Russians will be allowed to watch pornography through the State Services portal

Your question:
is there a penalty for viewing prohibited sites
Hello. My brother often watched pornographic videos on his iPhone. And at one point the phone is blocked and a message comes out: you face a sentence of 2 to 8 years, Article 242 (involving minors), pay a fine of 2,500 rubles. to the phone number. Everything is written in competent legal language. What could it be? Can a person really be imprisoned for viewing and visiting such sites? It is also indicated that the IP address is now in the database, because porn is often viewed from it. That within some time a task force will come for you to detain you.

Lawyer's response:

Hello Ira Without touching on ethics, no, such responsibility does not exist. This is a scam of money. liability is provided only for distribution Article 242. Illegal production and circulation of pornographic materials or objects 1. Illegal production and (or) movement across the Municipal border of the Russian Federation for the purpose of distribution, public demonstration or advertising or distribution, public demonstration or advertising of pornographic materials or objects - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 100 thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of 1 to 2 years, or by forced labor for a term of up to 2 years, or by imprisonment for the same term. . 2. Distribution, public demonstration or advertising of pornographic materials or objects among minors or involvement of a minor in the circulation of pornographic products, committed by a person who has reached the age of eighteen, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 2 to 5 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to 10 years or without such. ________________________________________

I got a window saying that I had been fined in the amount of 2,500 rubles! Fine for visiting prohibited sites... I felt ashamed and scared. I read on the Internet that they are scammers! I cooled down, but YouTube and Play Market blocked me. How to remove this and get out of the situation?

Lawyer's response:

Yulia, there are no such fines. Your computer is infected with a virus. It is necessary to check with an antivirus program and remove the virus _____________________________________________

Good afternoon I liked the design of one site, can I copy its design or is this somehow punishable?

Lawyer's response:

No, it's unrealistic. This is protected by copyright law. ________________________________________

The computer is blocked due to viewing porn. where and how to pay to unlock your computer and how to unlock it?

Lawyer's response:

Hello! Don’t even think about paying anyone - these are scammers who use a special virus! All you need to do is clean your computer with antivirus software. ________________________________________

Good afternoon My iPhone was blocked from accessing the Internet for allegedly visiting pornographic sites. on the basis of part 2 of article 41 of the CAS of the Russian Federation and article 31 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, they are asked to pay 5,000 rubles to the MTS number within 12 hours. otherwise they threaten to open a criminal case. Is this really true, should I go pay or is it a scam?

Read more: I bought a low-quality product on Avito, how to return it

Lawyer's response:

Victoria, Hello, Fraudsters, of course. You either just need to reboot or clean the virus. ________________________________________

Your question:
is there a penalty for viewing prohibited sites
Good evening! Tell me, please, while browsing the Internet, a tab opened up asking me to pay a fine for viewing a prohibited site in the amount of 4,000 rubles within 12 hours. Otherwise, it is indicated that my phone will be blocked. Is this legal? When opening sites and viewing them, it was not indicated anywhere that they were prohibited. Thank you in advance. Marina

Lawyer's response:

Marina, Hello. Similar advertising refers to the so-called phishing, in other words, the recruitment of users for the purpose of obtaining benefits, including deception. When opening websites and browsing them, I did not see anywhere that they were illegal. Marina Indeed, the list of so-called prohibited Internet pages was established by Roskomnadzor, and such messages are unlawful, since they come from an inappropriate person. The next time similar messages occur, I advise you to contact your provider with a corresponding complaint. ________________________________________

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Modern society uses the Internet very heavily, and this is good. Now a person can find any information he is interested in. The only problem is that the content is very diverse, and some carry certain dangers. In this article we will try to understand the topic of fines for visiting prohibited sites in Russia

What is the punishment for viewing porn sites?

The further computer technology develops, the greater the threat increases. As a rule, these are malicious programs, namely computer viruses. Plus, there is such a thing as making money on the Internet, and many webmasters take advantage of this, earning really serious money. One of the areas of activity is website building and further development.

The topics can be anything, since people are interested in almost everything. There are white themes, and there are gray ones, like porn sites. This topic is prohibited and even, to some extent, criminally punishable. Nevertheless, this business is profitable, because webmasters continue to work in this topic, thereby earning fabulous money.

