Article 265 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is recognized as constitutional



Article 263. Violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway, air, sea and inland water transport and the subway

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 195-FZ)

1. Violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway, air, sea and inland water transport and the metro by a person who, by virtue of the work performed or position held, is obliged to comply with these rules, except for the cases provided for in Article 271.1 of this Code, as well as the refusal of the specified person to comply of their labor duties in the case where such refusal is prohibited by law, if these acts negligently entailed the infliction of serious harm to human health or the infliction of major damage -

(as amended by Federal Law dated November 7, 2011 N 304-FZ)

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by restriction of freedom for a term of up to four years, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated 03/07/2011 N 26-FZ, dated 12/07/2011 N 420-FZ)

2. An act provided for in the first part of this article, which through negligence entailed the infliction of grave harm to a person’s health, if it:

a) committed by a person in a state of intoxication;

b) involves leaving the place where it was committed, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated April 23, 2019 N 65-FZ)

3. Acts provided for in part one of this article, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for a term of up to seven years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

Note. In this article, major damage is defined as damage the amount of which exceeds one million rubles.

Commentary on Article 263

Article 263.1. Violation of transport security requirements

(as amended by Federal Law No. 15-FZ dated 03.02.2014)

1. Failure to comply with transport safety requirements at transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles, if this act negligently resulted in the infliction of serious harm to human health or the infliction of major damage, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year.

2. Failure to comply with requirements for ensuring transport safety of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles by a person responsible for ensuring transport safety, if this act negligently entailed the infliction of serious harm to human health or the infliction of major damage, -

shall be punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to four years, or forced labor for a term of up to five years, with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or by imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

3. Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or resulting in the death of a person through negligence, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or without one.

4. Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, committed by an organized group or resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to eight years with a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years, or without it, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years. or without it.

Note. In this article, major damage is defined as damage the amount of which exceeds one million rubles.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 264. Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles

(as amended by Federal Law No. 20-FZ of February 13, 2009)

1. Violation by a person driving a car, tram or other mechanical vehicle of the rules of the road or the operation of vehicles, which through negligence entailed the infliction of grave harm to human health, -

shall be punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to two years, with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or by imprisonment for a term of up to two years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 27, 2009 N 377-FZ, dated March 7, 2011 N 26-FZ, dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ, dated December 31, 2014 N 528-FZ)

2. An act provided for in the first part of this article, which through negligence entailed the infliction of grave harm to a person’s health, if it:

a) committed by a person in a state of intoxication;

b) involves leaving the place where it was committed, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or imprisonment for a term of three to seven years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated June 17, 2019 N 146-FZ)

(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law dated April 23, 2019 N 65-FZ)

3. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting in the death of a person through negligence, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to four years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ, dated December 31, 2014 N 528-FZ)

4. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting in the death of a person through negligence, if it:

a) committed by a person in a state of intoxication;

b) involves leaving the place where it was committed, -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to twelve years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated June 17, 2019 N 146-FZ)

(Part 4 as amended by Federal Law dated April 23, 2019 N 65-FZ)

5. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ, dated December 31, 2014 N 528-FZ)

6. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, if it:

a) committed by a person in a state of intoxication;

b) involves leaving the place where it was committed, -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of eight to fifteen years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated June 17, 2019 N 146-FZ)

(Part 6 as amended by Federal Law dated April 23, 2019 N 65-FZ)

Note. No longer in force on July 1, 2015. — Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 528-FZ.

Notes. 1. In this article and Article 264.1 of this Code, other mechanical vehicles mean tractors, self-propelled road construction and other self-propelled machines, as well as vehicles for which a special right is granted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety.

