In business, there are situations when a company partner or chief accountant misappropriates money entrusted to them.
Robbery is a crime against constitutional human rights and freedoms, for which criminal liability is provided.
Causing grievous bodily harm provides for criminal liability from the very beginning in the form of a maximum
ST 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Fraud, that is, theft of someone else’s property or acquisition of rights
Telephone threats may be related to social or political activities, conflict at work,
Every citizen of the country must understand that for normal civilized living it is necessary to follow certain rules
The corpus delicti under Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – causing death by negligence in everyday life begins a series of publications about special regime colonies - the most terrible zones in Russia. There
GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. In the process of carrying out the statutory activities of the Limited Liability Company "Secure Telecommunications"
In our state, not only the person who was involved in the production of false documents is subject to criminal liability,