The point is that the owner of the porn site is well aware that the visitor will not want to publicly talk about visiting such sites, even to law enforcement agencies. Taking advantage of this, virtual “businessmen” can easily make money from such individuals, for example, through extortion.

Previously, this method of extortion was effective: web criminals, after a user visited their porn site, introduced a special virus into the computer system. After this, the user, having accessed the browser, sees a rather frightening pop-up window, for example, with a mark from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, saying that attempts were recorded to view prohibited sites, and so on. This is followed by a requirement to pay a fine of 500 rubles or more. In most cases, the criminals left a phone number where the assigned amount of money had to be transferred. To ensure that the user makes the transfer, there is a warning that if payment is not made on time, they will send a task force or some other threats.

This program was later called the “Ministry of Internal Affairs virus”, and it still works. Naturally, an ignorant person begins to panic, because, firstly, he believes in what is written, and secondly, wherever he goes online, he is haunted by this very ominous banner.

Is there current responsibility for purchasing and storing materials...

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 242.1. Production and circulation of materials or objects with pornographic images of minors

(as amended by Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated February 29, 2012)

(see text in the previous edition)

1. Production, acquisition, storage

and (or) movement across the State Border of the Russian Federation for the purpose of distribution, public demonstration or advertising, or distribution, public demonstration or advertising of materials or objects with pornographic images of minors -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to eight years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to fifteen years.

2. The acts provided for in part one of this article, committed:

a) in relation to a person under fourteen years of age;

b) by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group;

c) with the extraction of income on a large scale;

d) using the media, including information and telecommunication networks (including the Internet), -

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to ten years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to fifteen years and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years or without it.

Notes. 1. In this article and Article 242.2 of this Code, materials and objects with pornographic images of minors mean materials and objects containing any image or description for sexual purposes:

fully or partially exposed genitals of a minor;

a minor committing or simulating sexual intercourse or other acts of a sexual nature;

sexual intercourse or other acts of a sexual nature committed against a minor or with his participation;

an adult person pretending to be a minor, committing or simulating sexual intercourse or other actions of a sexual nature.

2. Materials and objects with pornographic images of minors are not materials and objects containing an image or description of the genital organs of a minor, if such materials and objects have historical, artistic or cultural value or are intended for use for scientific or medical purposes or in educational activities in the established manner federal law order.

(notes introduced by Federal Law dated June 23, 2016 N 199-FZ)

Register of prohibited sites

In 2012, by decree of the state, a special register of prohibited sites was designed to protect citizens from malicious information and programs from the Internet. The automated system works according to a smart algorithm, searching the network for malicious material. If one is detected, both providers and owners of the sites that source this information are immediately notified. If no measures are taken, Registry employees block the site.

Moreover, we are talking not only about pornographic sites, but in general about any sources of extremist information, including terrorism, racial intolerance, political extremism and the like. As for pornographic websites, they are prohibited according to Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. By percentage:

  • 40% - information about narcotic drugs;
  • 30% - on suicidal topics and topics that threaten life and health;
  • 20% - by calling for extremist movements;
  • 10% - porn sites.

Russians will be allowed to watch pornography through the State Services portal

Cinema for adults is proposed to be divided into “illegal” and “not prohibited by law.”

The Russian authorities have again taken up the fight against pornography. This time it is proposed to divide it into “illegal” and “not prohibited by law.” The latter, accordingly, can be watched, but not by everyone, but only by adults. And since no one will take the audience’s word for it, in order to get the coveted permission to watch an “adult” movie or video, you will have to confirm your age through the State Services portal. This proposal came from the Main Radio Frequency Center (GRFC), which is part of Roskomnadzor.

According to Kommersant, experts from the scientific and technical center GRCHTs classified child pornography as “obviously offensive,” meaning rape videos. “Non-prohibited” pornography means “naturalistic depictions or descriptions of the genitals of an adult and/or sexual intercourse or sexual activity comparable to sexual intercourse involving consenting adults.” At the same time, the publication draws attention to the fact that the Scientific and Technical Center GRCHTS is silent about how it intends to deal with “illegal” pornography.

According to the experts, pornographic traffic will be filtered automatically, by default, using special equipment on operator networks. They will be required to install such equipment in advance. Viewing access will only be granted after proof of age has been received.

