how much will they pay for killing a person?
How much will they give for killing a person? Articles, punishments, terms
The most cruel and terrible crime that a person is capable of is murder. For such an act
How are punishments classified in criminal law: basic and additional?
It is necessary to distinguish between arrest and detention. Only judicial authorities have the right to impose arrest or
hands in handcuffs
Murder by negligence: criminal liability and penalties
What can make a person a murderer? War? Hatred? Self-interest? Or a terrible coincidence? In judicial
Olga Zhuravleva
How to check a person for wanted purposes using a passport
Let's talk about the search: both missing persons and criminals. Namely: what happens
Insulting the feelings of believers
Criminal Code on insulting religious feelings
Art. 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for criminal prosecution for insulting the feelings of believers, is one of
Chapter 18. Crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual
The sexual integrity of children is protected by Russian legislation. Activities that are sexual in nature and related to a child
Attempted murder
All the information you need about attempted murder. Responsibility for a crime under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Murder is one of the most serious types of crime. However, criminal law provides for punishment not
Who is punished for illegal circulation of means of payment?
Who is punished for illegal circulation of means of payment?
The structure of offenses in the financial sector changes every year. Statistics show: modern computer technologies
Galina Vorobyova with Matvey
How many women's colonies are there in Russia and what are the conditions of detention for prisoners in them?
33-year-old Galina Vorobyova doesn’t know what’s going on behind the high walls of women’s colonies in Russia.
What are the criminal penalties for violating privacy?
Concept (which article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation?) The issue of violation of the boundaries of private life is regulated 137
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