2. For the purposes of this article and Articles 263 and 264.1 of this Code, a person who is in a state of intoxication is recognized as a person driving a vehicle if it is established that this person has consumed substances that cause alcoholic intoxication, which is determined by the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration exceeding the possible the total measurement error established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, or in the case of the presence in the body of this person of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, as well as a person driving a vehicle who has not complied with the legal requirement of an authorized official about undergoing a medical examination for intoxication in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 3, 2016 N 328-FZ, dated June 17, 2019 N 146-FZ)

(notes introduced by Federal Law dated December 31, 2014 N 528-FZ)

Commentary on Article 264

Article 264.1. Violation of traffic rules by a person subject to administrative punishment

(introduced by Federal Law dated December 31, 2014 N 528-FZ)

Driving a car, tram or other power-driven vehicle by a person who is intoxicated, who has been subjected to administrative punishment for driving while intoxicated or for failure to comply with the legal requirement of an authorized official to undergo a medical examination for intoxication, or who has a criminal record for committing a crime while intoxicated. provided for by parts two, four or six of Article 264 of this Code or this article -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or with compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred eighty hours with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to two years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years.

Article 265. Repealed. — Federal Law of December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ.

Article 266. Poor quality repairs of vehicles and their release into service with technical defects

1. Poor quality repairs of vehicles, means of communication, signaling or communication means or other transport equipment, as well as the release into operation of technically faulty vehicles by a person responsible for the technical condition of vehicles, if these acts negligently entailed the infliction of grave harm to human health, -

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ)

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by restriction of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ, dated 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)

2. The same acts that caused the death of a person through negligence, -

shall be punished by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for the same term.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

3. Acts provided for in part one of this article, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for a term of up to seven years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

Commentary on Article 266

Article 267. Rendering of transport means or means of communication unusable

1. Destruction, damage or otherwise rendering unusable a vehicle, communication lines, signaling or communication means or other transport equipment, as well as blocking transport communications, if these acts negligently resulted in the infliction of grave harm to human health or the infliction of major damage , —

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ)

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to four years, or by imprisonment for the same term.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

2. The same acts that caused the death of a person through negligence, -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to eight years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated 03/07/2011 N 26-FZ)

3. Acts provided for in part one of this article, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to ten years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated 03/07/2011 N 26-FZ)

Note. In this article, major damage is defined as damage the amount of which exceeds one million rubles.

(note introduced by Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 195-FZ)

Commentary on Article 267

Article 268. Violation of rules ensuring safe operation of transport

1. Violation by a passenger, pedestrian or other traffic participant (except for persons specified in Articles 263 and 264 of this Code) of traffic safety rules or operation of vehicles, if this act negligently entailed the infliction of grave harm to human health, -

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ)

shall be punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to four months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated 03/07/2011 N 26-FZ, dated 12/07/2011 N 420-FZ)

2. The same act, resulting in the death of a person through negligence, -

shall be punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to four years, or forced labor for a term of up to four years, or imprisonment for the same term.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

3. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for a term of up to seven years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

Commentary on Article 268

Article 269. Violation of safety rules during the construction, operation or repair of main pipelines

1. Violation of safety rules during the construction, operation or repair of main pipelines, if this act negligently entailed the infliction of grave harm to human health, -

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ)

shall be punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to two years, with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or by imprisonment for a term of up to two years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 27, 2009 N 377-FZ, dated March 7, 2011 N 26-FZ, dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

2. The same act, resulting in the death of a person through negligence, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for the same term.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

3. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, -

shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for a term of up to seven years.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

Commentary on Article 269

Article 270. Failure by the captain of a ship to provide assistance to those in distress

Failure by the captain of a ship to provide assistance to people in distress at sea or on another waterway, if this assistance could have been provided without serious danger to his ship, its crew and passengers, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ, dated December 27, 2009 N 377-FZ, dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ)

Commentary on Article 270

Article 271. Violation of international flight rules

Failure to comply with the routes, landing sites, air gates, flight altitudes specified in the permit, or other violation of the rules of international flights -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ, dated December 27, 2009 N 377-FZ, dated March 7, 2011 N 26-FZ)

Commentary on Article 271

Article 271.1. Violation of the rules for using the airspace of the Russian Federation

(introduced by Federal Law dated November 7, 2011 N 304-FZ)

1. Use of the airspace of the Russian Federation without permission in cases where such permission is required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, if this act negligently resulted in the infliction of serious harm to health or the death of a person -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

