anything bad specifically to the Russian Orthodox Church (the damned Stalin was the first to reach the churches).
  • A forensic examination found that the slogans “Russia for Russians!” and “Kill the Khach!” are not nationalistic. This is because the first one does not exclude Russia for non-Russians. The second does not convey a clear understanding of who exactly to kill; By the word “khach” everyone understands something different.
  • But the same examination recognized the slogan “Down with autocracy!” in officially democratic Russia it is quite extremist.
  • “They speak Russian here” - now this is extremism. We all stop speaking Russian together.
  • In this country, it is possible to incite hatred towards the social group “deputies of the State Duma, except for the Communist Party faction.”
  • There is a direct reference in Pelevin’s book “Pineapple Water for a Beautiful Lady”: ... he was sometimes intemperate with his tongue and as a result received a suspended sentence for inciting hostility and hatred towards the social group “fucking fagots”. What can you do if domestic philologists reveal themselves most fully as criminal experts.
  • In Kharkov there is a “Russian Taxi” service, the telephone number of which is 7-282-282. The combination of number and name delivers like hell. In Cherepovets there is also a “Russian taxi”, and the funniest thing is “Euro-taxi”, where ONLY LKN ride on domestic buckets.
  • After the match with Poland at Euro 2012, on his Twitter, Russian Prime Minister D. A. Medvedev posted/tweet an ambiguous photo of the head coach of the Russian national football team, Dick Advocaat, with the comment “Everything is still ahead, victory will be ours!” against the background of the number 282.
  • In 2005, the migration increase in the population of Russia amounted to exactly 282.1 thousand people. It would seem, what does migrants have to do with it?

[edit] Quotes


Both in terms of terms and in the nature of application, Article 282 is no different from “anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda”, according to which dissidents were imprisoned in the USSR. The only difference is in the broadness of the interpretation - 282 can be interpreted much more widely. But this does not change the fact: people imprisoned for “political extremism” are dissidents. The same dissidents who were imprisoned in Mordovian camps during the dark years of stagnation.

Misha Verbitsky[22]

As for a certain moral example that I would like to achieve from the State Duma, this is definitely the repeal of Article 282 about far-fetched extremism, which will allow us to return freedom of political discussions. Returning to Russian citizens the right to express their opinions means giving the country the opportunity for evolution, not revolution.

Maria Baronova[23]

The attitude towards this article is such that without this article there will be no criminal code. That is, this is a natural punishment, because it covers things that directly contradict the constitution. Inciting national, social, and cultural hatred is a crime and should be such under any legal system.

Lev Shlosberg[24]

Anyone who, while discussing some pressing issues online, inadvertently curses at some group of people - be it “Khokhols”, “Pindos”, officials or even gay activists - can fall under Article 282. The situation with Article 282 is very simple: it is supported by those politicians who, having come to power, dream of dealing with “undesirables” and “dissenters” in the same way - and want to have a tool for this.

Natalya Kholmogorova[25]

I am going to the polls, including to immediately repeal the repressive and stupid Article 282. All political prisoners - from nationalists to liberals, from right to left - will be released from prison on the very first day.

Alexey Navalny[26]

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