As stated by the acting Roman Korostashov, head of the Scientific and Technical Center of the GRCHTs, the main task is “to protect children from destructive content.” In turn, Timur Aliyev, a partner in the Grechkin and Partners group, recalled that the law does not prohibit private viewing of any pornography. According to another lawyer, Dmitry Gorbunov (firm Rustam Kurmaev and Partners), Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the production and circulation of any pornography, while this measure does not actually work, unlike Art. 242.1, which provides for liability for the involvement of minors.

The operators refused to comment to Kommersant, but a representative of one of them nevertheless noted that they already use technical means of countering threats (TSPU), which filter illegal content within the framework of the law on the “sovereign RuNet”. Director General of the Internet Research Institute Karen Kazaryan suggested that using technical means to counter threats can limit access to pornographic content, but it will be of little use. “Pornography on the Internet is widespread, you won’t be able to control everything,” the specialist explained.

Lawyer Timur Aliyev also agreed with this, believing that it is impossible to block everything because of the “great variety of porn sites” that can easily be transferred to other addresses.

Experts were also skeptical about registration on the State Services portal. Kazaryan does not exclude that many sites are unlikely to agree to this. And users definitely won’t like it.

It is noteworthy that when Roskomnadzor began blocking the largest porn sites in the Russian segment of the Internet several years ago, it gave advice: it is better to date in real life than to watch someone else’s intimate life on the Internet. But one of the largest and most popular porn sites in the world, PornHub, took an unprecedented step in connection with the coronavirus pandemic: it provided premium accounts.

Irada Huseynova

Fine for viewing prohibited sites in Russia

In 2017-2018, there are no fines for viewing such sites. Most likely, it won’t, since in any case, the prohibited sites are already included in the Register, so they are simply inaccessible. Even if a site on a similar topic somehow appears on the Internet, it is the provider who will be punished, and not the citizen who accessed this resource.

In fact, it was planned to introduce fines. There have been quite a few bills on this issue since the early 2000s. This is understandable, since there were a lot of projects on the topic of child pornography, extremism, and so on. However, since then the matter has not moved forward, and Internet providers and government agencies are responsible for all this.

If we compare, for example, with European countries, then criminal punishment awaits not only producers and distributors of child porn, but also users who are interested in this topic. And tracking them down is not that difficult. The situation is the same in the United States. In our country, only the distribution and production of such products are criminally punishable.

Why is it deadly to watch pornography?


When starting a conversation on this shocking topic, I would like to avoid any photo illustrations, titles or names associated with the porn industry. Since any - even indirect - mention of specific films and persons in one way or another advertises the examples and representatives of this diabolical business. True, we are not sure that we will carry out this plan to the end, because... in the research underway it will be very difficult to avoid specifics; but let's try.

To be honest, it was extremely risky to tackle such a topic for fear of falling into the crafty temptation of sex propaganda against one’s will. However, a step-by-step study of the global spread of this obscene industry throughout the world indicates the following:

- if at first pornography was the lot of one-time lovers of illegal literature and flawed collectors of obscene photographs, then after the so-called “sexual revolution” of the late 60s and early 70s of the twentieth century, it has already taken cinematic production by storm. Further more.

The Shameless Movie Quarters of the '70s continued powerfully into the next decade. The vile sexual media monster expanded its boundaries many times over in the video era of the 80s and 90s, when obscene products began to actively conquer the homely family man who was too lazy to go to the disreputable cinema after work. Cassettes with ugly video footage, like locusts, began to penetrate the homes of respectable families and became the object of secret viewing by underage boys and girls.

All this, at one time, affected the Land of the Soviets, which was flooded with pornographic abominations from the West through diplomatic mail channels and other illegal imports. The propaganda of pornography was actively picked up by the “perestroika” new yellow publications [created with “foreign” grants], such as “Speed-Info”, “Video-ASS”, etc.

In particular, “Video-ASS”, led by the dubious shifting editor Vladimir Borev, published on its pages not only relevant photos, but even entire essays and interviews with Western porn directors who taught the “behind the times” Russians the genital “philosophy” of their vile opuses. Now it’s as awkward and creepy as it is to remember the time when, having paid 1 ruble per seat, millions of Soviet lovers and married couples, fidgeting in their chairs (in often smoky and “fume-filled”) hot rooms, tried with a calm look to digest in their minds the ossifying their Western video outrages. Often, at state cinemas, which were also then showing such decay through video projection devices, scandals occurred when dumbfounded parents, in their naivety, found themselves at such “adult” film shows with their children. But, unlike Brezhnev’s times, none of those in power heard their claims, because by the beginning of the 90s, pornographic vices began to actively creep out of the underground, acquiring in the agonizing USSR all the features of an officially permitted “cultural underground”.