2. An act provided for in the first part of this article, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

Article 265 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is recognized as constitutional

A. CHUCHAEV A. Chuchaev, Doctor of Law, Professor. On February 4, 1999, Shevyakov was convicted by the Tver Intermunicipal (District) Court of Moscow for committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 264, art. 265 and Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Moscow City Court, having considered the case in cassation, by a ruling dated April 5, 1999, overturned the verdict and dismissed the case for lack of corpus delicti in terms of convicting Shevyakov on charges of a crime under Art. 125 of the Criminal Code. Otherwise, the sentence was left unchanged. Shevyakov filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in which he challenged the constitutionality of Art. 265 CC. He argued that the norm contained in this article essentially introduces criminal liability for refusal to assist in the investigation of traffic accidents, and the driver who committed this crime is obliged to preserve and provide law enforcement agencies with evidence of his guilt, which is contrary to the provisions of Part 1 of Art. . 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which no one is obliged to testify against himself. In addition, according to the applicant, Art. 265 of the Criminal Code contradicts Part 1 of Art. 50 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, since it actually establishes responsibility for the same actions and their consequences, responsibility for which is provided for in Art. 264 of the Criminal Code, which means double punishment for the same crime. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, having considered Shevyakov’s complaint on April 25, 2001, recognized Art. 265 of the Criminal Code, which does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. At the request of the editors, the content of this article of the Criminal Code is commented on by Doctor of Law, Professor A. Chuchaev. In Art. 265 of the Criminal Code provides for liability for “leaving the scene of a traffic accident by a person driving a vehicle and violating the rules of the road or operation of vehicles, in the event of the consequences provided for in Article 264 of this Code.” This crime, committed in the sphere of transport, is not a transport crime itself, it is only genetically connected with it, and acts as its continuation in time. The article in question provides for a special case of being left in danger. The social danger of the act lies in the fact that the perpetrator violates the relations regulated by legal norms that arise in the field of transport, does not fulfill the obligation to eliminate or reduce the severity of the possible consequences of a road accident. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the Resolution of April 25, 2001 “In the case of verifying the constitutionality of Article 265 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaint of citizen A.A. Shevyakova pointed out that the criminal law, establishing the obligation of a person driving a vehicle and violating the rules of the road or operation of vehicles, under threat of punishment, to remain in such cases at the scene of a traffic accident, connects this obligation with the interests of all road users and the need to ensure their fulfillment of mutual obligations arising from the fact of a traffic accident. This is due, among other things, to the nature of the relationship that develops between the driver driving the vehicle as a source of increased danger and other road users, and does not contradict the constitutional and legal requirement that the exercise of human and civil rights and freedoms should not violate the rights and freedoms other persons (Part 3 of Article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). By establishing criminal liability for leaving the scene of a traffic accident by a person driving a vehicle and violating the rules of the road or operation of vehicles, in the event of consequences including the infliction of serious or moderate harm to health, as well as the death of one or more persons, the state realizes its constitutional duty to protect human dignity, his rights and freedoms, including the right to life and health, to ensure the rights of victims of crime and compensation for damage caused to them. Based on the principles of criminal legal liability defined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the criminalization of this act cannot be regarded as an unacceptable restriction of the right to freedom and personal integrity of persons responsible for a traffic accident. The object of the crime in question is the life and health of persons injured in a road traffic accident - an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle and with its participation. The circle of persons recognized as victims of a crime provided for in this article, in comparison with Art. 125 of the Criminal Code is significantly limited. The objective side of the crime consists of the fact that: 1) the person driving the vehicle and violating the rules of the road or operation of vehicles, left the scene of a traffic accident without taking the necessary measures provided for by the Rules of the Road; 2) the victims needed medical care; 3) the driver had the opportunity to take measures to provide such assistance; 4) the consequences specified in Art. 264 CC. The traffic rules (clause 2.5) list in detail the actions (and the sequence of their implementation) that