Cases of unauthorized consumption of electricity by private owners and officials are becoming increasingly common. This is due
MIP online legal encyclopedia - » Criminal cases - comments from a Federal Judge / Law Group
The case of journalist Ivan Golunov has drawn attention to the work of law enforcement agencies and the judicial system in
The walls of the Vladimir Central keep no less secrets than Butyrka and “Crosses”. In the cells of this continues a series of publications about special regime colonies - the most terrible zones in Russia. There
The concept and principles of judicial penalties for failure to comply with a court decision by the Law “On Amendments...” dated
Prisoners in correctional colonies are kept in conditions that are divided into three according to the degree of severity
According to law enforcement statistics, theft and robbery are among the most frequently committed
Property Damage Report – a document that records damage caused to inventory items belonging to
Chapter 16 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Crimes against life and health” presents a wide list of various