Then the boom of video cassettes gave rise to cable TV of the corresponding kind. So pornography took another popular springboard.

However, most of all, the problem of mass corruption of people was aggravated by the vast Internet of the 3rd millennium, which took into its insatiable womb, so to speak, “in one bottle,” the triple sex relay from cinema, video and television combined. The Worldwide Virtual Web of clearly godless origin has covered the entire surface of our mortal planet, has crawled into almost every home on Earth, and is openly disguising infants and teenagers who are curious about the “forbidden fruit” with video and photographic materials demonstrating pictures of the utter human fall from grace.

Summing up this whole terrifying picture, you understand that ignoring this total porn escalation is simply negligent, if not criminal (it will cost you more). Quietly getting used to it, we cut off the branch on which we are sitting, because the omnipresence of vice, like ruthless leprosy, destroys the foundations of society at all levels, seriously questions the very existence of the human world. Therefore, these circumstances give us reasonable grounds to begin our private incriminating research.

To begin with, dear readers, remember the feeling of disgusting disgust that came over you when your eyes saw the picture of human-bestial intercourse on the screen for the first time in your life. As a rule, in such moments, the moviegoer’s unhealthy curiosity is instantly supplanted by a spiritual shock, a kind of “nuclear explosion” of consciousness with the constant question: “Why do people dare this to each other, and in front of everyone?”

This first “disgust” is perhaps the most sober reaction of Homo sapiens to spectacles of a similar kind. Here I inevitably want to pay tribute to the same times of the USSR. For all their atheism and official persecution of the Church, the Soviet state system, nevertheless, formed pious norms of relationships between men and women in its society, rigidly protecting its multinational people [and native cinema, including] from subversive foreign influence from outside. Yes, in the depths of the closed “union” existence there was a latent interest of some groups of the population in foreign “bare liberties”. But majority of people understood and condemned the whole baseness of the Western debauched pseudo-morals.

But then came the Rubicon year of 1985. And after the odious Gorbachev came to general power, the “perestroika” ideologists - and many of you remember this - through the ubiquitous above-mentioned video salons (and at the same time through official film distribution) all the sewage drains were uncorked, flooding the 300 million population of a very chaste country with sewage up to the neck. .

Since then, the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other post-Soviet states have found themselves in the abyss of a raging sea of ​​foreign porn dirt, which, alas, is not possible to drain into a septic tank in the near future. For the power of pornocrats in these spiritual and geographical spaces, unfortunately, is now greater than ever. At least for now.

So why can watching pornography lead a person to an unexpected and terrible death outcome? - There are many reasons for this. Let's try to justify our opinion.


Pornography is the only type of film industry (or entertainment industry as such) that a priori and unconditionally belongs to the so-called element of Lucifer. Even genres full of unhealthy ideas and corresponding “pictures” such as action (for example, “First Blood,” which for the first time showed us the rather instructive story of the restless soldier John Rambo), comedy (the Soviet “Balamut” or the French “Toy” with Pierre Richard ), a historical film (the unsurpassed Hollywood “Ben Hur” of 1959), a western (familiar to us from the Soviet film distribution “McKenna’s Gold” or “At 3.10 - Train to Yuma” of 1957), a fantasy blockbuster (“The Sixth Day” with Schwarzenegger) , social drama (“Wall Street” by Oliver Stone or the French parable of Edouard Molinaro “The Man in a Hurry”), sports melodrama (“Rocky” and “Rocky 2”), political detective (“Death of a Scoundrel” with Alain Delon) or the same disaster film (the Hollywood “Daylight” with the same Sylvester Stallone) - can periodically serve godly purposes and truths. Even in such an occult and unclean genre as a horror film, with the talented use of its techniques by a smart director, a missionary message may well be heard.