a driver involved in a traffic accident must take. It must be borne in mind that such a driver is considered not only the driver whose vehicle was directly involved in the incident, but also the driver whose actions influenced the development of the situation that led to it. According to the Traffic Rules, the driver, in particular, is obliged to: take possible measures to provide assistance to the victims, call an ambulance, and in emergency cases, send the victims along the way, and if this is not possible, take them in their vehicle to the nearest medical facility. The essence of the crime in question is that the driver ignores these rules, does not take measures to provide assistance to the victims and flees the scene of the incident. The elements of the crime are formal: the crime is completed from the moment the specified actions are committed. There is no corpus delicti for this crime if, for example, the driver could not provide assistance to the victims due to injuries received, etc. The place of a road traffic accident, which is referred to in the law, is the place where an event occurred that occurred during the movement of a car, tram or other mechanical vehicle, in which people were killed or injured. The subjective side is characterized by a deliberate form of guilt. The person realizes that he is leaving the scene of a traffic accident and wishes to do so. Subject - a person who drove a vehicle and violated the rules of the road or operation of vehicles, who has reached 16 years of age. Leaving the scene of a traffic accident by a person driving a vehicle, but not violating the rules specified in the law, does not fall under the criteria of this article; Such acts are covered by Art. 125 of the Criminal Code. The above-mentioned resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation emphasizes that violation by a person driving a power-driven vehicle of traffic rules or operation of vehicles, which through negligence resulted in the infliction of grave or moderate harm to human health or the death of one or more persons (Article 264 of the Criminal Code), and leaving the scene of a traffic accident by a person driving a vehicle and violating the rules of the road or operation of vehicles, in the event of the occurrence of these consequences (Article 265 of the Criminal Code) form independent elements of crime, and, therefore, establishing responsibility for each of these acts does not means a violation of Part 1 of Art. 50 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees everyone the right not to be convicted again for the same crime. Flowing from Art. 265 of the Criminal Code is the obligation of a person who has violated the rules of the road or the operation of vehicles to remain at the scene of the incident in the event of the consequences provided for in Art. 264 of the Criminal Code does not prevent him from exercising the right not to testify against himself (Part 1 of Article 50 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), which must be ensured at any stage of criminal proceedings. This constitutional right presupposes that a person may refuse not only to testify, but also to provide the inquiry authorities and the investigator with other evidence confirming his guilt in committing a crime. The right of everyone not to testify against himself, as well as the right not to be obliged to prove his innocence and to be considered innocent until his guilt is proven in the manner prescribed by law, by virtue of Art. 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are directly applicable and must be ensured, among other things, by the law enforcer - on the basis of what is enshrined in Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation requires the direct effect of constitutional norms. Taking this into account, when establishing the circumstances of a road traffic accident and initiating a criminal case, the relevant officials are obliged to explain to the person driving the vehicle and remaining at the scene of the road traffic accident, his right to refuse to give explanations, testimonies and provide other evidence regarding this incident . The evidence that was obtained from him by force cannot be relied upon, as follows from Part 2 of Art. 49, part 2 art. 50 and part 1 art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the basis for conclusions and decisions in criminal cases. At the same time, the identification in the Criminal Code of the crime in question as an independent one, along with the general elements of leaving in danger (Article 125 of the Criminal Code), and its placement in the chapter on crimes encroaching on the safety of traffic or operation of transport, raises, in our opinion, doubts , gives rise to artificial problems in qualifying the actions of the perpetrators and distinguishing them from related acts. LINKS TO LEGAL ACTS

“CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) “CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” dated June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 24, 1996) DECISION of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1919 93 N 1090 “ON TRAFFIC RULES "(together with the "BASIC PROVISIONS FOR ADMISSION OF VEHICLES FOR OPERATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICIALS TO ENSURE ROAD SAFETY") Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2001 N 6-P "ON THE CASE OF VERIFICATION OF THE CONSTITUTION CONNECTIONS OF ARTICLE 265 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPLAINT OF CITIZEN A.A. SHEVIAKOV" Legality, N 9, 2001

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