Pornography , by its ugly nature, already initially stands in the position of the devil , because it does not even have a hint of a creative resource. Archaic sexual intercourse on the screen excludes even the theoretical possibility of an educational influence on the viewer. Contrary to the aforementioned genres, pornography is alien to the very idea of ​​good intentions. Its main task is to block conscience, inflame bodily passions in a person, trample its multimillion-dollar consumer into the swamp of anarchic “permissive” depravity, and provoke further prohibitive perversions. And... empty his own wallet, simultaneously making his viewer a slave to sexual anomalies. This is a real apology for Satanism . This is exactly what (that is, the religion of bodily permissiveness) was openly declared in his satanic false bible, published in 1969, its author - the notorious Anton Sandor LaVey, the high priest of the Church of Satan in the USA, who went to his infernal master in 1997 .

Thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of textured girls and boys around the world, through a widely branched network of crafty agents-seducers and terry pimps, are deceptively drawn into a conglomerate that ostracizes them, where their [God-given] beauty, youth and dreams are trampled into the mud about a decent life.

“Over the past two decades, it [pornography] has become a rich, widely ramified industry, trading in the basest instincts, animal passions, lust and perversions,” wrote Soviet film critic Yanina Markulan in her famous monograph “Cinemelodrama. Horror film - Today, all studios in the capitalist world make erotic films, and their creators compete with each other in cynicism and frankness... The camera is already tired of filming sexual acts, it is looking for the unusual, combines sex with violence, depicts the “delights” of lesbian and pederastic love , offers special angles, exotic decorum, uses the capabilities of long-focus optics, wide format, color, etc... Sin has ceased to be a sin, it has been sanctified, blessed, called a “natural need.” One note: this was said back in 1978, i.e. 40 years ago (!). What words would Yanina Kazimirovna use today?..


Death in the cinematic porn video business is a very common occurrence. Even much more frequent than the fussy layman assumes. For example, in the extremely risky stunt community, mourning events are an order of magnitude less common than in the porn industry. Pornographers not only, like monkeys, drag into their territory popular genres and hits that have thundered in mainstream (that is, wide theatrical) release, be it a box-office police thriller remade to their own twist, a “black film,” mystical horror or cult melodrama, giving their dirty penis-vaginal contents. Spurred on by the invisible elements of hell, shameless traders, possessed to the extreme degree of degeneration, trample upon all conceivable and inconceivable boundaries of what is permitted.

One of the most blasphemous hypostases of this demonic business is the creation of outrageous [to Heaven] opuses with children and with pedophiles who corrupt them.

But this, as it turns out, is not the limit. The most savage variety of this “film format” is the so-called “snuff movie”, i.e. pornographic films with real deaths of women or children involved in them. Relying on their network of informants, as a rule, they involve unsuspecting girls and children in this case, whose disappearances in the wider society “no one will notice.” Promising the future dead a good fee, they are invited to a deeply secret filming location. First, the film lenses shoot pure pornography with perversions, after which the film records the act of real murder of the intended victim, be it strangulation, stabbing, use of a firearm or dismemberment. Sometimes the fantasy of porn sadists goes even further. (Although, it seemed, where even further?).

Only lazy, selfish atheists will argue that this is “a profanation of the basic instinct,” nothing more. In fact, any pornography - and especially murder - is a ritual human sacrifice to Satan. This is an active front of sophisticated resistance to God. This is a fierce field of constant spiritual battle between the Creator of all the beauty that surrounds us (including human beauty) and its restless vile subverter, who from time immemorial has been imposing his anti-kingdom of darkness and horrific vice on arrogant people. “Snuff Movie” confirms this immutable fact so clearly that it would seem that it does not need any evidence. But people, fixated on their unprincipled worldly success, are too inert not only to fight evil, but even to simply realize these truths. the truth , especially if it shakes your selfishness.

Only since the beginning of the 2000s, a whole string of “actresses” of the film front in question met their brazen death right during the “work process” - their hearts could not stand it from rough sadomasochistic intercourse (which did not prevent brain-atrophied producers and directors from then profitably selling these shots in as a snuff movie).

On the other side of the attention of the strawberry eaters are the facts of the depressing life of these women and men. Constant companions of porn workers are vaginal herpes (burning of the inner walls of the vagina), chlamydia (disturbed microflora of the corresponding organs), acute cystitis (burning when urinating), itching, pubic lice, bleeding, not to mention gonorrhea and a high percentage of infection with syphilis and AIDS. This includes oral cancer and cervical cancer, which is often found among hackneyed porn performers. In particular (we will have to make a couple of exceptions) the now deceased “Emmanuela”, i.e. Doctors at one time diagnosed French-Dutch Sylvia Christel with throat cancer and further liver metastases, which she struggled with for the rest of her life. And the plump and aged American porn star of the 80s, Ginger Lynn, after having intercourse with about 2000 (!) partners, had her uterus completely removed.

According to many porn stars who have already been written off, they were always outraged by their bosses’ disregard for their “injuries on the job.” No insurance or unions, no inclination to care or compassion. There is a strong unspoken principle: the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. Porn dealers, as a rule, do not conduct even basic checks of their “pets” for AIDS before filming [which, by the way, exists in big Hollywood cinema]. This, pure water (more precisely, dirty water) is super-cynical slave-ownership. I remember how in 1982, a revealing confession from the French film distributor Albert Feraud slipped into Soviet film criticism: “Nowadays people are not ashamed to stand in line for pornographic films. And the fact that the films are poor is not important. I satisfy the tastes of the viewer. My position is purely mercantile. I sell porn like others sell washing machines. That's all. I’m a trader, and this doesn’t stain me” (edition “Cinema Art in the Struggle of Ideas.” Author A. Karaganov).

There is another creepy side to this matter, which neither the filmmakers themselves, nor sociologists, nor, especially, ordinary citizens think about. This truth is subject only to the minds of people who believe in God [as well as the rulers of this sinful sphere, who consciously took the path of black idolatry]. The terrifying problem lies in the fact that the all-devouring pornopleosaur is constantly washed with the blood of unborn babies, for his slaves almost every day practice endless infanticide in their wombs, popularly called “abortion.” After all, a person is endowed with a soul from the very moment of conception, therefore all unhealthy manipulations with the fetus of a future child - and even more so the deadly cutting of it from the mother's womb - is murderous. Abortions of porn stars and ordinary female spectators who consented to it under the influence of pornography are ritual acts of a mystical nature, endlessly pouring the pure blood of innocent babies onto the devilish altar. As the Dnepropetrovsk bishop, Metropolitan Irenei, told the author of these lines: “If a wife has already conceived and the fruit of the future human heritage is planted in her womb, this already means that God’s process has begun. And intruding into it is sinful and strictly prohibited. It's scary to kill a child who can't stand up for himself. He has not yet seen the light, and he is already a martyr!”

Hence, these “film workers” have endless psychological stress, which is vainly drowned out by alcohol, cocaine and sleeping pills. The body torn in all directions and the nervous system constantly receiving shock blows often lead them to the idea of ​​suicide, which many “plowmen” of this front - under demonic inspiration - do to themselves. This always happens in a fit of desperate madness. The criminal statistics of suicidal suicide among this fallen public are so high that there are even voices in America about organizing a separate cemetery for porn actors who have committed suicide. The second point of these terrifying reports is drug overdose. The third is an overdose of alcohol. The fourth is AIDS, other advanced sexually transmitted diseases and cancer of the genitourinary system. Fifth, heart attacks during filming, and so on and so forth. I don’t want to give specific names for the above reasons, but believe me (we have seriously probed this sad topic) that there are a great many of them.

If any of these former reasoners continue to live, then their existence rather resembles a miserable existence. As a rule, this involves begging for money from their former movie pimps, prostitution in miserable doorways and along highways, taking tranquilizers and hopeless depression.

After all, no one ever gave ordinary people in the porn industry the millions they cherished to earn; six-figure sums always went only to the sharks of this slag film production. And then - “welcome” to... the trash can. But the most depressing thing is their inability to return to normal life. For the reputation of these people who publicly discredited themselves (and their subsequent unfortunate children, if any are born), as a rule, turns out to be tarnished until the end of their earthly days.

For example, the famous Soviet-Russian actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov, who emigrated to the United States back in the late 80s, having at least achieved an independent American production, decided one day to film the former scandalous star of XXX category films Traci Lords in his thriller, i.e. nee Norma Louise Kuzma, the daughter of disadvantaged emigrants from Ukraine. The very next day after this fact was made public to his colleagues, Nakhapetov (also a native of the Soviet Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine, who apparently decided to support his erring countrywoman) lost a good director of photography, who left the project in protest against the participation of this “tired prostitute” in it. . The example of the reluctant lens master was soon followed by some other members of the film crew. This film by Nakhapetov did not even make it to the cinema, going straight to the video shelves. The trail of dirty fame of the main actress ruined the film's chances of getting onto the screens of secular cinemas.

This is just one of the one-off, so to speak, prosaic examples of the legal film business’s rejection of representatives of this disgusting imitation of cinema. Despite the fact that Traci Lords turned out to be one of the isolated “black sheep” of film pornography, who found the strength to break with her vile past (but this will be discussed in more detail below).

The author of these lines deliberately does not remember sodomy and bestiality pornography, because... this is already beyond the last bastion of his moral restraint. One thing is clear that we are dealing with universal evil, which exists according to its own laws of anti-truth , anti-love, anti-beauty, anti-creation. It exists both in the spiritual and in our earthly material world. And its meaning sees - through the cultivation of destructive passions - the servile and mocking subordination of a human civilization that has turned away from God.



Let's remember the eternal words...

...The lamp of the body is the eye; So, if your eye is clean, then your whole body will be bright; and if it is bad, then your body will be dark (Gospel of Luke, chapter 11, article 34)

— These instructions of Christ, apparently, were addressed not so much to the contemporaries of the incarnate God-Man (although in the pagan past, filth also poured out like a river into everyday life), but to you and me, dear reader. The Savior, who clearly foresaw the fate of the world, among other things, specifically warned the human race about the coming rampant of worldwide pornography. You are even more surprised by the fact - HOW in these simple but wise words He revealed to us the entire mechanism of the devil’s strategy to catch a person in his ossifying nets.

And the situation is this: every moment of our life [invisible to the physical eye] a demonic horde (later torturing the souls of people at the 16th ordeal), instilling in the mental sphere of each of us obscene thoughts, desires and thirst for criminal intercourse, tries to control our expressions of will and decisions and actions. - Whether it’s turning your head towards vulgar advertising of women’s swimsuits and tights, looking at the open long legs and bulges of promiscuous girls, muscular major “jocks” parading along the beaches and summer streets, the desire to start a “non-binding” adulterous affair on vacation. Or a sudden surge of desire to watch pornographic rubbish on video or in a virtual cinema...

In a few flashes we can highlight the essential nature of the deadly influence of pornographic spectacles on the human mind.

Flash 1st. This is an “intelligence” spiritual attack on a person’s calm state, with the goal of inclining his attention to a sexual topic (the same provocative outdoor advertising, covers of porn magazines in kiosks, figure-hugging unchaste women’s or men’s clothing, contemplation of obscene scenes on TV or in the movies).

Flash 2. “Working through” a weak soul through a chain reaction of subsequent fantasies of carnal content and a further desire for the speedy implementation of ever-increasing sex urges. One important note: this is the last frontier at which the human psyche can still fight the mental onslaught of lust and reject the indecent impulse. This is done with the help of a decisively mobilized will or a sincere prayer (a call for immediate intervention) to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary or a beloved saint.

Flash 3. But now - according to the research of the late historian, scientist and Orthodox thinker Evgeny Avdeenko - a Rubicon moment is occurring in the resulting confusion of man. This is FLASHING OF THE FLESH (from the influence of playboy fantasies on it). Now we no longer think with thought, but thought thinks with us. And it brings us to the implementation of a specific act: in this case, to viewing nasty porn information.

And then, having taken root in a person’s soul - which grows deeper, the less he resists this habit - pornography turns into a very tenacious emotional drug, occupying more and more new spaces of our consciousness.

Flash 4th. Accustomed to “entry-level” bestial spectacles, the moviegoer’s victim, after some time, becomes apathetic to the primary forms of on-screen fall from grace. As a result of the next demonic assault - we do not forget that we are talking about invisible spiritual warfare - a person experiences temptations of a more perverse nature (be it a “drift” into child pornography or pornography with a real murder in the finale, the so-called “snuff movie”) .

All these desires, naturally, then grow in intensity until they result in specific antisocial acts - stalking the “object” you like in everyday life, sexual harassment, sadomasochistic habits towards your other half, the desire to take part in unholy photo shoots and “hard” filming, rape, rape with murder, turning a person into a pathological serial killer, etc., etc. It’s not without reason that many sexual maniacs, starting their Luciferian bloody “harvest,” began their terrible “career” precisely by watching pornography as a basic model for his further villainous behavior.

(End to follow)

Boris Shvets (especially for the site “Legendary Cinema: Moral Assessment of Films”) Note: paragraphs in bold are a fresh addition and were added to the material on Thursday, November 15, 2021.

Legendary cinema

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